59 research outputs found

    Vähähiilisyyden ja puun rooli rakennusmateriaalivalinnoissa

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    Vähähiilisyys on yksi Euroopan energiastrategian visioista. ”Savolaisen ekopientalon modernit rakennusmateriaalit” -hankkeen päätavoitteena on selvittää miten rakennusmateriaaleja valmistava sekä hyödyntävä teollisuus ja kauppa voivat parantaa vähähiilisten ja resurssiviisaiden ideoiden, tuotteiden ja palveluiden tuotteistamista, kaupallistamista ja markkinoille pääsyä. Tähän raporttiin on koottu rakentamiseen liittyviä ympäristövaikutuksia ja viranomaisvaatimuksia. Raportissa kuvataan myös kokemuksia ja mielikuvia ekologisista ja vähähiilisistä rakennusmateriaaleista rautakaupoissa ja omakotitalomyynnissä.Vierailukäynneillä lähialueen rautakauppoihin selvitettiin rakentajien materiaalivalintoja ja tarjolla olevien lattia- ja eristemateriaalien ympäristösertifikaattej

    Quantitative ultrasound imaging detects degenerative changes in articular cartilage surface and subchondral bone

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    Previous studies have suggested that quantitative ultrasound imaging could sensitively diagnose degeneration of the articular surface and changes in the subchondral bone during the development of osteoarthrosis (OA). We have recently introduced a new parameter, ultrasound roughness index (URI), for the quantification of cartilage surface roughness, and successfully tested it with normal and experimentally degraded articular surfaces. In this in vitro study, the applicability of URI was tested in bovine cartilage samples with spontaneously developed tissue degeneration. Simultaneously, we studied the sensitivity of quantitative ultrasound imaging to detect degenerative changes in the cartilage-bone interface. For reference, histological degenerative grade of the cartilage samples was determined. Mechanical reference measurements were also conducted. Cartilage surface roughness (URI) was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in histologically degenerated samples with inferior mechanical properties. Ultrasound reflection at the cartilage-bone interface was also significantly (p < 0.05) increased in degenerated samples. Furthermore, it was quantitatively confirmed that ultrasound attenuation in the overlying cartilage significantly affects the measured ultrasound reflection values from the cartilage-bone interface. To conclude, the combined ultrasound measurement of the cartilage surface roughness and ultrasound reflection at the cartilage-bone interface complement each other, and may together enable more sensitive and quantitative diagnosis of early OA or follow up after surgical cartilage repair

    Acoustic properties of articular cartilage under mechanical stress

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    Mechano-acoustic and elastographic techniques may provide quantitative means for the in vivo diagnostics of articular cartilage. These techniques assume that sound speed does not change during tissue loading. As articular cartilage shows volumetric changes during compression, acoustic properties of cartilage may change affecting the validity of mechano-acoustic measurements. In this study, we examined the ultrasound propagation through human, bovine and porcine articular cartilage during stress-relaxation in unconfined compression. The time of flight (TOF) technique with known cartilage thickness (true sound speed) as well as in situ calibration method [Suh, Youn, Fu, J. Biomech. 34 (2001), 1347-1353] were used for the determination of sound speed. Ultrasound speed and attenuation decreased in articular cartilage during ramp compression, but returned towards the level of original values during relaxation. Variations in ultrasound speed induced an error in strain and compressive moduli provided that constant ultrasound speed and time-of-flight data was used to determine the tissue thickness. Highest errors in strain (-11.8 ± 12.0%) and dynamic modulus (15.4 ± 17.9%) were recorded in bovine cartilage. TOF and in situ calibration methods yielded different results for changes in sound speed during compression. We speculate that the variations in acoustic properties in loaded cartilage are related to rearrangement of the interstitial matrix, especially to that of collagen fibers. In human cartilage the changes, are, however relatively small and, according to the numerical simulations, mechano-acoustic techniques that assume constant acoustic properties for the cartilage will not be significantly impaired by this phenomenon

    Site-specific ultrasound reflection properties and superficial collagen content of bovine knee articular cartilage

