261 research outputs found

    Embedded Clusters in Molecular Clouds

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    Stellar clusters are born embedded within giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and during their formation and early evolution are often only visible at infrared wavelengths, being heavily obscured by dust. Over the last 15 years advances in infrared detection capabilities have enabled the first systematic studies of embedded clusters in galactic molecular clouds. In this article we review the current state of empirical knowledge concerning these extremely young protocluster systems. From a survey of the literature we compile the first extensive catalog of galactic embedded cluster properties. We use the catalog to construct the mass function and estimate the birthrate for embedded clusters within roughly 2 Kpc of the Sun. We find that the embedded cluster birthrate exceeds that of visible open clusters by an order of magnitude or more indicating a high infant mortality rate for protocluster systems. Less than 4-7% of embedded clusters survive emergence from molecular clouds to become bound clusters of Pleiades age. The vast majority (90%) of stars that form in embedded clusters form in rich clusters of 100 or more members with masses in excess of 50 solar masses. We review the role of embedded clusters in investigating the nature of the IMF which, in one nearby example, has been measured over the entire range of stellar and substellar mass, from OB stars to subsellar objects near the deuterium burning limit. We also review the role embedded clusters play in the investigation of circumstellar disk evolution and the important constraints they provide for understanding the origin of planetary systems. Finally, we discuss current ideas concerning the origin and dynamical evolution of embedded clusters and the implications for the formation of bound open clusters.Comment: To appear in Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics v41. Manuscript consists of 73 pages with 14 figures. Due to space limitations 5 figures are included as separate low quality jpeg figures. A complete manuscript with full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~clada/preprints.htm

    The shapes of column density PDFs - The importance of the last closed contour

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    The probability distribution function of column density (PDF) has become the tool of choice for cloud structure analysis and star formation studies. Its simplicity is attractive, and the PDF could offer access to cloud physical parameters otherwise difficult to measure, but there has been some confusion in the literature on the definition of its completeness limit and shape at the low column density end. In this Letter we use the natural definition of the completeness limit of a column density PDF, the last closed column-density contour inside a surveyed region, and apply it to a set of large-scale maps of nearby molecular clouds. We conclude that there is no observational evidence for log-normal PDFs in these objects. We find that all studied molecular clouds have PDFs well described by power-laws, including the diffuse cloud Polaris. Our results call for a new physical interpretation for the shape of the column density PDFs. We find that the slope of a cloud PDF is invariant to distance but not to the spatial arrangement of cloud material, and as such it is still a useful tool to investigate cloud structure.Comment: A&A Letter, accepted. Comments welcom

    Molecular clouds have power-law probability distribution functions

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    In this Letter we investigate the shape of the probability distribution of column densities (PDF) in molecular clouds. Through the use of low-noise, extinction-calibrated \textit{Herschel}/\textit{Planck} emission data for eight molecular clouds, we demonstrate that, contrary to common belief, the PDFs of molecular clouds are not described well by log-normal functions, but are instead power laws with exponents close to two and with breaks between AK≃0.1A_K \simeq 0.1 and 0.2 mag0.2\,\mathrm{mag}, so close to the CO self-shielding limit and not far from the transition between molecular and atomic gas. Additionally, we argue that the intrinsic functional form of the PDF cannot be securely determined below AK≃0.1 magA_K \simeq 0.1\,\mathrm{mag}, limiting our ability to investigate more complex models for the shape of the cloud PDF.Comment: Letter to the Editor, to appear in A&

