67 research outputs found

    The psychological dimension in the quality of life aassessment in association with dental aesthetics

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    Psihološke dimenzije u procjeni kvalitete života povezane s dentalnom estetikom Ciljevi istraživanja Ciljevi istraživanja su slijedeći : prevesti i testirati pouzdanost Upitnika psihosocijalnog utjecaja dentalne estetike (PIDAQ) i Upitnika oralnog utjecaja na dnevne aktivnosti (OIDP); istražiti povezanost između dobi, spola, stupnja stručne spreme, parodontološkog i dentalnog statusa te stupnja pacijentova zadovoljstva izgledom, bojom i položajem zuba te izgledom zubnog mesa; usporediti pacijentov dojam izgleda gornjih prednjih zuba i zubnog mesa s kliničkim pregledom doktora dentalne medicine; utvrditi koliko su želje pacijenata u smislu poboljšanja izgleda povezane sa stvarnim stanjem parodontološkog i dentalnog statusa (boja, oblik, kompresija, vidljivost); utvrditi koliko su svi dosadašnji dentalni zahvati povezani s pacijentovim zadovoljstvom izgledom zuba te ispitati koji su od svih izmjerenih parametara (boja, oblik, veličina zuba, vidljivost...) značajni prediktori pacijentova zadovoljstva izgledom zuba.The psychological dimension in the quality of life assessment in association with dental aesthetics Objectives The purpose of this study was to translate and test the reliability and validity of the PIDAQ and OIDP questionnaires; to explore the relationship between age, gender, education level, periodontal and dental status, and degree of patient satisfaction with appearance, color and position of the teeth and gingival tissue; to compare the patient's impression of maxillary anterior teeth and gingival tissue appearance with clinical examination for dentists; to determine how the patients’ desires matched the actual state of periodontal and dental status (color, shape, compression, visibility) in terms of improving the appearance; to determine how all previous dental procedures associated with patient satisfaction of tooth appearance; to examine which of the measured parameters (color, shape, tooth size, visibility ...) were significant predictors of patient satisfaction regarding the tooth appearance, as well as to examine which of the psychological, social and functional dimensions mostly discriminated the people who are happy with their dental aesthetics from the dissatisfied ones. Patients and Methods The sample consisted of 700 participants of both genders who were scheduled for dental treatment at the Clinic of Dental Medicine, Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka. The study consisted of completion of the Aesthetic questionnaire specially constructed for this purpose, as well as completion of two psychological measuring instruments - (Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire - PIDAQ) and (Oral Impact on Daily Performances - OIDP ). Results The hypothesis was confirmed. Participants who wanted a fixed prosthetic appliances on the front teeth were significantly older (M = 48.24 years) compared to those who did not want them (M = 43.63 years, p = 0.001). Factor analysis of the Aesthetic questionnaire indicated that the assessment scale created for this purpose and based on an assessment of the five elements of satisfaction was one-dimensional, e.g. it measured the overall level of satisfaction. Reliability of such scale defined by internal consistency was high (Cronbach α = 086). Pearson correlation indicated that there was no statistically significant correlation between age and patients’ satisfaction with their teeth regarding either the individual aspects or the general level of satisfaction. There are statistically significant effects of tone and intensity of color, and border interactions and color tone and intensity to the satisfaction of the color of teeth. The participants with darker teeth give lower estimates of satisfaction teeth. Negative predictors of the overall satisfaction with tooth appearance were plaque index and tooth fracture, in contrast to the tooth visibility when smiling which was proven as the satisfaction predictor of tooth appearance. The most common dental procedures performed in the investigated population were professional tooth cleaning and root canal treatment; the fewest had dental implants or undertook tooth whitening procedures. Subjects with composite fillings commonly expressed the desire for general improvement in tooth appearance, orthodontic therapy, placement of crowns and tooth whitening. Factor analysis of the PIDAQ instrument indicated that factors 2, 3 and 4 which correspond to the Psychological impact of dental aesthetics, Social impact of dental aesthetics and Dental self-confidence have sufficient confidence of the average correlation coefficient (r = 0.56- 0.76) and coefficient of internal consistency (α Cronbach 0.88-0.95), while the first factor (dimension of aesthetic concern) had a low average correlation and internal consistency (r = 0.32 and α = 0.58). Particles of the OIDP questionnaires showed high internal consistency reliability (Cronbach α = 0.79), and the average correlation between the particles was 0.36 (from 0.16 to 0.84). We performed a regression analysis to examine the extent to which the results of the PIDAQ and OIDP questionnaires affected the overall satisfaction with dental aesthetics, but we can say that the deciding factor of the PIDAQ and OIDP questionnaires does not predict the patients’ satisfaction with tooth appearance (F5, 531 = 0.43, p =0.82). Conclusions Aesthetic questionnaire specifically designed for this study showed an extremely high degree of consistency (Cronbach α = 0.86), which gives us the possibility to register the same quality level as the readout in future scientific research. Patient satisfaction with tooth appearance is associated with the visibility, color and shape of the teeth, level of education, amount of plaque on the teeth, the presence of fractures of the teeth and some dental surgery in the anterior segment. The procedure most frequently desired by the patients was tooth whitening. Furthermore, the research confirmed the hypothesis that the older participants preferred fixed prosthetic works unlike the younger ones who were satisfied with composite fillings. We validated the reliability of the PIDAQ and OIDP instruments, whereby we came to the conclusion that in the Croatian language the 4 dimensions of the PIDAQ instrument would probably be better interpreted if reduced to two dimensions, with the Aesthetic concerns posing as one dimension, and the remaining three should be consolidated into the second dimension. OIDP questionnaire also had a high degree of consistency (Cronbach α =0.79

