432 research outputs found

    Iterative learning control of integer and noninteger order: An overview

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    Ovaj rad daje pregledni prikaz nedavno prezentiranih i objavljenih rezultata autora koji se odnose na primenu iterativnog upravljanja putem učenja (ILC) i to celog reda kao i necelog reda. ILC predstavlja jedno od važnih oblasti u teoriji upravljanja i ono je moćan koncept upravljanja koji na iterativan način poboljšava ponašanje procesa koji su po prirodi ponovljivi. ILC je pogodno za upravljanje šire klase mehatroničkih sistema i posebno su pogodni za upravljanje kretanja robotskih sistema koji imaju važnu ulogu u biomehatroničkim, tehničkim sistemima koji uključuju primenu i vojnoj industriju itd. U prvom delu rada predstavljeni su rezultati koji se odnose na primenu višeg celobrojnog reda PD tipa sa pratećom numeričkom simulacijom. Takođe, još jedna druga ILC šema celobrojnog reda je predložena za dati robotski sistem sa tri stepena slobode u rešavanju zadatka praćenja što je i verifikovano kroz simulacioni primer. U drugom delu, predstavljeni su rezultati koji se odnose na primenu ILC frakcionog reda gde je prvo PDα tip predložen za linearni sistem frakcionog reda. Pokazano je da se pod odredjenim dovoljnim uslovima koji uključuju operatore učenja konvergencija datog sistema može biti garantovana. Takodje, PIβDα tip ILC upravljanja je predložen za linearni sistem frakcionog reda sa kašnjenjem. Konačno, dovoljni uslovi za konvergenciju u vremenskom domenu predloženog ILC upravljanja su dati odgovarajućom teoremom sa pratećim dokazom.This paper provides an overview of the recently presented and published results relating to the use of iterative learning control (ILC) based on and integer and fractional order. ILC is one of the recent topics in control theories and it is a powerful control concept that iteratively improves the behavior of processes that are repetitive in nature. ILC is suitable for controlling a wider class of mechatronic systems - it is especially suitable for motion control of robotic systems that attract and hold an important position in biomechatronical, technical systems involving the application, military industry, etc. The first part of the paper presents the results relating to the application of higher integer order PD type ILC with numerical simulation. Also, another integer order ILC scheme is proposed for a given robotic system with three degrees of freedom for task-space trajectory tracking where the effectiveness of the suggested control is demonstrated through a simulation procedure. In the second part, the results related to the application of the fractional order of ILC are presented where PDα type of ILC is proposed firstly, for a fractional order linear time invariant system. It is shown that under some sufficient conditions which include the learning operators, convergence of the learning system can be guaranteed. Also, PIβDα type of ILC is suggested for a fractional order linear time delay system. Finally, sufficient conditions for the convergence in the time domain of the proposed ILC were given by the corresponding theorem together with its proof

    Stability and stabilization of fractional order time delay systems

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    U ovom radu predstavljeni su neki osnovni rezultati koji se odnose na kriterijume stabilnosti sistema necelobrojnog reda sa kašnjenjem kao i za sisteme necelobrojnog reda bez kašnjenja.Takođe, dobijeni su i predstavljeni dovoljni uslovi za konačnom vremenskom stabilnost i stabilizacija za (ne)linearne (ne)homogene kao i za perturbovane sisteme necelobrojnog reda sa vremenskim kašnjenjem. Nekoliko kriterijuma stabilnosti za ovu klasu sistema necelobrojnog reda je predloženo korišćenjem nedavno dobijene generalizovane Gronval nejednakosti, kao i 'klasične' Belman-Gronval nejednakosti. Neki zaključci koji se odnose na stabilnost sistema necelobrojnog reda su slični onima koji se odnose na klasične sisteme celobrojnog reda. Na kraju, numerički primer je dat u cilju ilustracije značaja predloženog postupka.In this paper, some basic results of the stability criteria of fractional order system with time delay as well as free delay are presented. Also, we obtained and presented sufficient conditions for finite time stability and stabilization for (non)linear (non)homogeneous as well as perturbed fractional order time delay systems. Several stability criteria for this class of fractional order systems are proposed using a recently suggested generalized Gronwall inequality as well as 'classical' Bellman-Gronwall inequality. Some conclusions for stability are similar to those of classical integerorder differential equations. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the validity of the proposed procedure

