49 research outputs found

    Cardiocirculatory intraoperative assessment during single-shot caudal anaesthesia in children: comparison between levobupivacaine and ropivacaine

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    BACKGROUND: Caudal block with levobupivacaine or ropivacaine is the most commonly used regional anaesthesia in children. METHODS: The aim of study was to compare the cardiocirculatory profile induced in two matched groups of young patients, submitted to caudal anaesthesia with levobupivacaine or ropivacaine for an elective subumbilical surgery. Sixty children were enrolled: thirty received levopubivacaine 0.25% and thirty ropivacaine 0.2%. Intraoperative heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were monitored at following times: Ta0 (after anaesthesia induction), Tal (after caudal anaesthesia), Ta2 (five minutes later), Ta3 (ten minutes later), Ts1 (at surgical incision), Ts2, Ts3, Ts4, Ts5 (every 10 minutes during surgery), Taw (at the awakening). RESULTS: In both groups the cardiocirculatory trend remained within normal ranges at all times considered, demonstrating the safety of the method with both drugs. Both groups showed a similar trend at the different monitoring times: low decrease in HR, SBP and DBP after caudal block, slight increase in parameters after skin incision, slight decrease during surgery, increase at awakening. Regarding SBP and DBP, the levobupivacaine group children generally showed higher levels compared to the ropivacaine group, especially for DBP. CONCLUSIONS: Paediatric caudal anaesthesia is an effective method with an very infrequent complication rate. Possible hypotheses for differing haemodynamic behaviour could include a stronger vasoconstriction reflex of innervated areas during caudal anaesthesia with levobupivacaine and a lower levobupivacaine induced block of the sympathetic fibers, related to different pharmacokinetic profile of low concentrations of the local anaesthetics used in paediatric epidural space

    Interleukin-15 is required for immunosurveillance and immunoprevention of HER2/neu-driven mammary carcinogenesis

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    We previously demonstrated that HER2/neu-driven mammary carcinogenesis can be prevented by an interleukin-12 (IL-12)-adjuvanted allogeneic HER2/neu-expressing cell vaccine. Since IL-12 can induce the release of interleukin-15 (IL-15), in the present study we investigated the role played by IL-15 in HER2/neu driven mammary carcinogenesis and in its immunoprevention

    Involvement of circulating CEA in liver metastases from colorectal cancers re-examined in a new experimental model

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    Both experimental and clinical data show evidence of a correlation between elevated blood levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and the development of liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas. However, a cause-effect relationship between these two observations has not been demonstrated. For this reason, we developed a new experimental model to evaluate the possible role of circulating CEA in the facilitation of liver metastases. A CEA-negative subclone from the human colon carcinoma cell line CO115 was transfected either with CEA-cDNA truncated at its 3' end by the deletion of 78 base pairs leading to the synthesis of a secreted form of CEA or with a full-length CEA-cDNA leading to the synthesis of the entire CEA molecule linked to the cell surface by a GPI anchor. Transfectants were selected either for their high CEA secretion (clone CO115-2C2 secreting up to 13 microg CEA per 10(6) cells within 72 h) or for their high CEA membrane expression (clone CO115-5F12 expressing up to 1 x 10(6) CEA molecules per cell). When grafted subcutaneously, CO115-2C2 cells gave rise to circulating CEA levels that were directly related to the tumour volume (from 100 to 1000 ng ml(-1) for tumours ranging from 100 to 1000 mm3), whereas no circulating CEA was detectable in CO115 and CO115-5F12 tumour-bearing mice. Three series of nude mice bearing a subcutaneous xenograft from either clone CO115-2C2 or the CO115-5F12 transfectant, or an untransfected CO115 xenograft, were further challenged for induction of experimental liver metastases by intrasplenic injection of three different CEA-expressing human colorectal carcinoma cell lines (LoVo, LS174T or CO112). The number and size of the liver metastases were shown to be independent of the circulating CEA levels induced by the subcutaneous CEA secreting clone (CO115-2C2), but they were directly related to the metastatic properties of the intrasplenically injected tumour cells

    Multiorgan Metastasis of Human HER-2+ Breast Cancer in Rag2−/−;Il2rg−/− Mice and Treatment with PI3K Inhibitor

