4,613 research outputs found
The effectiveness of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) in Nigeria
Over the years, acts of insecurity, lack of safety consciousness and threat of terrorism have pervaded the maritime landscape of the world economy. The obvious dishonest outlook and fraud-like tendencies which over the years, have formed the most basic characteristics of the maritime industry have never helped matters either way, but has indeed complicated the issue of high insecurity of the port industries worldwide. The amendment of the Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) introduced the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) code) as preventive measure against the likelihood of terrorist attacks on Ships and Port Facilities
The Relationship between Placement of Female Teachers and Academic Performnace of Secondary School Students in Owerri Urban of Imo State
This research focused on the relationship between placement of Women Teachers and Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Owerri Urban of Imo State. Descriptive research design was adopted in carrying out the study. A random sampling technique was used to select ten (10) secondary schools used in the study out of twenty secondary schools in Owerri Urban of Imo state. Questionnaire was developed to collect primary data. The data collected was analyzed using the simple percentage method. It ascertained whether there are more female teachers in the Owerri Urban Secondary Schools than their male counterparts thereby assessing the role of women teachers to the education of the students, vis-Ă -vis their academic performance. In pursuance of the objectives, some hypotheses were stated as seen in chapter 1. A total of twelve schools (12) were sampled with twenty five (25) principals and vice principals, some classroom teachers and officials of the Secondary Education Management Board Owerri Zone as respondents. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires, oral interviews and personal observations respectively. From the findings as reflected in chapter five (5), it was concluded that although many variables are contributory to the excellent and poor performance of students, the posting of many women teachers in a School lowers teachers/school productivity and consequently affects adversely the studentâs academic performance. In order to improve the standard of education and this development in particular, some recommendations were made among which among them was government review of the policy of posting married women teachers within the areas their husbands are working to avoid over-concentration of women teachers in the urban Secondary Schools. Keywords: Student, Perception, School, Teacher, Female Teacher, Leadership, Behaviour, Leadership Behaviour
Associated movements in the contralateral limbs were measured quantitatively for 42 seven- to eight-year-old children who wrote with the right hand. Associated movements of the contralateral homologous muscles systematically increased as a function of the intensity of contraction of the active hand. The associated movements were more intense when the left hand was active. The order of hand use markedly affected the lateral asymmetry, indicating that the right and left hands were affected differentially by previous activity. Associated movements of the contralateral antagonist muscles were also observed, and their frequency varied as a function of active hand and exertion level. RĂSUMĂ Les mouvements associĂs des membres contro-latĂraux ont ĂtĂĂtudiĂs quantitativement chez 42 enfants ĂgĂs de sept ou huit ans Ăcrivant avec la main droite. Les mouvements associtĂs des muscles controlatĂraux homologues augmentaient systĂmatiquement en fonction de l'intensitĂ de la contraction dans la main active. Les mouvements associtĂs Ătaient plus intenses lorsque la main gauche Ătait active. L'ordre d'utilisation de la main affectait de faĂon marquĂe l'asymĂtrie latĂrale, indiquant que les mains droite et gauche Ătaient affectĂes diffĂremment par l'activitĂ antĂrieure. Les mouvements associĂs des muscles antagonistes contralatĂraux ont ĂtĂ aussi observĂs et leur frĂquence variait en fonction de la main active et du niveau d'activitĂ. