36 research outputs found
Competence implies the ability or expertise of an individual to successfully master a variety of goals. There are general competences that are transferrable and professionindependent, and specific, professiondependent competences. Everyone uses both specific and general competences in their personal and professional life. Teachers need numerous competences to be able to do their job, and these are called pedagogical competences. Pedagogical
competences, like other competences, are not static and cannot fully be acquired during professional education. Moreover, they are dynamic and require a lifetime of dedication, development, and growth. This paper discusses and suggests methods for teachers to monitor and plan the development of pedagogical competences in their everyday work so as not to become passive observers in their professional growth. The paper suggests a model of iterative reflections that gather feedback on the effectiveness of development and identifies novel requirements for continuous development
A successful learning environment for biology teachers in higher education: Needs assessment
Teachers must enhance their teaching skills in accordance with institutional policies at higher education institutions. This research aims to determine effective professional development techniques for biology teachers in higher education. The modified OZON form (cro. obrazac za opažanje nastave, teaching observation form) facilitated self-reflection and assessed the impact of reflection-based actions on the learning environment. Teachers participated in workshops, experiencing both student and curriculum-designer roles. Proficiency in creating an engaging learning environment and using technology was well developed. However, teachers should improve their understanding of curricular aspects, constructive alignment, outcome-driven selection of activities and formative and summative evaluation. Our research suggests modifying professional learning strategies to align with biology teachers' needs in higher education. Combining extended learning time, implementation in teaching practice, ongoing expert support, and action research fosters positive changes in a constructively aligned classroom. The results indicate that biology teachers in higher education need the continuous support of experts in the didactic design of the lesson plan to improve the creation of a learning environment through positive alignment. This approach promotes active professional development management in a concise format
Unaprjeđivanje metakognitivne dimenzije kompetencije učiti kako učiti kod učitelja
Da bi učitelji razvili autonomnog učenika u procesu učenja, svoje poučavanje trebaju usmjeriti k usvajanju i primjeni metakognitivnog znanja i vještina. Smjernice za takvo poučavanje učitelji pronalaze u kurikulumu međupredmetne teme Učiti kako učiti, ali i u Okviru za vrednovanje procesa i ishoda učenja u osnovnoškolskome i srednjoškolskome obrazovanju. S obzirom na to da su navedeni dokumenti tek nedavno uvedeni u hrvatski odgojno-obrazovni sustav, a učiteljima nedostaje znanja o metakogniciji, rad sugerira da način poučavanja koji zahtijeva od učenika primjenu metakognitivnog znanja i vještina treba biti okosnica psihološko-pedagoškog znanja učitelja i središnja tema stručnog usavršavanja učitelja. Rad također razmatra vrednovanje kao učenje kao pristup kojeg učitelji trebaju koristiti pri upravljanju poučavanjem i profesionalnim razvojem za razvoj metakognitivne dimenzije kompetencije učiti kako učiti kod učenika
Kompetencija podrazumijeva sposobnost ili stručnost pojedinca za uspješno ovladavanje različitih ciljeva. Razlikuju se opće kompetencije, prenosive i neovisne o profesiji, i specifične kompetencije koje su profesionalno ovisne. Svaki pojedinac djeluje u svojem osobnom ili profesionalnom životu koristeći se jednima i drugima. Nastavnicima za obavljanje njihova posla potrebne su brojne kompetencije koje se u radu jednim imenom nazivaju pedagoškim kompetencijama koje, kao i ostale kompetencije, nisu statične i ne mogu se u potpunosti steći tijekom inicijalnog obrazovanja, nego su vrlo dinamične i razvijaju se cijelog života. U radu je predloženo i raspravljeno kako nastavnici tijekom svojega svakodnevnog rada mogu planirati i pratiti vlastiti razvoj pedagoških kompetencija ne bi li bili pasivni sudionici vlastitoga profesionalnog razvoja. Predložen je model ponavljajućih refleksija tijekom kojih se prikupljaju povratne informacije o učinkovitosti razvoja i utvrđivanja novih potreba za daljnji razvoj
Biology teaching that develops the metacognitive aspect of learning: How to learn competence
Higher-order thinking and metacognition are closely related and are part of learning to develop competence. The goal of this research was to determine the practice of teaching biology that develops metacognition and evaluate whether teachers require specific professional training for this purpose or if broader cognitive-focused training can also enhance metacognitive development in students. The original Teaching Observation Form (TOF) has been adapted for research objectives. A survey was designed to capture the subjective perspectives of 292 students and their teachers regarding metacognition development. Additionally, the research involved six biology teachers who were professionally trained in a program focused on higher-order thinking. The survey results indicate a self-assessed good teaching practice for the development of metacognition. However, analysis of the first lesson's video recordings showed that some components had been eliminated from biology classes which hindered students' ability to develop metacognition. Although higher-order thinking and metacognition are interconnected phenomena, professional development training focuses solely on higher-order thinking whose impact we established through analysis of other lessons does not induce the necessary positive changes for the comprehensive development of metacognition in students. In a nutshell, explicit professional development programs aimed at fostering metacognitive awareness among teachers need to be designed. These programs should instruct teachers on how to model the development of metacognition in students through their teaching