    Uporaba tehnološke dokumentacije kod izrade fiksacijskih pločica za vestibuloplastiku

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    Aim: The implementation of computer applications has become a necessary step in providing higher quality service to patients receiving dental/medical prosthodontic restorations. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the time necessary for the vestibuloplasty fixation plate manufacturing using the computer aided method based on the computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and then compare it with the conventional method, which is presently used in common practice. Methods: During this research two vestibuloplasty fixation plates were manufactured. The first one was made as per conventional method using the alginate impression and hard stone, while the other one was made using new computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies. Using both methods, we analysed the total time for fixation plate manufacturing as well as necessary steps in process. In addition, access, documentation creation and transport between dental laboratory and the dental/medical office time were also analyzed. Results: The use of the CAD/CAM technologies ensures the continuity of all steps in the process of vestibuloplasty fixation plate production. Electronic documentation created in this way can be stored at a network server and become available for wider range of users. Data analysis indicates that the number of steps used in the computer based method is decreased for 18,1 % compared with the conventional method. Improvements indicate that documentation preparation time was decreased for 30,0 %, and time for documentation access was reduced for 86,7 %. Time for documentation creation was decreased for 40,0 %. This computer method also increased transport time efficiency for 83,3 %. In comparison with the conventional method, the total time necessary for fixation plate manufacure was significantly reduced for 51,6 %. Discussion: The use of computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies in comparison with the conventional method significantly accelerates production time in dental/medical office thus raising the level of service.Cilj: U svrhu pružanja kvalitetnije usluge bolesnicima dentalno-medicinske protetike, implementacija računalnih rješenja postala je nužan korak. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi potrebno vrijeme za izradu fiksacijske pločice za vestibuloplastiku računalnim rješenjima baziranim na CAD/CAM (engl. computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tehnologiji i usporediti ga s izradom fiksacijske pločice konvencionalnom metodom, uobičajenom u praksi. Metoda: Tijekom ovog istraživanja izrađene su dvije fiksacijske pločice. Jedna pločica izrađena je konvencionalnom metodom pomoću alginatnog otiska i sadrenog modela, a druga uporabom novih računalnih rješenja i CAD/CAM tehnologijom. Korištenjem obje metode analizirano je ukupno vrijeme potrebno za izradu fiksacijske pločice, kao i broj potrebnih koraka za izradu istih. Također je analizirano vrijeme potrebno za izradu i pristup dokumentaciji, te vrijeme transporta između zubotehničkog laboratorija i ordinacije dentalno-medicinske protetike. Rezultati: Uporabom CAD/CAM tehnologije osigurala se slijednost svih koraka u postupku izrade fiksacijske pločice, a računalna dokumentacija mogla se pohraniti na serveru i učiniti dostupnom širem krugu korisnika. Analizom podataka vidjelo se da je broj koraka primjenom računalne metode u odnosu na konvencionalnu manji za 18,1 %. Vrijeme potrebno za pripremu dokumentacije kraće je za 30,0 %, za pristup dokumentaciji 86,7 %, dok je vrijeme za izradu dokumentacije manje za 40,0 %. Primjenom računalne metode vrijeme transporta skraćeno je za 83,3 %. Ukupno vrijeme izrade fiksacijske pločice računalnom metodom u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu smanjeno je za 51,6 %. Rasprava: Uporaba računalne tehnologije u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu značajno ubrzava vrijeme rada u dentalno-medicinskoj protetici, te na taj način podiže razinu usluge