    A new method to unveil embedded stellar clusters

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    In this paper we present a novel method to identify and characterize stellar clusters deeply embedded in a dark molecular cloud. The method is based on measuring stellar surface density in wide-field infrared images using star counting techniques. It takes advantage of the differing HH-band luminosity functions (HLFs) of field stars and young stellar populations and is able to statistically associate each star in an image as a member of either the background stellar population or a young stellar population projected on or near the cloud. Moreover, the technique corrects for the effects of differential extinction toward each individual star. We have tested this method against simulations as well as observations. In particular, we have applied the method to 2MASS point sources observed in the Orion A and B complexes, and the results obtained compare very well with those obtained from deep Spitzer and Chandra observations where presence of infrared excess or X-ray emission directly determines membership status for every star. Additionally, our method also identifies unobscured clusters and a low resolution version of the Orion stellar surface density map shows clearly the relatively unobscured and diffuse OB 1a and 1b sub-groups and provides useful insights on their spatial distribution.Comment: A&A, in press; 13 pages, multi-layer figures can be displayed with Adobe Acrobat Reade

    On the Star Formation Rates in Molecular Clouds

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    In this paper we investigate the level of star formation activity within nearby molecular clouds. We employ a uniform set of infrared extinction maps to provide accurate assessments of cloud mass and structure and compare these with inventories of young stellar objects within the clouds. We present evidence indicating that both the yield and rate of star formation can vary considerably in local clouds, independent of their mass and size. We find that the surface density structure of such clouds appears to be important in controlling both these factors. In particular, we find that the star formation rate (SFR) in molecular clouds is linearly proportional to the cloud mass (M_{0.8}) above an extinction threshold of A_K approximately equal to 0.8 magnitudes, corresponding to a gas surface density threshold of approximaely 116 solar masses per square pc. We argue that this surface density threshold corresponds to a gas volume density threshold which we estimate to be n(H_2) approximately equal to 10^4\cc. Specifically we find SFR (solar masses per yr) = 4.6 +/- 2.6 x 10^{-8} M_{0.8} (solar masses) for the clouds in our sample. This relation between the rate of star formation and the amount of dense gas in molecular clouds appears to be in excellent agreement with previous observations of both galactic and extragalactic star forming activity. It is likely the underlying physical relationship or empirical law that most directly connects star formation activity with interstellar gas over many spatial scales within and between individual galaxies. These results suggest that the key to obtaining a predictive understanding of the star formation rates in molecular clouds and galaxies is to understand those physical factors which give rise to the dense components of these clouds.Comment: accepted for publicaton in the Astrophysical Journal; 22 pages, 4 figure

    First Resolved Dust Continuum Measurements of Individual Giant Molecular Clouds in the Andromeda Galaxy

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    © 2020 The American Astronomical Society.In our local Galactic neighborhood, molecular clouds are best studied using a combination of dust measurements, to determine robust masses, sizes, and internal structures of the clouds, and molecular-line observations to determine cloud kinematics and chemistry. We present here the first results of a program designed to extend such studies to nearby galaxies beyond the Magellanic Clouds. Utilizing the wideband upgrade of the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 230 GHz, we have obtained the first continuum detections of the thermal dust emission on sub-GMC scales (∼15 pc) within the Andromeda galaxy (M31). These include the first resolved continuum detections of dust emission from individual giant molecular clouds (GMCs) beyond the Magellanic Clouds. Utilizing a powerful capability of the SMA, we simultaneously recorded CO(2-1) emission with identical (u, v) coverage, astrometry, and calibration, enabling the first measurements of the CO conversion factor, α CO(2-1), toward individual GMCs across an external galaxy. Our direct measurement yields an average CO-to-dust mass conversion factor of α' CO-dust = 0.042 ± 0.018 M o (K km s -1 pc 2) -1 for the J = 2-1 transition. This value does not appear to vary with galactocentric radius. Assuming a constant gas-to-dust ratio of 136, the resulting α CO = 5.7 ± 2.4 M o (K km s -1 pc 2) -1 for the 2-1 transition is in excellent agreement with that of GMCs in the Milky Way, given the uncertainties. Finally, using the same analysis techniques, we compare our results with observations of the local Orion molecular clouds, placed at the distance of M31 and simulated to appear as they would if observed by the SMA.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
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