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bei 42 sieben- bis achtjĂhrigen Kindern, die mit der rechten Hand schrieben, wurden die assoziierten Bewegungen der kontralateralen Seite quantitativ gemessen. Die assoziierten Bewegungen der kontralateralen homologen Muskeln nahmen systematisch als eine Funktion des Kontraktionsgrades der aktiven Hand zu. Die assoziierten Bewegungen waren intensiver, wenn die linke Hand aktiv war. Die Reihenfolge des Handgebrauchs beeinfluĂte deutlich die laterale Asymmetrie, was anzeigt, daĂ die rechte und linke Hand durch vorausgegangene AktivitĂt unterschiedlich beeinfluĂt wurden. Es wurden auch assoziierte Bewegungen der kontralateralen Antagonisten beobachtet, ihre Frequenz wechselte als eine Funktion der aktiven Hand und des Anspannungsgrades. RESUMEN Si midieron los movimientos asociados de las extremidades contralaterales y de forma cuantitativa en 42 nĂos de siete a ocho aĂos de edad, que escribian con la mano derecha. Los movimientos asociados de los mĂsculos homologos contralaterales aumentaban sistemĂticamente en funciĂn de la intensidad de la contracciĂn de la mano activa. Los movimientos asociados eran mĂs intensos cuando la mano izquierda era la activa. El orden en el uso de la mano afectaba marcadamente la asimetria lateral, indicando que las manos derecha e izquierda se afectaban diferentemente sugĂn la actividad previa. TambiĂn se observaron movimientos asociados de los mĂsculos antagonistas contralaterales i su frecuencia variaba en funciĂn de la mano activa y el nivel de esfuerzo.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65582/1/j.1469-8749.1986.tb03856.x.pd
Age Differences In The Magnitude Of Associated Movement
Using a quantitative measure of unintended mirror-movements in the contralateral limb during a unimanual task, the magnitude of associated movement across the ages from six to 16 years was determined. Male children in five age-groups (means 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 and 16.5 years) were asked to squeeze their index finger and thumb together to various percentages of their own maximal volitional force. Results indicate that the 6.5-year-old group differ from all other age-groups, exhibiting significantly greater associated movements at all levels of force. The results are discussed in terms of the development of inhibitory control over innate neuromotor synergies. RĂSUMĂ DiffĂrence d'Ăge dans l'amplitude des syncinĂsies L'amplitude des mouvements associĂs a ĂtĂ apprĂciĂe Ă l'aide d'une mesure quantitative de syncinĂsies involontaires en miroir sur le membre contralatĂral durant une tĂche monomanuelle, pour les Ăges de 6 Ă 16 ans. Des garĂons regroupĂs en cinq groupes d'Ăge (moyenne de 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 et 16.5 annĂes) ont ĂtĂ priĂs de presser leur pouce sur leur index avec des pourcentages variĂs de leur force volontaire maximale. Les rĂsultats ont montrĂ que le groupe d'Ăge de 6.5 annĂes diffĂrait de tous les autres groupes d'Ăge, produisant des mouvements associĂs significativement plus importants pour tous les degrĂs d'expression de force. Les rĂsultats sont discutĂs en terme du dĂveloppement du contrĂle inhibiteur sur les synergies neuromotrices innĂes. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Altersunterschiede bei assozierten Bewegungen Unter Verwendung einer quantitativen Messung unbeabsichtigter Spiegelbewegungen auf der contralateralen Seite bei einer unimanuellen Aufgabe wurde das AusmaĂ assoziierter Bewegung in verschiedenen Altersgruppen von sechs bis 16 Jahre bestimmt. Jungen aus fĂnf Altersgruppen (Durchschnittsalter 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 und 16.5) wurden aufgefordert, ihre Zeigefinger und Daumen mit unterschiedlicher Kraft zusammenzudrĂcken. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daĂ die 6.5 Jahre alten Jungen sich von allen anderen Gruppen unterscheiden, indem sie signifikant stĂrkere assoziierte Bewegungen in allen Kraftstufen aufwiesen. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert unter dem Aspekt der Entwicklung inhibitorischer KrĂfte zur Kontrolle angeborener neuromotorischer Synergien. RESUMEN Diferencias de edad en la magnitud de movimientos asociados Utilizando una mediciĂn cuantitativa de movimientos en espejo no intencionados en la extremidad contralateral, durante la realizaciĂn de una tarea con una sola mano, se examinĂ la magnitud de movimientos asociados a lo largo de las edades de seis a 16 aĂos. A chicos de cinco grupos segun la edad (con un promedio de 6.5, 8.5, 10.4, 12.4 y 16.5 aĂos) se les pidiĂ que apretaran los dedos indice y pulgar el mĂximo que pudiese dar de si su fuerza volitiva. Los resultatdos indican que le grupo de 6.5 aĂos diferia de todos los otros, mostrando un nivel significativamente mĂs alto de movimientos asociados en todos los niveles de fuerza. Los resultados se discuten en tĂrminos de una inhibicio del control sobre las sinergias innatas neuromotoras.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66330/1/j.1469-8749.1987.tb08817.x.pd