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    In vivo studies of the metastatic process are severely hampered by the fact that most human tumor cell lines derived from highly metastatic tumors fail to consistently metastasize in immunodeficient mice like nude mice. We describe a model system based on a highly immunodeficient double knockout mouse, Rag2−/−;Il2rg−/−, which lacks T, B and NK cell activity. In this model human metastatic HER-2+ breast cancer cells displayed their full multiorgan metastatic potential, without the need for selections or additional manipulations of the system. Human HER-2+ breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-453 and BT-474 injected into Rag2−/−;Il2rg−/− mice faithfully reproduced human cancer dissemination, with multiple metastatic sites that included lungs, bones, brain, liver, ovaries, and others. Multiorgan metastatic spread was obtained both from local tumors, growing orthotopically or subcutaneously, and from cells injected intravenously. The problem of brain recurrencies is acutely felt in HER-2+ breast cancer, because monoclonal antibodies against HER-2 penetrate poorly the blood-brain barrier. We studied whether a novel oral small molecule inhibitor of downstream PI3K, selected for its penetration of the blood-brain barrier, could affect multiorgan metastatic spread in Rag2−/−; Il2rg−/− mice. NVP-BKM120 effectively controlled metastatic growth in multiple organs, and resulted in a significant proportion of mice free from brain and bone metastases. Human HER-2+ human breast cancer cells in Rag2−/−;Il2rg−/− mice faithfully reproduced the multiorgan metastatic pattern observed in patients, thus allowing the investigation of metastatic mechanisms and the preclinical study of novel antimetastatic agents

    RNA interference as a key to knockdown overexpressed cyclooxygenase-2 gene in tumour cells

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    Silencing those genes that are overexpressed in cancer and contribute to the survival and progression of tumour cells is the aim of several researches. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is one of the most intensively studied genes since it is overexpressed in most tumours, mainly in colon cancer. The use of specific COX-2 inhibitors to treat colon cancer has generated great enthusiasm. Yet, the side effects of some inhibitors emerging during long-term treatment have caused much concern. Genes silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) has led to new directions in the field of experimental oncology. In this study, we detected sequences directed against COX-2 mRNA, that potently downregulate COX-2 gene expression and inhibit phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced angiogenesis in vitro in a specific, nontoxic manner. Moreover, we found that the insertion of a specific cassette carrying anti-COX-2 short hairpin RNA sequence into a viral vector (pSUPER.retro) greatly increased silencing potency in a colon cancer cell line (HT29) without activating any interferon response. Phenotypically, COX-2 deficient HT29 cells showed a significant impairment of their in vitro malignant behaviour. Thus, the retroviral approach enhancing COX-2 knockdown, mediated by RNAi, proved to be an useful tool to better understand the role of COX-2 in colon cancer. Furthermore, the higher infection efficiency we observed in tumour cells, if compared to normal endothelial cells, may disclose the possibility to specifically treat tumour cells without impairing endothelial COX-2 activity

    Discriminating between tectonic and sedimentary burial in a foredeep succession, Northern Apennines

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    An extensive apatite fission-track survey has been carried out on the Marnoso-arenacea foredeep succession in the Northern Apennines. The data show a general decrease of the maximum paleotemperature undergone by the sediments toward the foreland areas. The maximum burial calculated by using a geothermal gradient of 20 degrees C km(-1) spans from more than 5 km to less than 2.5 km and indicates that the previously assessed total thickness of the Marnoso-arenacea succession is not enough to justify the determined values. It is concluded that a now eroded Ligurian wedge, up to 5 km thick, was present on top of the Marnoso-arenacea sediments

    Bronchoscopy in newborns with esophageal atresia

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    The aim was to evaluate the influence of rigid laryngotracheo-bronchoscopy in newborns with oesophageal atresia (OA) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF) in preventing complications, improving diagnosis and surgical treatment. Among 76 consecutive newborns, received in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) from January 1990 to September 2001 with prenatal o perinatal suspected OA, forty-five had one or more other congenital anomalies. They were divided in I Montreal's risk group for 73.7% (56) and in the II one for 26.3% (20). Endoscopic procedure was performed in the operating room with Storz's rigid ventilating bronchoscope just before surgery, in all babies. With bronchoscopic examination we were able to identify the level, number and size of TOF and to visualise anatomical variants in 76 children. 15 children with OA had a gasless abdomen, but an upper pouch fistula was found only in three cases. In another four cases bronchoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of an "H" fistula and cervical surgical approach was established. One case had only oesophageal stenosis. 56 patients had fistula in lower pouch and in the last 38 cases we proceeded with selective transtracheal fistula incannulation and then we provided gastric drainage. One quadriforcation, 2 triforcations, 3 aberrant right upper lobe bronchi, 1 congential subglottic stenosis and 1 associated with a congenital subglottic stenosis and 1 left main bronchus agenesia were detected. No complications were correlated to the procedure and no babies had early pneumonia. Continuous feeding was achieved in 70 out of 76 patients: 46 primary anastomosis with 12 staged repairs (OA I and II type long gap), 4 resections of TEF, 8 oesophagocoloplasty. Nine babies (11.8%) did not survive. Clinical follow-up was possible in all the survivors. Mortality rate in the high-risk patients with OA remains high because of the many complications that may occur. Tracheal endoscopy is useful in improving the diagnostic approach and to prevent pulmonary complications. Fistula incannulation minimizes the risk of gastric distension and its detrimental effect on ventilation, helping the surgeon to identify TEF easily and quickly. Moreover, the endoscopic approach offers obvious advantages for the anaesthesiologist and the surgeon and has proven, in our experience, to be effective