    Functional impression of edentulous jaw

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    Potpuna zubna proteza je nadomjesno terapijsko sredstvo izgubljenih prirodnih zuba, resorbiranih koštanih tkiva i promijenjenih mekih tkiva usne šupljine. Njezin zadatak je uspostava funkcije i estetike stomatognatog sustava. Izradba potpune proteze obuhvaća brojne kliničke i laboratorijske faze, a njihova precizna izvedba ključ je uspjeha protetske rehabilitacije. Pravilno izrađen funkcijski otisak pridonosi dobrom prilijeganju i retenciji proteze te posljedično zadovoljnom pacijentu, stoga je cilj ovog rada analizirati kompleksnost izvedbe funkcijskog otiska te pogreške koje se pritom mogu javiti.Complete denture replacement is a therapeutic agent for lost natural teeth, resorption of bone tissue and altered soft tissues of the oral cavity. Its task is to establish the function and aesthetics of the stomatognathic system. Fabrication of complete dentures includes a number of clinical and laboratory phases, and their precise construction is the key to success of prosthetic rehabilitation. Correctly made functional impression contributes to good fitting and retention of the prosthesis and consequently satisfied patient. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the complexity of design of a functional impression including mis- takes that can occur at the same time

    Speech in patients with removable dental prostheses

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    Svakodnevna praksa i klinička ispitivanja pokazuju kako u bolesnika zbrinutih mobilnim protezama postoji promjena fiziološkog govora, što upućuje na važnost govorne rehabilitacije bezubih bolesnika. U ovom radu razmatrano je određivanje najmanjeg govornog razmaka tijekom određivanja vertikalnog međučeljusnog odnosa i njegova važnost u protetici, kao i utjecaj okluzijske ravnine i nepčane ploče proteza na izgovor. Opisan je i potencijalni negativni utjecaj međuodnosa jezika, usana i umjetnih zubi na tvorbu glasova, s obzirom na to da je postava umjetnih zubi najvažniji čimbenik govora. Naknadna briga o bolesnicima s protezama obuhvaća i praćenje subjektivnih i objektivnih čimbenika koji ometaju fiziološki govor. Implikacija govora u nosilaca potpunih proteza opisana je funkcijskim odnosom jezika s nepcem (palatogram) i računalnom govornom analizom. Govornom analizom moguće je procijeniti utjecaj proteza na govor, što ima i širu lingvističku važnost, kao npr. kod disgnatih osoba. Na taj se način procjenjuje uloga prirodnih ili protetski nadomještenih anatomskih oralnih čimbenika na izgovor u odnosu na druge kompenzacijske mehanizme koji održavaju fiziološku funkciju govora. U ovom radu analizirana je važnost čimbenika govora u izradi proteza, kao i govornih promjena koje se javljaju kod bolesnika zbrinutih protezama.The importance of speech rehabilitation of edentulous patients arises from practical reasons and from clinical trials which showed that there is an alteration of physiological speech in patients with removable dental prosthesis (RDP). In this paper we have considered the prosthodontic importance of determining the closest speaking space while determining the vertical occlusal dimension as well as the impact of RDP occlusal plane and palatal plate on speech. The potential negative impact of the interrelations between the tongue, mouth and prosthetic teeth on phoneme production has been described bearing in mind that prosthesis placement is the most important factor of speech. The aftercare of a RDP patient includes monitoring of subjective and objective factors which impair physiological speech. Speech implications in RDP patients have been described by a functional relationship between the tongue and the palate and by computer speech analysis. The influence of RDP on speech can be evaluated by speech analysis and this can have a broader linguistic importance, e.g. for disgnathous patients. In this way, the influence of natural or prosthetic anatomical factors on speech can be evaluated with respect to other compensational mechanisms which sustain the physiological function of speech. In this paper we analyzed the importance of speech factors for the fabrication of RDP as well as the speech alterations which appear in patients with RDP

