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    Riesgos laborales del personal de Enfermería del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo Azogues, 2016

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    La salud y el trabajo son dos aspectos fundamentales en nuestra vida están unidos y se influyen mutuamente, el trabajo permite el crecimiento del hombre, así como también puede ocasionar enfermedad y muerte bajo ciertas circunstancias. La exposición laboral para las enfermeras/os es diversa e incluye: agentes biológicos, químicos, incompatibilidades ergonómicas, condiciones ambientales y físicas. La naturaleza del trabajo demanda de una alta manipulación de materiales corto-punzantes, así como de líquidos orgánicos potencialmente infecciosos, capaces de transmitir enfermedades tal es el caso de la hepatitis B, C y el VIH.(1) Objetivo: identificar los riesgos laborales del personal de enfermería del hospital “Homero Castanier Crespo” de la ciudad de Azogues, 2016. Metodología: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo de corte transversal en un universo finito constituido por 201 personas, Enfermeras y Auxiliares de Enfermería, durante el periodo febrero-abril del 2016. Para la recolección de la información se aplicó un formulario estructurado y validado por las investigadoras. Posteriormente para el análisis de los resultados se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 20.0. Resultados: se encontró que el 95 % de enfermeras/os son mujeres, el 48.3% son licenciadas, el 39.2 % del personal auxiliar de enfermería ha cursado secundaria, 9.1 % de las enfermeras tienen cuarto nivel, 3. 4 % son auxiliares de enfermería, según los riesgos que más están expuestos el 22.2 % han sufrido pinchazos con material contaminado, el 1.1% caídas y el 6.8% traumatismos , según el cumplimento de las medidas de protección de los riesgos el 73.3% considera que si se cumple el 26.7% considera que no se cumple las medidas de protección de los riesgos. Conclusión: a pesar de que el personal de enfermería utiliza las prendas y medidas de protección, sufren accidentes durante su jornada laboralBackground Health and work are two fundamental aspects in our life are united and influence each other, work allows the growth of man, as well as can cause illness and death under certain circumstances. Occupational exposure for nurses is diverse and includes: biological agents, chemicals, incompatibilities and ergonomic, environmental and physical conditions. The nature of the work demands a high manipulation of short-piercing materials, as well as potentially infectious organic liquids capable of transmitting diseases such as hepatitis B, C and HIV. (1) The knowledge of the occupational risk factors to which the nursing staff is exposed is the basic pillar in making appropriate decisions for prevention, in a way that transcends healthy and safe work that supports physical, mental and physical well-being. Social work of the Nursing staff who works at the "Homero Castanier Crespo" hospital in the city of Azogues. (2) General objective Identify the occupational hazards of the nursing staff of the "Homero Castanier Crespo" hospital in the city of Azogues, 2016. Methodology A quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a finite universe consisting of 201 people, Nurses and Nursing Assistants who work in the "Homero Castanier Crespo" hospital during the period February-April 2016. For the collection of the information, a form was structured and validated by the researchers. Subsequently, an analysis was performed to identify the risk factors using the SPSS version 20.0 program. Results: In the research carried out, 95% of the nurses were women. In terms of education, 48.3% of the nurses were nurses, 39.2% had attended the secondary level, 9.1% were in the fourth level, and 4% were auxiliaries Of nursing, according to years of experience, 29.5% under 5 years, 23.) over 21 years, 23.3% between 6 and 10 years, 6.3% between 16 and 2 years according to the working day 80.1 % 15 users in full time work 11.9% part time, 8% average according to the risks that are most exposed 22.2% have suffered punctures with contaminated material, 1.1% falls and 6.8% injuries according to compliance with the measures Of protection of the risks 73.3% considers that if it is fulfilled 26.7% considers that the measures of protection of the risks are not fulfilled. Conclusion: Despite the fact that nurses use garments and protective measures, they suffer accidents during their working dayLicenciado en EnfermeríaCuenc