12 research outputs found

    Optimization of chemical fertilizers application at Alopecurus pratensis L., in Banatplain conditions

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    Application of the fertilizers contributes to the enlargement of the biomass quantity and thus any effort is justified for the fodder plants where is aimed to obtain fodder volume (COJOCARIU L. ET AL., 2010). The goal of this paper is to find a functional dependence of the dry matter production for the Alopecurus pratensis fodder based on different amounts of fertilizer, in order to obtain the technical optimum and also depending on the cultivation technology that is applied. As biological material we used the variety Alpha of meadow foxtail, seeded in autumn at 12,5 cm and 25 cm distances between rows, by scattering method. In the paper there are presented the results obtained in the species Alopecurus pratensis, cultivated at different distances between rows and fertilized with different doses of nitrogen. The largest yields of dry matter were recorded in all variants for the maximal dose of nitrogen (240 kg ha). However, the technical maximum of dry matter was recorded as following: 8219 kg ha-1 for an amount of 214,65 kg ha-1 nitrogen and for 12,5 cm distance between rows; 8091,8 kg ha-1 for an amount of 216,25 kg ha-1 nitrogen and for 25 cm distance between rows, and 8746 kg ha-1 for an amount of 208,29 kg ha-1 nitrogen and for sowing by scattering

    The classification of genotyes on the quantitative characters at Alopecurus pratensis L., in Simişoara conditions

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    The increasing production of forage crops is the basis that can provide a modern animal husbandry. This is possible only through the existence of a biological material of great value on the one hand, and on the other hand, the existence of appropriate agricultural technology required to a superior capitalization of the biological potential (COJOCARIU L. AND LALESCU D.V., 2010). The goal of this paper is to classify some biotypes of Alopecurus pratensis collected from spontaneous flora through the main morphological production characters (namely the shoot plant number, the leaf plant number, the plant height and the dry matter) emphasizing the correlations between these characters. The biological material studied was the Alopecurus pratensis biotypes collected from Banat area. More precisely, there where studied Alopecurus pratensis biotypes around Remetea Mare Mare Topolovatu, Lugoj, Traian Vuia Sinersig, Buzias and Albina. It was shown the similarities between Alpha and Sinersig biotypes; Topolovatu Mare, Buzias, Albina and Lugoj biotypes; Remetea Mare and Traian Vuia biotypes

    Researches regarding the production capacity and quality of alfalfa in crisurilor plain condition

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    Nitrogen supply through mineral fertilization affects nitrogen biological fixation process in legume plants, even though plants can directly absorb the mineral N. For species such as alfalfa, in addition to the inhibitory effect, mineral fertilization decreases the useful life of the crop and the quality of protein in the dry matter According to some authors there is a positive response in biomass production for N application only in excess of 100 kg ha-1 year. The aim of this paper is to find conditions resulting in higher production of alfalfa under different variants of fertilisation in Batar conditions, Bihor county and the chemical analysis of this forage. The research was carried out in the experimental fields that belong to the society SC Frevest SRL from Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experiment being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The experimental setup was randomized block design, in three repetitions, the plot surface being 45 m2 . Sowing was made on October 5th 2010. In order to determine the production, the harvesting was done at 61st phenophase (beginning of flowering: 10% of flowers open) of alfalfa (the extended BBCH-scale, general). Considering the analyses regarding alfalfa production capacity the biggest production of green mass was obtained at N50P50K50+ N100 fertilization variant of 47.00 t ha-1. The differences are statistically assured as very significant and have been registered between alfalfa production obtained at variant N50P50K50 (25.7 t ha-1) and variant N50P50K50 + N50 (42.3 t ha-1); variant N50P50K50 (25.7 t ha-1) and variant N50P50K50 + N100 (47.0 t ha-1): variant N50P50K50 + N50 (42.3 t ha-1) and variant N50P50K50 + N100 (47.0 t ha-1). Regarding the chemical composition of the yield of N50P50K50+ N100 fertilization variant we can conclude: crude protein content is 178.7 g/kg, crude fiber content is 302.4 g/kg, NDF is 520.8 g/kg, ADF is 307.6 g/kg and ADL is 91.9 content on dry matter basis (kg DM)