    Dental Status as a Quality Control Health Care Parameter for Children with Disabilities

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of dental health condition in children with disabilities and to find out weather dental health status might be used as a quality control parameter regarding overall health care for disabled children. Disabled and healthy children from 3 to 17 years old were examined. There were 86 boys and 34 girls in each group. Dental health status was evaluated using the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for decayed, missing and filled teeth. The relations between mean decayed, missing and filled teeth index for primary, mixed and permanent dentition showed no statistically significant differences among groups. Our results showed that disabled children have evenly level of dental caries as their healthy peers. One can conclude that organized health care for disabled children have positive influence on dental care, too. Furthermore, dental status as an indicator of dental care level might be used as a parameter for quality control regarding overall health care for disabled children

    Factors influencing a patient's decision to choose the type of treatment to improve dental esthetics

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    Backgroung/Aim. Interest in dental esthetics has increased rapidly during the last few decades among both patients and dentists, and the creation of a natural dental appearance has become an important task in all fields of dentistry, especially in prosthodontics and restorative dentistry. The aim of this research was to investigate factors influencing a patient's decision to choose the type of treatment to improve dental esthetics. Methods. A total of 700 Caucasian subjects participated in the crosssectional study (261 men, 439 women, aged 18-86 years, mean age 46.2 ± 18.6). The study included clinical examination and a self-administrated questionnaire based on self-perceived esthetics, satisfaction with the appearance of their maxillary anterior teeth and previous dental experience. Multiple logistic regression was used in statistical analysis. Results. Hiding teeth during smile was the most important predictor for choosing fixed prosthetic restorations (OR 9.1), followed by self-perceived bad fixed prosthesis, malpositioned teeth and female gender (OR 2.9, 2.4, and 1.5, respectively). The increase in satisfaction with dental appearance and previous orthodontic therapy reduced chances for seeking prosthetic therapy (each OR 0.4). The significant predictors for bleaching choosing were hiding teeth during smiling, already done bleaching, female gender, lower levels of satisfaction with dental appearance and the absence of the previous orthodontic therapy (OR 5.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0.5 and 0.4, respecitively). Hiding teeth during smile, self-perceived malposition and crowding, and lower levels of satisfaction, were significant predictors for choosing orthodontic treatment (OR 3.1, 2.4, 2.2 and 0.6, respectively). None of current dental statuses was statistically significant predictor for choosing prosthodontic, bleeching nor orthodontic therapy. Conclusion. The psychological elements and female gender are the main predictors of seeking dental therapy. Understanding the prevalence of dissatisfaction with the present esthetics and desired treatments to improve esthetics can be a guide for strategies for intervention to improve esthetics

    Changes of Alveolar Bone Density Around the Abutment Teeth in Patients Wearing Removable Partial Dentures Depending on Kennedy Classification

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    The aim was to study the influence of Kennedy classification on alveolar bone density changes around the abutment teeth of removable partial denture (RPD) clasp and rests. A total of 50 examinees of both gender wearing RPDs were included in the study. Changes of bone density around the abutment teeth were determined by an intraoral microdensitometry method. Standard retroalveolar radiographs were obtained twice: the first one at the RPD delivery and the second one after a period of 3 month of denture wearing. The copper stepwedge consisting of 5 steps (0.1–0.1 mm) was attached to the radiograph prior to exposure in order to calibrate it. Seven regions of interest (ROI) in different position close to the root of the abutment tooth were selected on each radiograph, all 10 pixels in size. Grey levels of each ROI were measured and were converted into equivalents of the copper stepwedge thickness using the third degree polynomial in order to compare the difference of bone density between the two radiographs. The results indicated that Kennedy classification had no significant influence on the change of bone density in RPD patients during first 3 month of RPD wearing (ANOVA: p>0.05)

    Predictors of Job Satisfaction in Dental Professionals of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation