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    Previous quantitative 2D-ultrasound imaging studies have demonstrated that the ultrasound reflection measurement of articular cartilage surface sensitively detects degradation of the collagen network, whereas digestion of cartilage proteoglycans has no significant effect on the ultrasound reflection. In this study, the first aim was to characterize the ability of quantitative 2D-ultrasound imaging to detect site-specific differences in ultrasound reflection and backscattering properties of cartilage surface and cartilage-bone interface at visually healthy bovine knee (n = 30). As a second aim, we studied factors controlling ultrasound reflection properties of an intact cartilage surface. The ultrasound reflection coefficient was determined in time (R) and frequency domains (IRC) at medial femoral condyle, lateral patello-femoral groove, medial tibial plateau and patella using a 20 MHz ultrasound imaging instrument. Furthermore, cartilage surface roughness was quantified by calculating the ultrasound roughness index (URI). The superficial collagen content of the cartilage was determined using a FT-IRIS-technique. A significant site-dependent variation was shown in cartilage thickness, ultrasound reflection parameters, URI and superficial collagen content. As compared to R and IRC, URI was a more sensitive parameter in detecting differences between the measurement sites. Ultrasound reflection parameters were not significantly related to superficial collagen content, whereas the correlation between R and URI was high. Ultrasound reflection at the cartilage-bone interface showed insignificant site-dependent variation. The current results suggest that ultrasound reflection from the intact cartilage surface is mainly dependent on the cartilage surface roughness and the collagen content has a less significant role

    Speed of sound in normal and degenerated bovine articular cartilage

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    The unknown and variable speed of sound may impair accuracy of the acoustic measurement of cartilage properties. In this study, relationships between the speed of sound and cartilage composition, mechanical properties and degenerative state were studied in bovine knee and ankle cartilage (n = 62). Further, the effect of speed variation on the determination of cartilage thickness and stiffness with ultrasound (US) indentation was numerically simulated. The speed of sound was significantly (n = 32, p < 0.05) dependent on the cartilage water content (r = -0.800), uronic acid content (per wet weight, r = 0.886) and hydroxyproline content (per wet weight, r = 0.887, n = 28), Young's modulus at equilibrium (r = 0.740), dynamic modulus (r = 0.905), and degenerative state (i.e., Mankin score) (r = -0.727). In addition to cartilage composition, mechanical and acoustic properties varied significantly between different anatomical locations. In US indentation, cartilage is indented with a US transducer. Deformation and thickness of tissue are calculated using a predefined speed of sound and used in determination of dynamic modulus. Based on the simulations, use of the mean speed of sound of 1627 m/s (whole material) induced a maximum error of 7.8% on cartilage thickness and of 6.2% on cartilage dynamic modulus, as determined with the US indentation technique (indenter diameter 3 mm). We believe that these errors are acceptable in clinical US indentation measurements

    Ultrasonic quantitation of superficial degradation of articular cartilage

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    Ultrasound (US) has been suggested as a means for the quantitative detection of early osteoarthrotic changes in articular cartilage. In this study, the ability of quantitative US 2-D imaging (20 MHz) to reveal superficial changes in bovine articular cartilage after mechanical or enzymatic degradation was investigated in vitro. Mechanical degradation was induced by grinding samples against an emery paper with the grain size of 250 ÎĽm, 106 ÎĽm, 45 ÎĽm or 23 ÎĽm. For enzymatic degradation, samples were digested with collagenase, trypsin or chondroitinase ABC. Variations of the US reflection coefficient induced by the degradation were investigated. Furthermore, two novel parameters, the US roughness index (URI) and the spatial variation of the US reflection coefficient (SVR), were established to quantitate the integrity of the cartilage surface. Statistically significant decreases (p < 0.05) in US reflection coefficient were observed after mechanical degradations or enzymatic digestion with collagenase. Increases (p < 0.05) in URI were also revealed after these treatments. We conclude that quantitative US imaging may be used to detect collagen disruption and increased roughness in the articular surface. These structural damages are typical of early osteoarthrosis

    Experimental and numerical validation for the novel configuration of an arthroscopic indentation instrument

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    Softening of articular cartilage, mainly attributable to deterioration of superficial collagen network and depletion of proteoglycans, is a sign of incipient osteoarthrosis. Early diagnosis of osteoarthrosis is essential to prevent the further destruction of the tissue. During the past decade, a few arthroscopic instruments have been introduced for the measurement of cartilage stiffness; these can be used to provide a sensitive measure of cartilage status. Ease of use, accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements as well as a low risk of damaging cartilage are the main qualities needed in any clinically applicable instrument. In this study, we have modified a commercially available arthroscopic indentation instrument to better fulfil these requirements when measuring cartilage stiffness in joints with thin cartilage. Our novel configuration was validated by experimental testing as well as by finite element (FE) modelling. Experimental and numerical tests indicated that it would be better to use a smaller reference plate and a lower pressing force (3 N) than those used in the original instrument (7-10 N). The reproducibility (CV = 5.0%) of the in situ indentation measurements was improved over that of the original instrument (CV = 7.6%), and the effect of material thickness on the indentation response was smaller than that obtained with the original instrument. The novel configuration showed a significant linear correlation between the indenter force and the reference dynamic modulus of cartilage in unconfined compression, especially in soft tissue (r = 0.893, p < 0.001, n = 16). FE analyses with a transversely isotropic poroelastic model indicated that the instrument was suitable for detecting the degeneration of superficial cartilage. In summary, the instrument presented in this study allows easy and reproducible measurement of cartilage stiffness, also in thin cartilage, and therefore represents a technical improvement for the early diagnosis of osteoarthrosis during arthroscopy

