11 research outputs found

    Summary of off-target scores for selected gRNAs.

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    <p>Off-targets numbers as determined by Cas-OFFinder [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007503#pgen.1007503.ref009" target="_blank">9</a>] for Tyr2F, Tyr2R used in our experiment and Schaeffer (15).</p

    Analysis of CRISPR off-targets by whole genome sequencing.

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    <p>(a) Experimental design: Four sets of C57BL/6N parents gave rise to 9 control embryos (3 “no injection”, 3 “sham injection” with water only and 3 “Cas9 only”), and 10 treated embryos (5 were injected with Cas9 and Tyr2F gRNA and 5 were injected with Cas9 and Tyr2R gRNA). (b) Whole genome sequencing: All 27 mice / embryos were subjected to whole genome sequencing with median depth 39.5x and an average of 3.4% of bases with read depth less than 11x. (c) Variant calling and filtering: starting from the joint variant call (<i>bcftools mpileup + bcftools call</i>), a sequence of filter steps were performed to detect <i>de novo</i> mutations and remove likely false positives arising from low-level parental mosaicism and alignment errors at repeat regions. Parental-noise: alternate-allele reads present in either parent. Cross-noise: alternate reads from all other (non-parental) samples. (d) Filtered SNV and Indel counts are not significantly different within control groups, within treatment groups, or between control and treatment groups.</p

    Discovery of CMX990: A Potent SARS-CoV‑2 3CL Protease Inhibitor Bearing a Novel Warhead

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    There remains a need to develop novel SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic options that improve upon existing therapies by an increased robustness of response, fewer safety liabilities, and global-ready accessibility. Functionally critical viral main protease (Mpro, 3CLpro) of SARS-CoV-2 is an attractive target due to its homology within the coronaviral family, and lack thereof toward human proteases. In this disclosure, we outline the advent of a novel SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhibitor, CMX990, bearing an unprecedented trifluoromethoxymethyl ketone warhead. Compared with the marketed drug nirmatrelvir (combination with ritonavir = Paxlovid), CMX990 has distinctly differentiated potency (∼5× more potent in primary cells) and human in vitro clearance (>4× better microsomal clearance and >10× better hepatocyte clearance), with good in vitro-to-in vivo correlation. Based on its compelling preclinical profile and projected once or twice a day dosing supporting unboosted oral therapy in humans, CMX990 advanced to a Phase 1 clinical trial as an oral drug candidate for SARS-CoV-2