139 research outputs found

    Isolated microspore culture of wheat (Tríticum aestivum L.) with Hungarian cultivars

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    The most important steps of microspore-plant system were checked in isolated microspore culture of CY-45 spring genotype. A lot of microspore derived embryos were produced via embryogenesis and green and albino plantlets were regenerated from these structures. This is the first publication which reported about the androgenesis of numerous Hungarian agronomically important varieties in isolated microspore culture. Nine Hungarian varieties (GK Mini Manó, GK Garaboly, GK Hargita, GK Csongrád, GK Délibáb, GK Élet, GK Kata, GK Bán, Mv Palotás) were tested in isolated wheat microspore culture. Every genotype was responsive, embryos and embryo-like-structures were developed in cultures. Plantlets – albino and green - were regenerated in case of every Hungarian cultivar. Green plantlets were produced from six genotypes

    Factors influencing the efficiency of wheat anther culture

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    Using in vitro androgenesis serves as a unique opportunity to produce doubled haploid (DH) plants in many species. More benefits of this biological phenomenon have kept these methods in the focus of fundamental research and crop breeding for decades. In common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), in vitro anther culture is one of the most frequently applied DH plant production methods. The efficiency of in vitro wheat anther culture is influenced by many factors, such as the genotype, growing conditions, collection time, pre-treatments, and compositions of media and culture conditions. According to some critical review, the genotype dependency, low efficiency and albinism are mentioned as limitations of application of the anther culture method. However, some research groups have made significant efforts to diminish the effects of these bottlenecks. Due to the improvements, a well-established in vitro anther culture method can be an efficient tool in modern wheat breeding programs

    Improved Culture Media for Embryogenic Callus Generation in Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]

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    Androgenesis induction in microspore culture of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Isolated microspore culture experiments were carried out in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) F1 hybrid genotypes. In the first experiment, four culture media (W14, B5, MS and NLN) were compared to test their effectiveness in inducing the formation of microsporederived structures in two genotypes. The experiments revealed the superiority of B5 medium. In the second experiment, the effects of different ratios of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1) and kinetin (0, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1) were also investigated in B5 medium with two genotypes. The effect of growth regulators were investigated on the production of microsporederived calli and embryo-like structures (ELSs), the ratio of the two and plant regeneration (number of regenerated plantlets) in microspore culture. The histological experiments revealed the differences between the microsporederived ELSs and calli. The most promising results were obtained on the investigated parameters in the presence of 0.1 mg l-1 2,4-D and 0.2 mg l-1 kinetin producing the highest number of plantlets in both genotypes tested. In the response of 11 genotypes, the androgenesis induction was successful in each sweet pepper genotypes tested using the best basic medium and growth regulators combination. In case of 11 genotypes, the number of ELSs ranged from 20 to 100/Petri dish (an average of 48.1 ELS/Petri dish), while the number of green plantlets varied from 0 to 8 plantlets/Petri dish (an average of 1.5 plantlets/Petri dish) depending on the genotype. The spontaneous rediploidization rate obtained was 25% in isolated microspore

    Androgenic responses of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) combinations in in vitro anther culture

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    The androgenic parameters were investigated by in vitro anther culture (AC) on nine F25 breeding combinations of winter wheat (Triticum aestivium L.). Each combination produced embryo-like structures (ELS), green plantlets, albino plantlets, transplanted plantlets and acclimatized plantlets, with respect to the number of anthers in AC. The number of AC-derived ELS was between 11.73 and 52.76 ELS/100 anthers with the mean of 26.22 ELS/100 anthers, out of which the number of regenerated green plantlets varied from 3.20 to 26.40 green plantlets/100 anthers and the mean was 9.76 green plantlets/100 anthers, while the number of transplanted plantlets ranged from 2.16 to 21.77 transplanted plantlets/100 anthers. Furthermore, the number of albinos/100 anthers was mitigated and varied between 0.72 and 6.20 albinos/100 anthers. We also studied the number of green and albino plantlets per 100 ELS. The rate of green plantlets per 100 ELS ranged between 14.81% and 64.01%, with the overall mean 33.59%, while the rate of albinos per 100 ELS ranged from 4.82% to 20.70% with the overall mean 11.93%. In our experiment, the rate of acclimatized plantlets (70.15-91.57%) depended mostly on the combination. This study asserted the importance of AC method in wheat for in vitro production of green plants. Although albinism was found in each combination, it did not hinder the production of green plantlets. The satisfying results were achieved in green plantlets production compared to the previously published data, but further improvement will be needed continuously, experiment by experiment. The generated acclimatized plantlets will be used in the wheat breeding program as doubled haploid (DH) lines

    In vitro culture utilization in Hungarian triticale breeding program

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    The doubled haploid plants can play a key role in applied research to map the agronomically, botanically important traits and acceleration of the breeding process in crop plants. The efficiency of triticale anther culture was tested by two field- and greenhouse grown winter triticale varieties (GK Idus and GK Szemes). The effect of growing conditions and genotype and their interaction were tested on four androgenic parameters (number of embryo-like structures, total, green and albino plantlets). The androgenesis was induced in each treatment of the two tested genotypes. Cultivar GK Szemes produced more embryo-like structures, total and albino plantlets, while the field grown GK Idus produced the most green plantlets/Petri dish. In the experiments of growing conditions, the efficiency of this tested method was higher in anther culture of field grown materials if compare to greenhouse origin materials. Based on this promising data, we can suggest the using of this method in applied research (production of mapping population) and practical breeding

    Szilánkok a felsőfokú pénzügyi és számviteli oktatásról : Mit is tanuljanak ma a jövő bankárai és számvitelesei?

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    A pénzügyi kultúra része az is, hogy milyen legyen a jövő felsőfokú pénzügyi oktatása. Cikkünk fő kérdése az, hogy mit is tanuljanak a jövő bankárai, számvitelesei, könyvvizsgálói ahhoz, hogy növeljék a szakma presztízsét, megőrizzék diplomájuk magas ár/érték arányát, a kedvező elhelyezkedési esélyüket. A demográfiai szorításban és a külföld által támasztott verseny mellett sokkal intenzívebb belföldi versenyre kell minden intézménynek felkészülnie. Ez a „globális” kép természetesen valóságos szűkített területünkön is: a felsőfokú pénzügyi oktatási területen is el kell dönteni minden intézménynek, hogy merre keresi a helyét, milyen stratégiát választ. Cikkünkben a múltat is felidézve olyan szempontokat vetünk fel, amelyeket fontosnak tartunk a jövőre vonatkozó döntéseknél figyelembe venni