    Investigation regarding the production capacity of triticale under different variant of nitrogen

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    Some authors say that nitrogen supply through mineral fertilization affects nitrogen biological fixation process in legume plants, Triticale (xTriticosecale Wittmack), resulting from crossing between wheat and rye, has the potential to introduce valuable economic benefits to both grain and herbage production systems. Others say that triticale produces at least 20% more forage than wheat, and is higher in forage quality than rye or wheat and triticale has agronomic advantages, it can be grown on more marginal land (arid, acidic, etc.) and requires less agricultural chemicals (fertilizer, agronomic chemicals, etc.). For this triticale seems to be an interesting alternative to other cereals, particularly bread wheat, in environments where growing conditions are unfavorable or in low-input systems. The aim of this paper is to find the maximum production of triticale taking under different variant with chemical fertilisation in Batăr conditions, Bihor county and the chemical composition of this. The research was carried out in the experimental fields that belong to the society SC Frevest SRL from Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experience being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The biggest production of triticale obtained in 2012, under different fertilisation variant was registered at N50P50K50 + N100 variant (5,4 t.ha -1 ), which shows us, that exist significant statistic differences between the production obtained at fertilisation variant N50P50K50 + N100 (5,4 t.ha-1 ) and the production obtained at fertilized variant N50P50K50 that have obtained 4,8 t.ha-1 . Regarding the chemical composition we can conclude that: the dry matter content is 88.56%, crude protein content is 134.41 g/kg, crude fiber content is 17.4 g/kg, NDF is 470.27 g/kg, ADF is 22.13 g/kg and ADL is 18.45 g/kg, content on 1000 g fresh matter

    Researches regarding the production capacity and quality of alfalfa in crisurilor plain condition

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    Nitrogen supply through mineral fertilization affects nitrogen biological fixation process in legume plants, even though plants can directly absorb the mineral N. For species such as alfalfa, in addition to the inhibitory effect, mineral fertilization decreases the useful life of the crop and the quality of protein in the dry matter According to some authors there is a positive response in biomass production for N application only in excess of 100 kg ha-1 year. The aim of this paper is to find conditions resulting in higher production of alfalfa under different variants of fertilisation in Batar conditions, Bihor county and the chemical analysis of this forage. The research was carried out in the experimental fields that belong to the society SC Frevest SRL from Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experiment being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The experimental setup was randomized block design, in three repetitions, the plot surface being 45 m2 . Sowing was made on October 5th 2010. In order to determine the production, the harvesting was done at 61st phenophase (beginning of flowering: 10% of flowers open) of alfalfa (the extended BBCH-scale, general). Considering the analyses regarding alfalfa production capacity the biggest production of green mass was obtained at N50P50K50+ N100 fertilization variant of 47.00 t ha -1 . The differences are statistically assured as very significant and have been registered between alfalfa production obtained at variant N50P50K50 (25.7 t ha 1 ) and variant N50P50K50 + N50 (42.3 t ha -1 ); variant N50P50K50 (25.7 t ha -1 ) and variant N50P50K50 + N100 (47.0 t ha -1 ): variant N50P50K50 + N50 (42.3 t ha -1 ) and variant N50P50K50 + N100 (47.0 t ha -1 Regarding the chemical composition of the yield of N50P50K50+ N100 fertilization variant we can conclude: crude protein content is 178.7 g/kg, crude fiber content is 302.4 g/kg, NDF is 520.8 g/kg, ADF is 307.6 g/kg and ADL is 91.9 content on dry matter basis (kg DM)

    Investigation regarding the production capacity of triticale under different variant of nitrogen