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    Uvod: Cilj svakog zaposlenika jest raditi u zdravom radnom okolišu. Stomatologija je stresno zanimanje, a razloga za nezadovoljstvo je mnogo. Željelo se kod stomatologa u FBiH-u ustanoviti prediktore nezadovoljstva poslom. Materijali i postupci: U istraživanju su sudjelovala 134 stomatologa izabrana nasumičnim postupkom iz Registra stomatološke komore FBiH-a. Svi su ispunili demografski upitnik i ljestvicu zadovoljstva poslom (JSS). Rezultati: Porastom učestalosti utjecaja posla na kvalitetu života te sve češćim razmišljanjem o napuštanju posla, smanjuje se zadovoljstvo poslom. Opći stomatolozi znatno su zadovoljniji od specijalista. Značajni prediktori zadovoljstva poslom su radni status, tip prakse i zapošljavanje asistenta. Poslom su zadovoljniji opći stomatolozi koji rade u privatnoj praksi sa zaposlenim asistentom. Zaključak: Značajni prediktori zadovoljstva poslom su radni status, tip prakse i zapošljavanje asistenta. Najzadovoljniji su opći stomatolozi zaposleni u privatnoj praksi koji imaju dentalnog asistenta.Introduction: Working in a healthy work environment is the ultimate goal of every employee. Dentistry is a stressful career, and the reasons for dissatisfaction are numerous. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the factors of work satisfaction in dental professionals of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation. Materials and methods: A total of 134 dental professionals selected randomly from the Registry of Dental Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation were included in the study. All of them filled out the Demographic Questionnaire and Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). Results: An increase in the influence of work on the quality of life as well as an increase in its frequency results in leaving the job and significantly reducing the overall job satisfaction. General dental practitioners are significantly more satisfied as compared with specialists. Significant predictors of the job satisfaction are employment status, type of the practice, and availability of dental assistants. General dental practitioners with a dental assistant employed at a private practice are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. Conclusions: Employment status, practice type and availability of dental assistants are significant predictors of job satisfaction. General dental practitioners working in a private practice with a dental assistant are most likely to be satisfied

    The use of technological documentation in vestibuloplasy fixture plate production

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    Cilj: U svrhu pružanja kvalitetnije usluge bolesnicima dentalno-medicinske protetike, implementacija računalnih rješenja postala je nužan korak. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi potrebno vrijeme za izradu fiksacijske pločice za vestibuloplastiku računalnim rješenjima baziranim na CAD/CAM (engl. computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tehnologiji i usporediti ga s izradom fiksacijske pločice konvencionalnom metodom, uobičajenom u praksi. Metoda: Tijekom ovog istraživanja izrađene su dvije fiksacijske pločice. Jedna pločica izrađena je konvencionalnom metodom pomoću alginatnog otiska i sadrenog modela, a druga uporabom novih računalnih rješenja i CAD/CAM tehnologijom. Korištenjem obje metode analizirano je ukupno vrijeme potrebno za izradu fiksacijske pločice, kao i broj potrebnih koraka za izradu istih. Također je analizirano vrijeme potrebno za izradu i pristup dokumentaciji, te vrijeme transporta između zubotehničkog laboratorija i ordinacije dentalno-medicinske protetike. Rezultati: Uporabom CAD/CAM tehnologije osigurala se slijednost svih koraka u postupku izrade fiksacijske pločice, a računalna dokumentacija mogla se pohraniti na serveru i učiniti dostupnom širem krugu korisnika. Analizom podataka vidjelo se da je broj koraka primjenom računalne metode u odnosu na konvencionalnu manji za 18,1 %. Vrijeme potrebno za pripremu dokumentacije kraće je za 30,0 %, za pristup dokumentaciji 86,7 %, dok je vrijeme za izradu dokumentacije manje za 40,0 %. Primjenom računalne metode vrijeme transporta skraćeno je za 83,3 %. Ukupno vrijeme izrade fiksacijske pločice računalnom metodom u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu smanjeno je za 51,6 %. Rasprava: Uporaba računalne tehnologije u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu značajno ubrzava vrijeme rada u dentalno-medicinskoj protetici, te na taj način podiže razinu usluge.Aim: The implementation of computer applications has become a necessary step in providing higher quality service to patients receiving dental/medical prosthodontic restorations. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the time necessary for the vestibuloplasty fixation plate manufacturing using the computer aided method based on the computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and then compare it with the conventional method, which is presently used in common practice. Methods: During this research two vestibuloplasty fixation plates were manufactured. The first one was made as per conventional method using the alginate impression and hard stone, while the other one was made using new computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies. Using both methods, we analysed the total time for fixation plate manufacturing as well as necessary steps in process. In addition, access, documentation creation and transport between dental laboratory and the dental/medical office time were also analyzed. Results: The use of the CAD/CAM technologies ensures the continuity of all steps in the process of vestibuloplasty fixation plate production. Electronic documentation created in this way can be stored at a network server and become available for wider range of users. Data analysis indicates that the number of steps used in the computer based method is decreased for 18,1 % compared with the conventional method. Improvements indicate that documentation preparation time was decreased for 30,0 %, and time for documentation access was reduced for 86,7 %. Time for documentation creation was decreased for 40,0 %. This computer method also increased transport time efficiency for 83,3 %. In comparison with the conventional method, the total time necessary for fixation plate manufacure was significantly reduced for 51,6 %. Discussion: The use of computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies in comparison with the conventional method significantly accelerates production time in dental/medical office thus raising the level of service