    Optimal control of redundant robots in human-like fashion

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    U ovom radu je predložen jedan novi vid upravljanja redundantnim robotskim sistemom. To je ostvareno primenom pogodnog kinematičkog i dinamičkog kriterijuma zasnovanim na biološkim principima tj. na načinu koji je sličan i svojstven čoveku. Ovde je dinamički model robotskog sistema dat u formi Langranžeovih jednačina druge vrste u kovarijatnom obliku.Nekoliko kriterijuma je uvedeno koji su funkcija generalisanih koordinata, brzina vektora ubrzanja kao i vektora upravljanja respektivno. Konačno, efikasnost predloženog optimalnog upravljanja na način sličan čoveku je demonstrirana na robotu sa četiri stepena slobode.This paper suggests a new optimal control of a redundant robotic system. It is achieved using suitable kinematic and dynamic criteria based on biological principles, i.e. in human-like fashion. Here, a dynamical model of robotic system is given in the form of Langrange's equations of second kind in covariant form. Several criteria are introduced which are the function of generalized coordinates, velocities, accelerations and control vectors, respectively. Finally, the effectiveness of suggested optimal control in human-like fashion is demonstrated with a robot with four degrees of freedom as the illustrative example

    Biologically inspired control and modeling of (bio)robotic systems and some applications of fractional calculus in mechanics

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    U ovom radu, prezentovane su primene biološki inspirisanog modeliranja i upravljanja (bio)mehaničkim (ne)redundantnim mehanizmima, kao i novodobijeni rezultati autora u oblasti primenjene mehanike koji su zasnovani na primeni računa necelobrojnog reda. Prvo, predloženo je korišćenje biološkog analogona-sinergije zahvaljujući postojanju nepromenljivih odlika u izvršavanju funkcionalnih pokreta. Drugo, model (bio)mehaničkog sistema može se dobiti primenom drugog biološkog koncepta poznatim pod nazivom distribuirano pozicioniranje (DP), koji je zasnovan na inercijalnim svojstva i pokretanju zglobova razmatranog mehaničkog sistema. Takođe,predlaže se korišćenje drugih bioloških principa kao što su: princip minimalne interakcije, koji ima glavnu ulogu u hijerarhijskoj strukturi upravljanja i princip samopodešavanja (uvodi lokalne pozitivnu/negativnu povratnu spregu u upravljačkoj petlji i to sa velikim pojačanjem), koji omogućava efikasno ostvarivanje upravljanja na bazi iterativnog prirodnog učenja. Takođe, novi, nedavno publikovani rezultati autora su takođe predstavljeni u oblasti stabilnosti, elektro-viskoelastičnosti i teoriji upravljanja a koji su zasnovani na korišćenju računa necelobrojnog reda.In this paper, the applications of biologically inspired modeling and control of (bio)mechanical (non)redundant mechanisms are presented, as well as newly obtained results of author in mechanics which are based on using fractional calculus. First, it is proposed to use biological analog-synergy due to existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motion. Second, the model of (bio)mechanical system may be obtained using another biological concept called distributed positioning (DP), which is based on the inertial properties and actuation of joints of considered mechanical system. In addition, it is proposed to use other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction, which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle (introduce local positive/negative feedback on control with great amplifying), which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Also, new, recently obtained results of the author in the fields of stability, electroviscoelasticity, and control theory are presented which are based on using fractional calculus (FC)

    6th International congress of the Serbian society of mechanics: Review

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje najvažnije informacije o 6. kongresu Srpskog društva za mehaniku, koji je održan na Tari od 19. do 21. juna 2017. Kongres je organizovan od strane Srpskog društva za mehaniku. Dat je kratak prikaz najznačajnijih radova predstavljenih na ovom kongresu, a koji se bave teorijskom i primenjenom mehanikom.This paper presents the most important information and describes the activities of the 6th Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics which was held on mountain Tara, on 19- 21 June, 2017. The Congress was organized by the Serbian Society of Mechanics. Brief summaries of the plenary lectures and some of 99 accepted papers, which admittedly attracted the most interest were shown as well