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    Some authors say that nitrogen supply through mineral fertilization affects nitrogen biological fixation process in legume plants, Triticale (xTriticosecale Wittmack), resulting from crossing between wheat and rye, has the potential to introduce valuable economic benefits to both grain and herbage production systems. Others say that triticale produces at least 20% more forage than wheat, and is higher in forage quality than rye or wheat and triticale has agronomic advantages, it can be grown on more marginal land (arid, acidic, etc.) and requires less agricultural chemicals (fertilizer, agronomic chemicals, etc.). For this triticale seems to be an interesting alternative to other cereals, particularly bread wheat, in environments where growing conditions are unfavorable or in low-input systems. The aim of this paper is to find the maximum production of triticale taking under different variant with chemical fertilisation in Batăr conditions, Bihor county and the chemical composition of this. The research was carried out in the experimental fields that belong to the society SC Frevest SRL from Batăr locality, Bihor county, the experience being placed on a chernozem argiloiluvial soil. The biggest production of triticale obtained in 2012, under different fertilisation variant was registered at N50P50K50 + N100 variant (5,4 t.ha -1 ), which shows us, that exist significant statistic differences between the production obtained at fertilisation variant N50P50K50 + N100 (5,4 t.ha-1 ) and the production obtained at fertilized variant N50P50K50 that have obtained 4,8 t.ha-1 Regarding the chemical composition we can conclude that: the dry matter content is 88.56%, crude protein content is 134.41 g/kg, crude fiber content is 17.4 g/kg, NDF is 470.27 g/kg, ADF is 22.13 g/kg and ADL is 18.45 g/kg, content on 1000 g fresh matter

    Correlations and Interdependencies of the Main Morphological Traits in Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) Fingerlings, Reared in Recirculating Aquaculture System

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    The aquaculture of the sturgeons from the Danube River basin is a niche approached by more and more Romanian entrepreneurs. The sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) is a fresh water sturgeon with some useful characteristics that recommend this species to become a good candidate for intensive aquaculture in RAS. The monitoring of the growth dynamic of the sterlet or any other fish species reared in controlled conditions is very important for the fish farm management, especially for setting and adjustment of the technological parameters that directly influence the growth performances. The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlations and functional dependencies between some morphological traits, like total and standard length, maximum body depth and body weight in sterlet fingerlings reared exclusively into recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Our results clearly demonstrated that any of the four body measurements (total length, standard length and maximum body depth and body weight) could be monitored in sterlet fingerlings, to accurately assess the growth dynamic, the correlations among these being very high (ranging from 0.982296 to 0.999778). Moreover, the dependencies of these traits are very high. Three of measurements could be calculated based on sterlet body weight with our equations

    Study On The Effects of Polyculture of the Sterlet (Acipenser Ruthenus) Fingerlings and European Catfish (Silurus Glanis) on Bioproductive Performances of These Species in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of polyculture of the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) fingerlings with european catfish (Silurus glanis) (20 – 30%) into recirculating aquaculture system on growth dynamic of the fish and tank’s bioproductivity. Two variants of polyculture have been tested during a period of 42 days in duplicate: V1-sterlet with 20% catfish (600 sterlets and 120 catfish); V2-sterlet with 30% catfish (600 sterlets and 180 catfish). The control group (C) contains sterlet in monoculture (600 sterlets). After 42 days of polyculture of the sterlet fingerlings with catfish 20% (V1) or 30% (V2) there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in sterlets’ growth dynamic among the three variants. The bioproductive indices were better in the polyculture variant where sterlets were farmed with 30% catfish. Polyculture of catfish and sterlet could be a good way to positively influence the fingerling sterlet farming in RAS, having a beneficial impact on tank’s bioproductivity. A significant plus of fish biomass (catfish) resulted by means of valorisation of the unconsumed food by the sterlet, was obtained in both polyculture variants

    Tilia sp. - Urban Trees for Future

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    Tilia spp. (lime trees) as ornamental trees have a privileged place in the European mythology and traditions and this is a reason of their constant presence in the urban landscape. Lime trees are in general very resistant to biotic and abiotic stress, although some sanitary problems may occur (e.g. aphids and other related organisms). Tilia spp. are considered a good bioindicator and accumulator of heavy metals. Seasonal accumulations of Pb, Ni, Cr, Mn, Cu and Fe in leaves of Tilia spp. in urban and periurban green areas of Western Romania, under different traffic conditions, were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results confirmed the direct correlation between the traffic intensity and the accumulation of Pb in leaves. By mitigating the effects of air pollution, especially in terms of heavy metals, Tilia spp. should be further promoted as urban trees