The Role of Attention in the Regulation of Associated Movement in Children
The effect of attentional processes in regulating associated movement was studied in 10 male children in each of five age-groups from six to 16 years. They were asked to squeeze their index finger and thumb to 75 per cent of their own maximal volitional force under three conditions: a spontaneous baseline condition, a sensory feedback condition and a post-training condition without sensory feedback. Children of all ages were able to reduce the magnitude of associated movements during the sensory feedback condition. In the post-training condition some of the ability to inhibit was lost, particularly for the six-year-olds. This supports the view that the integration of higher order processes, such as attention, with lower-level neuromotor inhibitory mechanism, plays a role in the reduction of associated movement with increasing age. Implications for therapy with clinical populations are discussed. RESUME Le r le de l'attention dans la r gulation des mouvements associ s chez l'enfant L'effet des procedures d'attention dans la r gulation des mouvements associ s a t tudie chez 10 gar ons dans cinq groupes d' ge (de six 16 ans). On leur demanda d'appuyer leur index sur leur pouce, 75 pour cent de la force maxima, dans trois situations: une situation spontan e de r f rence, une situation de feed-back sensoriel et une situation en post-apprentissage sans feed-back sensoriel. Les enfants de tous ges pouvaient diminuer l'amplitude des mouvements associ s durant la situation de feed-back sensoriel. Dans la situation de post-apprentissage, une partie de la capacit d'inhibition fut perdue, notamment six ans. Cela favorise la th se selon laquelle une int gration des fonctions de plus haut niveau, comme l'attention, joue un r le accru avec l' ge, dans la reduction des mouvements associ s, c t des m canismes neuro-moteur inhibiteurs de bas niveau. Les cons quences pour le traitement d'une population pathologique, sont discut es. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Bedeutung der Aufmerksamkeit f r die Kontrolle von Begleitbewegungen bei Kindern Bei je 10 Jungen aus f nf Altersgruppen wurde die Bedeutung der Aufmerksamkeit f r die Kontrolle von Begleitbewegungen untersucht. Sie mu ten ihren Zeigefinger und Daumen zu 75 Prozent ihrer maximalen willk rlichen Kraft unter drei Versuchsbedingungen zusammendr cken: spontane Basiskondition, sensorische Feedback Kondition und Post-Training Kondition ohne sensorisches Feedback. Kinder aller Altersgruppen waren in der Lage, bei der sensorischen Feedback Kondition die Begleitbewegungen zu reduzieren. Bei der Post-Training Kondition war ein Teil der inhibitorischen F higkeit, besonders bei den Sechs-j hrigen, verlorengegangen. Dies spricht f r die Annahme, da die Integration bergeordneter Prozesse, wie z.B der Aufmerksamkeit, zu untergeordneten neuromotorisch-inhibitorischen Mechanismen f r die Reduzierung von Begleitbewegungen eine Rolle spielt. Die sich daraus ergebenden R ckschl sse f r die Therapie von Patienten werden diskutiert. RESUMEN El papel de la atenci n en la regulaci n de los movimientos asociados en ni os Se estudi el efecto de los procesos de atenci n en la regulaci n de movimiento asociados en 10 ni os varones en cinco grupos seg n la edad (seis a 16 a os). Se les pidi que apretaran sus dedos ndice y pulgar hasta el 75 por ciento de su fuerza volicional bajo tres situaciones: una situaci n basal espont nea, una situati n con retroalimentaci n sensorial y una situati n post entrenamiento sin retroalimantacion sensorial. Los ni os de cualquier edad eran capaces de reducir la magnitud de los movimientos asociados en la situaci n de retrolimentaci n sensorial. En la situaci n de postentrenamiemto se perdi cierta capacidad de inhibici n, en especial en los ni os de seis a os de edad. Esto apoya la idea de que la integraci n de los procesos elevados, tales como la atenci n, con mecanismos inhibitorios de nivel neuromuscular m s bajo juegan un papel en la reducci n del movimiento asociado a medida que aumenta la edad. Se discuten las implicaciones terapeuticas y cl nicas.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65989/1/j.1469-8749.1991.tb14783.x.pd
Gaming when things get tough? Examining how emotion regulation and coping self-efficacy influence gaming during difficult life situations
