7 research outputs found

    Desain dan Uji Coba Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Lkpd) Berbasis Sets (Science, Environment, Technology, And Society) pada Materi Koloid

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    This research aimed at knowing the level of validity and practicality students workbook SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) Based on Colloid Lesson. It was a Research and Development (R&D) Method with 4-D Model. It was administered at State Senior High School 1 East Kampar.  Subject of this research were  Media design expert, Learning material expert, Chemistry teacher and Fifteenth studenst. Object of this research were SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) Based on Colloid Lesson. the Instrument of collecting the data were questionnaire of validity test by the experts and questionnaire of practicality test by taecher and students.  student workbook was appropriate, if it was valid and practice aspect qualify.The validity and practicality could be seen from the result of validity and practicality using sheet of  validity and practicalisation. student workbook  resulting was tested with the validity level was 88.125% (Very valid)and practice was 90.4% (Very practice). The research result indentify that Student Workbook was tested, it appropriate to be an additional teaching teacher at school. Keywords : Student Workbook, SETS, Colloi

    Reduction of Heavy Metals Level in the Waste Water Using Phytoremediation Technique

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    This research was carried out due to the existence of the waste heavy metals in the aquatic environment, which was very harmful to the sustainability of the environment. The purpose of this research was to find out the reduction percentage of copper metal (Cu) on the waste. This research using method phytoremediation test. The plants used were water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) and algae (Hydrilla verticilata). This study was conducted three times of the repetition in each variable. The measurement of Cu concentration using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) flame. The Results of this research was found that the efficiency of the average reduction in the concentration of Cu by water hyacinth was 82.8368% and the efficiency of the average reduction in the concentration of Cu by algae was 63.4042%

    Preparing of Cornstarch (Zea Mays) Bioplastic Using ZnO Metal

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    The manufacture of the bioplastic was done through the mixing process using an aquades solvent with a ratio massa 10 gram and 7 gram cornstarch, 150 mL aquades, 2 Ml glycerol and 0,5 gram ZnO. This study aim to find out physical characteristies (water vapour transmission rate, water content, thickness,biodegradation) and mechanical charateristics (tensile strength, elongasi, modulus young) are made of cornstrach (Zea mays) using ZnO metal. From the test results tensile strength was 2.744-4.018 Mpa, percentage of elongation was 28.4632.383%, modulus young's was 8.9031026535-14.08617709Mpa, thickness was 0.16-0.29mm, water vapor transmission rate was 0.4329-1.52525g/m2.24 hours, water content was 13.5-14.5%, and biodegradation was 3.7798-7.0346% and 455-809 days

    Desain dan Uji Coba Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Video Animasi Powtoon sebagai Sumber Belajar pada Materi Sistem Periodik Unsur

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    This research was instigated by the lack of variative learning media  in learning process. This research aimed at knowing the level  of validity and practicality of Powtoon animation media  on Element periodic system lesson. It was a Research and Development  with 4-D (Define, Design, Development, Disseminate) model. It was conducted at State Senior High School 09 Pekanbaru. The subject of this research were the expert of powtoon animation video design, learning lesson expert, chemistry teachers, and students at State Senior High School 09 Pekanbaru. The Object of this research were Powtoon animation video on element periodic system. It was primier data that was obtained  from the questionnaire. Questionnaire of validity test and questionnaire of practicality test were the instruments of collecting the data. Data was analyzed by using analysis of descriptive and quantitative descriptive techniques. The Powtoon animation video media was tested with the percentage 88.35% (Very valid) and practice 86.54% (Very practice). From the result, it could be concluded that Powtoon animation video media on Element priodic system lesson was valid and practice and appropriate to be as an additional media in learning proces