Schülerwahrnehmung: Wie verhält sich der Lieblingslehrer
Students’ emotions regarding their teachers are an important aspect of the learning process in school. Positive relationship between students and teachers facilitate students’ motivation for their tasks. There are no research on the characteristics of teachers who are liked by their students, although the aim of this study was to examine some characteristics (the way of teaching, communication and perceived personality) of students’ favorite teachers in primary and secondary school. One thousand one hundred and thirty-five students participated the study. They assessed 40 statements on favorite teacher’s personality, teaching style and the way of communication with students. The results indicate that the favorite teacher for all students is the one who checks their prior knowledge and explains new concepts, with whom students collaborate well and who is a good organizer that follows their work. Student’s perception of the favorite teacher’s main characteristics depends on the age and gender of the student. Younger students gave higher assessment for almost all variables compared to older students. Interaction between gender and age has shown to be statistically significant too.Emocije učenika u prema njihovim učiteljima važan su aspekt procesa učenja u školi. Pozitivan odnos između učenika i nastavnika povećava motivaciju učenika za obavljanje zadataka. Nema istraživanja o karakteristikama nastavnika koji su omiljeni učenicima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati neke od karakteristika (način učenja, komunikacija, osobnost) omiljenih nastavnika učenika u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1035 učenika. Procijenili su 40 izjava o osobnosti omiljenog nastavnika, načinu učenja i načinu komunikacije s učenicima. Rezultati pokazuju da je omiljeni učitelj onaj koji provjerava njihovo prethodno znanje i objašnjava nove pojmove, onaj s kojim učenici surađuju i koji je dobar organizator te prati njihov rad. Učenikova percepcija omiljenoga učitelja ovisi o dobi i spolu učenika. Za razliku od starijih učenika mlađi su dali veće ocjene za skoro sve ispitane varijable. Interakcija između spola i dobi također se pokazala statistički značajnom.Die Emotionen der Schüler gegenüber ihren Lehrern sind ein wichtiger Aspekt des Lernprozesses in der Schule. Das positiveVerhältnis zwischen Schülern und Lehrern erhöht die Schülermotivation bei der Aufgabenerfüllung. Es gibt keine Studie über die Eigenschaften von Lehrern, die bei den Schülern beliebt sind. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, einige der Merkmale (Lernarten, Kommunikation, Persönlichkeit) der Lieblingslehrer von Grund- und Mittelschülern zu untersuchen. Die Studie umfasste 1035 Schüler. Es wurden 40 Aussagen über die Persönlichkeit eines Lieblingslehrers und die Lern- und Kommunikationsarten mit den Schülern gewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schüler den Lieblingslehrer als denjenigen wahrnehmen, der ihr Vorwissen überprüft und die neuen Begriffe erklärt, mit denen die Schüler gut mitarbeiten und der ein guter Organisator ist und ihre Arbeit verfolgt. Die Schülerwahrnehmung des Lieblingslehrers hängt vom Alter und Geschlecht des Schülers ab. Im Gegensatz zu älteren Schülern gaben die jüngeren Schüler höhere Bewertungen für fast alle getesteten Variablen. Die Interaktion zwischen Geschlecht und Alter erwies sich ebenfalls als statistisch signifikant
Learning habits and success of high school students in biology
Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem ispitivanja navika učenja kod učenika srednje škole te utvrđivanja razlika u navikama učenja između učenika različitog spola i nastavnog programa. Istraživanjem se također nastojalo utvrditi postoji li povezanost navika učenja sa uspjehom učenika. Istraživanje se provelo školske godine 2016./2017. na uzorku od 73 učenika drugih razreda tehničke škole i prirodoslovne gimnazije Ruđera Boškovića u Osijeku podijeljenih u četiri skupine (učenice gimnazijskog programa GŽ, učenici gimnazijskog programa GM, učenice smjera ekološki tehničar ETŽ te učenici smjera ekološki tehničar ETM). Istraživanje se sastojalo od provedbe pisane provjere znanja te utvrđivanja navika učenja kod pojedinog učenika putem ankete. Provedenim istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su učenici gimnazijskog programa postigli bolje rezultate u pisanoj provjeri znanja u odnosu na učenike ekološke tehničare. Povezanost navika svakodnevnog učenja s uspjehom ostvarenim u provjeri znanja utvrđena je kod učenika gimnazijskog programa. Povezanost navike uspoređivanja gradiva između predmeta i uspjeha utvrđena je kod učenica smjera ekološki tehničar, a povezanost navika određivanja značenja nepoznatih riječi u tekstu i uspjeha utvrđena je kod učenica gimnazijskog programa.The aim of this research was to determine learning habits among highschool students and to determine the differences in learning habits