1,917 research outputs found

    Adenylate effects on protein phosphorylation in the interenvelope lumen of pea chloroplasts

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    A 64-kilodalton (kDa) protein, situated in the lumen between the inner and outer envelopes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts (Soll and Bennett 1988, Eur. J. Biochem., 175, 301–307) is shown to undergo reversible phosphorylation in isolated mixed envelope vesicles. It is the most conspicuously labelled protein after incubation of envelopes with 33 nmol·1-1 [-32P]ATP whereas incubation with 50 mol·1-1 [-32P]ATP labels most prominently two outer envelope proteins (86 and 23 kDa). Half-maximum velocity for phosphorylation of the 64-kDa protein occurs with 200 nmol·1-1 ATP, and around 40 mol·1-1 ATP for phosphorylation of the 86- and 23-kDa proteins, indicating the operation of two distinct kinases. GGuanosine-, uridine-, cytidine 5-triphosphate and AMP are poor inhibitors of the labelling of the 64-kDa protein with [-32P]ATP. On the other hand, ADP has a potent influence on the extent of labelling (half-maximal inhibition at 1–5 mol·1-1). The ADP-dependent appearance of 32P in ATP indicates that ADP acts by reversal of kinase activity and not as a competitive inhibitor. However, the most rapid loss of 32P from pre-labelled 64-kDa protein occurs when envelope vesicles are incubated with ATP t1/2=15 s at 20 molsd1-1 ATP). This induced turnover of phosphate appears to be responsible for the rapid phosphoryl turnover seen in situ

    A guanosine 5′-triphosphate-dependent protein kinase is localized in the outer envelope membrane of pea chloroplasts

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    A guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP)-dependent protein kinase was detected in preparations of outer chloroplast envelope membranes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts. The protein-kinase activity was capable of phosphorylating several envelope-membrane proteins. The major phosphorylated products were 23- and 32.5-kilo-dalton proteins of the outer envelope membrane. Several other envelope proteins were labeled to a lesser extent. Following acid hydrolysis of the labeled proteins, most of the label was detected as phosphoserine with only minor amounts detected as phosphothreonine. Several criteria were used to distinguish the GTP-dependent protein kinase from an ATP-dependent kinase also present in the outer envelope membrane. The ATP-dependent kinase phosphorylated a very different set of envelope-membrane proteins. Heparin inhibited the GTP-dependent kinase but had little effect upon the ATP-dependent enzyme. The GTP-dependent enzyme accepted phosvitin as an external protein substrate whereas the ATP-dependent enzyme did not. The outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope also contained a phosphotransferase capable of transferring labeled phosphate from [-32P]GTP to ADP to yield (-32P]ATP. Consequently, addition of ADP to a GTP-dependent protein-kinase assay resulted in a switch in the pattern of labeled products from that seen with GTP to that typically seen with ATP

    Pre-M Phase-promoting Factor Associates with Annulate Lamellae in Xenopus Oocytes and Egg Extracts

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    We have used complementary biochemical and in vivo approaches to study the compartmentalization of M phase-promoting factor (MPF) in prophase Xenopus eggs and oocytes. We first examined the distribution of MPF (Cdc2/CyclinB2) and membranous organelles in high-speed extracts of Xenopus eggs made during mitotic prophase. These extracts were found to lack mitochondria, Golgi membranes, and most endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but to contain the bulk of the pre-MPF pool. This pre-MPF could be pelleted by further centrifugation along with components necessary to activate it. On activation, Cdc2/CyclinB2 moved into the soluble fraction. Electron microscopy and Western blot analysis showed that the pre-MPF pellet contained a specific ER subdomain comprising "annulate lamellae" (AL): stacked ER membranes highly enriched in nuclear pores. Colocalization of pre-MPF with AL was demonstrated by anti-CyclinB2 immunofluorescence in prophase oocytes, in which AL are positioned close to the vegetal surface. Green fluorescent protein-CyclinB2 expressed in oocytes also localized at AL. These data suggest that inactive MPF associates with nuclear envelope components just before activation. This association may explain why nuclei and centrosomes stimulate MPF activation and provide a mechanism for targeting of MPF to some of its key substrates

    In vivo and in vitro synthesis of CM-proteins (A-hordeins) from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    CM-proteins from barley endosperm (CMa, CMb, CMc, CMd), which are the main components of the A-hordein fraction, are synthesized most actively 10 to 30 d after anthesis (maximum at 15–20 d). They are synthesized by membranebound polysomes as precursors of higher apparent molecular weight (13,000–21,000) than the mature proteins (12,000–16,000). The largest in vitro product (21,000) is the putative precursor of protein CMd (16,000), as it is selected with anti-CMd monospecific IgG's, and is coded by an mRNA of greater sedimentation coefficient (9 S) than those encoding the other three proteins (7.5 S). CM-proteins always appear in the soluble fraction, following different homogenization and subcellular fractionation procedures, indicating that these proteins are transferred to the soluble fraction after processing

    Hansenula polymorpha Swi1p and Snf2p are essential for methanol utilisation

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    We have cloned the Hansenula polymorpha SWI1 and SNF2 genes by functional complementation of mutants that are defective in methanol utilisation. These genes encode proteins similar to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Swi1p and Snf2p, which are subunits of the SWI/SNF complex. This complex belongs to the family of nucleosome-remodeling complexes that play a role in transcriptional control of gene expression. Analysis of the phenotypes of constructed H. polymorpha SWI1 and SNF2 disruption strains indicated that these genes are not necessary for growth of cells on glucose, sucrose, or various organic nitrogen sources which involve the activity of peroxisomal oxidases. Both disruption strains showed a moderate growth defect on glycerol and ethanol, but were fully blocked in methanol utilisation. In methanol-induced cells of both disruption strains, two peroxisomal enzymes involved in methanol metabolism, alcohol oxidase and dihydroxyacetone synthase, were hardly detectable, whereas in wild-type cells these proteins were present at very high levels. We show that the reduction in alcohol oxidase protein levels in H. polymorpha SWI1 and SNF2 disruption strains is due to strongly reduced expression of the alcohol oxidase gene. The level of Pex5p, the receptor involved in import of alcohol oxidase and dihydroxyacetone synthase into peroxisomes, was also reduced in both disruption strains compared to that in wild-type cells.