    Resolution of redundancy using local optimization: A synergy approach

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    Glavni cilj ovog rada je da promoviše sinergijski pristup koji omogućuje upravljanje redundantnim robotskim mehanizmom. Pokazano je da novo robotsko upravljanje se može ostvariti primenom odgovarajućeg biološkog analogona uvođenjem hipotetičkog upravljanja uz primenu prethodno navedenog sinergijskog pristupa, tako da je moguće razrešiti kinematičku redundansu. Takođe, u ovom radu je razmatrana i mogućnost uključivanja - prebacivanja sinergija u okviru jednog pokreta a prema zahtevima zadatka, što je realizovano korišćenjem logičkog upravljanja sa aspekta sinergijskog upravljanja.The major aim of this study is to promote a synergy approach which allows controlling redundant robotic mechanism. It will be shown that new robot control can be established using an appropriate biological analog where introducing the hypothetical control and applying the synergy approach it will be possible to resolve the kinematics redundancy. Also, in this paper the possibility of switching synergies within a single movement according to the task requirements is treated and the synergy approach with the logical controls proposed to solve this problem

    Finite-time stability analysis of fractional order time delay systems: Bellman-Gronwall's approach

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    Ovaj rad proširuje neke osnovne rezultate iz oblasti praktične stabilnosti i stabilnosti na konačnom vremenskom intervalu na nelinearne, perturbovane sisteme sa kašnjenjem necelobrojnog reda gde je predložen postupak testiranja robusne stabilnosti. Proučavan je problem dovoljnih uslova koji omogućavaju da trajektorije sistema ostaju unutar a priori zadatih skupova i to za posebnu klasu nelinearnih sistema sa kašnjenjem necelobrojnog reda.The paper extends some basic results from the area of finite time and practical stability to nonlinear, perturbed, fractional order time-delay systems where a robust stability test procedure is proposed. The problem of sufficient conditions that enable system trajectories to stay within the a priori given sets for the particular class of nonlinear fractional order time delay systems is examined

    Fractional order control of a robot system driven by dc motors

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    U ovom radu, predstavljeni su novi PID algoritmi upravljanja zasnovani na računu necelobrojnog reda i optimalnoj proceduri u zadatku pozicioniranja robotskog sistema sa tri stepena slobode pogonjen jednosmernim motorima. Cilj je bio odrediti optimalno podešavanje PIα Dβ kontrolera necelobrojnog reda da bi se ispunili željeni zahtevi zatvorenog sistema upravljanja, uzimajući u obzir prednosti korišćenja necelobrojnog reda α i β . Efikasnost predloženog optimalnog PID upravljanja necelobrojnog reda je demonstriran na pogodno usvojenom robotskom sistemu sa tri stepena slobode kao jednom ilustrativnom primeru. Takođe, ovaj rad predlaže jedno robustno upravljanje u režimu klizanja necelobrojnog reda datim robotom pogonjen jednosmernim motorima. Prvo je projektovan klasični kontroler u kliznom režimu zasnovan na PDα kliznoj površini. Numeričke simulacije su sprovedene da predstave robusne osobine predloženog upravljačkog sistema kao i da istakne značaj datog upravljanja koji se ogleda i u smanjenju oscilacija datog robota u radnom prostoru (chattering-free). Simulacije uključuju i poređenje kontrolera PDα u režimu klizanja necelobrojnog reda sa standardnim PD kontrolerom u režimu klizanja. .This paper presents the new algorithms of PID control based on fractional calculus (FC) and an optimal procedure in the position control of a 3 DOF robotic system driven by DC motors. The objective of this work is to find out the optimal settings for a fractional PIα Dβ controller in order to fulfill the proposed design specifications for the closed-loop system, taking advantage of the fractional orders, α and β . The effectiveness of the suggested optimal fractional PID control is demonstrated with a suitable robot with three degrees of freedom as an illustrative example. In addition, this paper proposes a robust fractional-order sliding mode control of a 3-DOF robot system driven by DC motors. Primarily, a conventional sliding mode controller based on a PDα sliding surface is designed. Numerical simulations have been carried out to show the proposed control system's robustness properties as well as the significance of the proposed control which resulted in reducing output oscillations (chattering-free) of the given robot. The simulations also include a comparison of the fractional-order PDα sliding mode controller with the standard PD sliding-mode controller.