    The use of technological documentation in vestibuloplasy fixture plate production

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    Cilj: U svrhu pružanja kvalitetnije usluge bolesnicima dentalno-medicinske protetike, implementacija računalnih rješenja postala je nužan korak. Stoga je cilj ovog rada utvrditi potrebno vrijeme za izradu fiksacijske pločice za vestibuloplastiku računalnim rješenjima baziranim na CAD/CAM (engl. computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tehnologiji i usporediti ga s izradom fiksacijske pločice konvencionalnom metodom, uobičajenom u praksi. Metoda: Tijekom ovog istraživanja izrađene su dvije fiksacijske pločice. Jedna pločica izrađena je konvencionalnom metodom pomoću alginatnog otiska i sadrenog modela, a druga uporabom novih računalnih rješenja i CAD/CAM tehnologijom. Korištenjem obje metode analizirano je ukupno vrijeme potrebno za izradu fiksacijske pločice, kao i broj potrebnih koraka za izradu istih. Također je analizirano vrijeme potrebno za izradu i pristup dokumentaciji, te vrijeme transporta između zubotehničkog laboratorija i ordinacije dentalno-medicinske protetike. Rezultati: Uporabom CAD/CAM tehnologije osigurala se slijednost svih koraka u postupku izrade fiksacijske pločice, a računalna dokumentacija mogla se pohraniti na serveru i učiniti dostupnom širem krugu korisnika. Analizom podataka vidjelo se da je broj koraka primjenom računalne metode u odnosu na konvencionalnu manji za 18,1 %. Vrijeme potrebno za pripremu dokumentacije kraće je za 30,0 %, za pristup dokumentaciji 86,7 %, dok je vrijeme za izradu dokumentacije manje za 40,0 %. Primjenom računalne metode vrijeme transporta skraćeno je za 83,3 %. Ukupno vrijeme izrade fiksacijske pločice računalnom metodom u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu smanjeno je za 51,6 %. Rasprava: Uporaba računalne tehnologije u odnosu na konvencionalnu metodu značajno ubrzava vrijeme rada u dentalno-medicinskoj protetici, te na taj način podiže razinu usluge.Aim: The implementation of computer applications has become a necessary step in providing higher quality service to patients receiving dental/medical prosthodontic restorations. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the time necessary for the vestibuloplasty fixation plate manufacturing using the computer aided method based on the computer- aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and then compare it with the conventional method, which is presently used in common practice. Methods: During this research two vestibuloplasty fixation plates were manufactured. The first one was made as per conventional method using the alginate impression and hard stone, while the other one was made using new computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies. Using both methods, we analysed the total time for fixation plate manufacturing as well as necessary steps in process. In addition, access, documentation creation and transport between dental laboratory and the dental/medical office time were also analyzed. Results: The use of the CAD/CAM technologies ensures the continuity of all steps in the process of vestibuloplasty fixation plate production. Electronic documentation created in this way can be stored at a network server and become available for wider range of users. Data analysis indicates that the number of steps used in the computer based method is decreased for 18,1 % compared with the conventional method. Improvements indicate that documentation preparation time was decreased for 30,0 %, and time for documentation access was reduced for 86,7 %. Time for documentation creation was decreased for 40,0 %. This computer method also increased transport time efficiency for 83,3 %. In comparison with the conventional method, the total time necessary for fixation plate manufacure was significantly reduced for 51,6 %. Discussion: The use of computer aided method based on the CAD/CAM technologies in comparison with the conventional method significantly accelerates production time in dental/medical office thus raising the level of service