3 research outputs found

    Sagas on the web: The use of information technology to introduce cultural history

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    The paper is a presentation of our project, an upcoming website on Icelandic medieval manuscripts and cultural history. The sagas and the Eddic-poems are the product both of European culture and of Icelandic social conditions. The website will contain both a general historical discussion of the manuscripts and a detailed presentation of matters connected with their production. The website will be ideal teaching-material but can also provide useful information for the general public and tourists. The project’s aims To publish a website with information about the origin, history and preservation of Icelandic manuscripts, as well as their contents and their role in Icelandic cultural history To utilize the latest technology to make this cultural history available to those without special knowledge of the field Target users Students in Icelandic elementary and secondary schools The interested public and tourists The website can also be translated and modified for: Cultural tourism Elementary and secondary students in other Nordic countries Students of Icelandic or Old Norse studies in universities Distance teaching Other web project

    Hlutverk barnabóka fyrir börn á leikskólaaldri

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    Í þessu lokaverkefni verður fjallað um hlutverk barnabóka fyrir börn á leikskólaaldri. Fjallað verður almennt um barnabækur og hvaða þætti máltöku ungra barna þær efla og hlutverk leikskóla varðandi byrjendalæsi og upphaf lestrarnáms. Einnig verður farið yfir áherslur aðalámskrár leikskóla hvað varðar læsi og hlutverk bóka. Stuðst verður við fræðilegar heimildir og efnið tengt við rannsóknir sem gerðar hafa verið á læsi ungra barna. Þótt formlegt lestrarnám hefjist ekki á leikskólaaldri eru margir sem þurfa að vera til staðar til að styrkja og styðja við barnið til að það nái sem bestum árangri. Hér er hlutverk fjölskyldu og ættingja ekki síður mikilvægt heldur en kennara. Mikill hluti lestrarnámsins fer fram heima fyrir í lestrarstundum sem börnin eiga með þeim sem eldri eru. Á þessum aldri eru fæst börn farin að lesa sjálf svo þau þurfa að treysta á metnað eldri einstaklinga. Gagnlegt er að skoða hvaða barnabækur henta hvaða aldursskeiði fyrir sig með því að athuga texta og myndir í bókunum. Upplagt er að bæði kennarar og fjölskyldur barnanna nýti tímann þegar börnin byrja að byggja upp málþroskann til að ýta undir áhuga þeirra á barnabókum og noti þær sem kennslu- og skemmtiefni. Þegar bækur eru valdar með þroska barnanna að leiðarljósi eru meiri líkur á að þau haldi athyglinni og njóti þess að hlusta á textann og skoða myndirnar.Abstract. This thesis discusses the role children‘s books have for preschool children. The focus will be on children‘s books in the general sense, what factors they enhance that relate to language development of young children and what the role of kindergarten is when it comes to introducing reading and beginners literacy. Also, the priorities of the main curiculum for preschools will be discussed in regards to literacy and the role of books. This will be based on academic literature and the subject linked with research that has been done on literacy of young children throughout the years; but this topic has interested scholars in this field and been studied from different angles. During the early years of literacy education there are many people that need to be in place to strengthen and support the child in order for it to achive the best result. Here, the role of the family and relatives is as important as the role of the teacher, this is because large part of the reading program takes place at home when children read with those who are older. During these early years, most children are not able to read themselves and therefore they have to be able to trust in the amition and interest of older indiviuals when it comes to literacy