    Iterative learning control of integer and noninteger order: An overview

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    Ovaj rad daje pregledni prikaz nedavno prezentiranih i objavljenih rezultata autora koji se odnose na primenu iterativnog upravljanja putem učenja (ILC) i to celog reda kao i necelog reda. ILC predstavlja jedno od važnih oblasti u teoriji upravljanja i ono je moćan koncept upravljanja koji na iterativan način poboljšava ponašanje procesa koji su po prirodi ponovljivi. ILC je pogodno za upravljanje šire klase mehatroničkih sistema i posebno su pogodni za upravljanje kretanja robotskih sistema koji imaju važnu ulogu u biomehatroničkim, tehničkim sistemima koji uključuju primenu i vojnoj industriju itd. U prvom delu rada predstavljeni su rezultati koji se odnose na primenu višeg celobrojnog reda PD tipa sa pratećom numeričkom simulacijom. Takođe, još jedna druga ILC šema celobrojnog reda je predložena za dati robotski sistem sa tri stepena slobode u rešavanju zadatka praćenja što je i verifikovano kroz simulacioni primer. U drugom delu, predstavljeni su rezultati koji se odnose na primenu ILC frakcionog reda gde je prvo PDα tip predložen za linearni sistem frakcionog reda. Pokazano je da se pod odredjenim dovoljnim uslovima koji uključuju operatore učenja konvergencija datog sistema može biti garantovana. Takodje, PIβDα tip ILC upravljanja je predložen za linearni sistem frakcionog reda sa kašnjenjem. Konačno, dovoljni uslovi za konvergenciju u vremenskom domenu predloženog ILC upravljanja su dati odgovarajućom teoremom sa pratećim dokazom.This paper provides an overview of the recently presented and published results relating to the use of iterative learning control (ILC) based on and integer and fractional order. ILC is one of the recent topics in control theories and it is a powerful control concept that iteratively improves the behavior of processes that are repetitive in nature. ILC is suitable for controlling a wider class of mechatronic systems - it is especially suitable for motion control of robotic systems that attract and hold an important position in biomechatronical, technical systems involving the application, military industry, etc. The first part of the paper presents the results relating to the application of higher integer order PD type ILC with numerical simulation. Also, another integer order ILC scheme is proposed for a given robotic system with three degrees of freedom for task-space trajectory tracking where the effectiveness of the suggested control is demonstrated through a simulation procedure. In the second part, the results related to the application of the fractional order of ILC are presented where PDα type of ILC is proposed firstly, for a fractional order linear time invariant system. It is shown that under some sufficient conditions which include the learning operators, convergence of the learning system can be guaranteed. Also, PIβDα type of ILC is suggested for a fractional order linear time delay system. Finally, sufficient conditions for the convergence in the time domain of the proposed ILC were given by the corresponding theorem together with its proof

    Mechanics of human locomotor system

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    (Bio)mehanički modeli ljudskog tela su važna oruđa u razumevanju osnovnih principa čovekovog pokreta i koordinacije, pri čemu,istovremeno modeli imaju široku primenu za industrijske, naučne i medicinske svrhe. U ovom radu su predstavljeni i razmatrani (bio)mehanički modeli ljudske ruke (7 SS), gornjeg dela tela i desne ruke (15 SS) i noge (2 SS).Takođe je prikazan jedan (bio)mehanički model celog ljudskog tela.Na kraju je sprovedena simulacija ravanskog mehaničkog modela ruke (5SS) u zadatku pisanja u MATLAB okruženju.(Bio)mechanical models of human body are important tools in understanding the functional principles of human movement and coordination as well as they have widespread applications for the industrial, scientific and medical purposes. In this paper (bio)mechanical models of the upper human limb (arm, forearm and hand, 7 degree-of- freedoms ( DOFs)), upper torso and right arm (15 DOFs) and of the leg with (2DOFs) are presented, where model of upper human limb is discussed in detail. Also, multi-chain (bio)mechanical model of a human body anthropomorphic locomotion configuration, is introduced. At last, simulations in MATLAB environment are performed and the results of kinematical and dynamical model of an anthropomorphic arm (5 DOFs) in the task of writing are presented