Research suggests that gaming can play an important role in dealing with life difficulties, but few studies have examined this directly. Building on recent research, the current study set out to develop a measure of gaming in difficult life situations (GDLS) and explored the role of emotion regulation and coping self-efficacy as predictors of this behaviour. A total of 667 gamers completed the online survey. Initial analyses demonstrated validity and reliability of the GDLS scale (Îą=.92), with players turning to gaming as a distraction from life difficulties, to feel a sense of achievement, to connect with others, and for in-game connection and simulation. Multiple regression analysis showed that younger age, more time spent gaming in general, and lower coping self-efficacy predicted gaming in difficult life situations, but emotion regulation was non-significant. The study presents novel insights and a new measure for future research in this area
Timing of a Young Mildly Recycled Pulsar with a Massive White Dwarf Companion
We report on timing observations of the recently discovered binary pulsar PSR
J1952+2630 using the Arecibo Observatory. The mildly recycled 20.7-ms pulsar is
in a 9.4-hr orbit with a massive, M_WD > 0.93 M_sun, white dwarf (WD)
companion. We present, for the first time, a phase-coherent timing solution,
with precise spin, astrometric, and Keplerian orbital parameters. This shows
that the characteristic age of PSR J1952+2630 is 77 Myr, younger by one order
of magnitude than any other recycled pulsar-massive WD system. We derive an
upper limit on the true age of the system of 50 Myr. We investigate the
formation of PSR J1952+2630 using detailed modelling of the mass-transfer
process from a naked helium star on to the neutron star following a
common-envelope phase (Case BB Roche-lobe overflow). From our modelling of the
progenitor system, we constrain the accretion efficiency of the neutron star,
which suggests a value between 100 and 300% of the Eddington accretion limit.
We present numerical models of the chemical structure of a possible
oxygen-neon-magnesium WD companion. Furthermore, we calculate the past and the
future spin evolution of PSR J1952+2630, until the system merges in about 3.4
Gyr due to gravitational wave emission. Although we detect no relativistic
effects in our timing analysis we show that several such effects will become
measurable with continued observations over the next 10 years; thus PSR
J1952+2630 has potential as a testbed for gravitational theories.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to be published in MNRA
Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies as Predictors of Reading Comprehension Achievement among Students with Learning Disabilities in Nigeria
Reading is an essential language skill in studentsâ educational success. However, reports have shown that the most prevalent type of academic difficulties among secondary school students with learning disabilities is reading difficulties. Previous studies focused more on interventions to improve reading comprehension achievement of students with learning disabilities than on the influence of metacognitive strategies on studentsâ reading comprehension achievement. This study, therefore, investigated the influence of metacognitive awareness of (before, during and after) reading strategies on the reading comprehension achievement of students with learning disabilities in Senior Secondary Schools (SSS) in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A sample of 100 students with learning disabilities was purposively selected from nine SSS in Ibadan, Nigeria. Instruments used were Academic records, Screening Checklist for Suspected Learning Disabilities, English Language Achievement Test, Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Questionnaire and the Reading Comprehension Test. Data collected were analyzed using the Multiple regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. There was a joint contribution of the independent variables (metacognitive awareness of before, during and after reading strategies) to reading comprehension achievement (F(3,96)=3.61; R2=0.101). The result also reveals the relative contributions of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies (before, during and after) to the reading comprehension achievement among students with learning disabilities as follows: before (β = 0.25), after (β = 0.23) and during (β = -0.17) reading strategies. The study concludes that metacognitive awareness of (before, during and after) reading strategies influence reading comprehension achievement of students with learning disabilities. It is therefore recommended that students with learning disabilities should be trained on the use of metacognitive (before, during and after) reading strategies for improved reading comprehension achievement
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