among the students of different sex and curriculum. This research was also trying to determine whether the correlation, between learning habits and students’ success exists. It was carried out during school year 2016/2017 and comprised 73 students of second grade of Ruđer Bošković technical school and natural sciences program grammar school in Osijek divided into four groups (female students with gymnasium curriculum, male students with gymnasium curriculum, female students with ecological technician curriculum and male students with ecological technician). The research consisted of a written exam and determining learning habits individually by a survey. It was determined that students with gymnasium curriculum had better results in the written exam than ecological technician students. It was determined that there was correlation of everyday learning habits with success in the exam with gymnasium students. Correlation of comparing learning material and subjects and success was determined with female student’s ecological technician, and correlation of determining the meaning of unknown word from the text and success was determined with female students with gymnasium curriculum
The habits of the students in self-assessment of learning achievements
Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem utvrđivanja navika samovrednovanja postignuća kod učenika srednje škole i uočavanja razlika učenika u navikama samovrednovanja s obzirom na spol i školski uspjeh. Istraživanje se provelo školske godine 2018./2019. na uzorku od 61 učenika trećih razreda jedne osječke gimnazije. Provedena je pisana provjera znanja i anketa. U pisanoj provjeri znanja usporedio se očekivan i ostvaren broj bodova radi objektivne prosudbe učeničke sposobnosti samoprocjene postignuća. Subjektivan doživljaj sposobnosti točne samoprocjene postignuća kao i ostale navike samovrednovanja utvrđene su anketom. Provedenim istraživanjem je utvrđen nesklad između ostvarenog i očekivanog uspjeha, kao i nesklad između percipirane i stvarne sposobnosti točne samoprocjene vlastitog uspjeha. Učenici precjenjuju svoj uspjeh i vlastite mogućosti samoprocjene znanja. Također je utvrđeno da postoji svijest o važnosti samovredovanja, ali im nedostaju navike i iskustvo u toj vještini.The aim of the research is to determine the self-assessment habits of high school students and to determine whether the students differ in self-assessment habits with regard to sex and school success. The research was performed during the 2018/2019 school year on the sample of 61 third-grade high school students from one gymnasium in Osijek. A written exam and a questionnaire were conducted. In the exam, the expected and achieved scores were compared in order to objectively assess the student\u27s self-assessment of school achievement. Subjective experience of the ability to accurately self-assess achievement as well as other habits of self-assessment were determined by the questionnaire. The research identified a discrepancy between achieved and expected success, as well as a discrepancy between the perceived and actual ability to accurately self-assess one\u27s own success. Students overestimate their success and their own ability to self-assess knowledge. It was also found that there was an awareness of the importance of self-assessment, but students lack habits and experience in this skill
Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem utvrđivanja postižu li učenici bolje rezultate učenja primjenom frontalnog oblika rada (metodom usmenog izlaganja) ili primjenom konceptualnih mapa pri obradi nastavnog gradiva te postoji li veza između dugoročnog pamćenja i konceptualnih mapa. Istraživanje se provodilo tijekom školske godine 2013./2014. te 2014./2015. na uzorku od 101 učenika drugih razreda Prirodoslovno-matematičke gimnazije u Osijeku. Istraživanje se sastojalo od provedbe nastavnih satova s obradom nastavnih jedinica “Ptice” i “Sisavci” te od inicijalne, završne i ponovljene završne provjere znanja. Nastavne jedinice su u dva razreda obrađene frontalnim oblikom rada, a u dva razreda primjenom konceptualnih mapa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da učenici koji u učenju koriste konceptualnu mapu postižu bolje rezultate u odnosu na učenike koji sadržaj usvajaju frontalnim oblikom rada. Na osnovi rezultata ponovljene završne pisane provjere znanja zaključuje se da konceptualne mape pomažu učenicima u postizanju visoke razine retencije stečenih znanja.The main aim of the present study was to explore whether the students achieve better learning results while using traditional (frontal) method or conceptual maps during their learning process. As well, we aimed to explore the relationship between the usage of conceptual maps and long-term memorization. This research was conducted in the school years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 on the sample of 101 students attending second grade of Natural sciences and mathematics highschool in Osijek. This study included several lessons dealing with “Birds” and “Mammals” as well as associated quizzes, and final and repeated final tests. With two student groups, the lessons were conducted by means of frontal method, whereas with two other groups of students the same teaching units were processed by using conceptual maps. The results showed that students who use conceptual maps achieve better results in comparison with the students who have processed new teaching units by the means of frontal method. On the basis of a repeated written final test we conclude that conceptual maps help students gain long-term memory of acquired knowledge