    Mechano-acoustic determination of Young's modulus of articular cartilage

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    The compressive stiffness of an elastic material is traditionally characterized by its Young's modulus. Young's modulus of articular cartilage can be directly measured using unconfined compression geometry by assuming the cartilage to be homogeneous and isotropic. In isotropic materials, Young's modulus can also be determined acoustically by the measurement of sound speed and density of the material. In the present study, acoustic and mechanical techniques, feasible for in vivo measurements, were investigated to quantify the static and dynamic compressive stiffness of bovine articular cartilage in situ. Ultrasound reflection from the cartilage surface, as well as the dynamic modulus were determined with the recently developed ultrasound indentation instrument and compared with the reference mechanical and ultrasound speed measurements in unconfined compression (n = 72). In addition, the applicability of manual creep measurements with the ultrasound indentation instrument was evaluated both experimentally and numerically. Our experimental results indicated that the sound speed could predict 47% and 53% of the variation in the Young's modulus and dynamic modulus of cartilage, respectively. The dynamic modulus, as determined manually with the ultrasound indentation instrument, showed significant linear correlations with the reference Young's modulus (r = 0.445, p < 0.01, n = 70) and dynamic modulus (r = 0.779, p < 0.01, n = 70) of the cartilage. Numerical analyses indicated that the creep measurements, conducted manually with the ultrasound indentation instrument, were sensitive to changes in Young's modulus and permeability of the tissue, and were significantly influenced by the tissue thickness. We conclude that acoustic parameters, i.e. ultrasound speed and reflection, are indicative to the intrinsic mechanical properties of the articular cartilage. Ultrasound indentation instrument, when further developed, provides an applicable tool for the in vivo detection of cartilage mechano-acoustic properties. These techniques could promote the diagnostics of osteoarthrosis

    Ultrasound attenuation in normal and spontaneously degenerated articular cartilage

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    High-frequency ultrasound (US) measurements may provide means for the quantification of articular cartilage quality. Bovine patellar cartilage samples (n = 32) at various degenerative stages were studied using US attenuation measurements in the 5- to 9-MHz frequency range. The results were compared with the histologic, biochemical and mechanical parameters obtained for the same samples, to identify which structural or functional factors could be related to the attenuation and its variations. Attenuation, as calculated in the frequency or time domain, correlated significantly with the histologic tissue integrity (i.e., Mankin score, Spearman r = -0.576 or -0.571, p < 0.01), but the slope of attenuation vs. frequency was not related to Mankin score. Ultrasound speed was, however, the most sensitive indicator of Mankin score (r = -0.755, p < 0.01). Cartilage quality index (CQI), a combination of structural and functional parameters, correlated significantly with the attenuation or speed (r = -0.655 or -0.872, p < 0.01). Our results suggest that US attenuation and speed may be suited for the diagnostics of cartilage degeneration

    Fibril reinforced poroelastic model predicts specifically mechanical behavior of normal, proteoglycan depleted and collagen degraded articular cartilage

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    Degradation of collagen network and proteoglycan (PG) macromolecules are signs of articular cartilage degeneration. These changes impair cartilage mechanical function. Effects of collagen degradation and PG depletion on the time-dependent mechanical behavior of cartilage are different. In this study, numerical analyses, which take the compression-tension nonlinearity of the tissue into account, were carried out using a fibril reinforced poroelastic finite element model. The study aimed at improving our understanding of the stress-relaxation behavior of normal and degenerated cartilage in unconfined compression. PG and collagen degradations were simulated by decreasing the Young's modulus of the drained porous (nonfibrillar) matrix and the fibril network, respectively. Numerical analyses were compared to results from experimental tests with chondroitinase ABC (PG depletion) or collagenase (collagen degradation) digested samples. Fibril reinforced poroelastic model predicted the experimental behavior of cartilage after chondroitinase ABC digestion by a major decrease of the drained porous matrix modulus (-64±28%) and a minor decrease of the fibril network modulus (-11±9%). After collagenase digestion, in contrast, the numerical analyses predicted the experimental behavior of cartilage by a major decrease of the fibril network modulus (-69±5%) and a decrease of the drained porous matrix modulus (-44±18%). The reduction of the drained porous matrix modulus after collagenase digestion was consistent with the microscopically observed secondary PG loss from the tissue. The present results indicate that the fibril reinforced poroelastic model is able to predict specifically characteristic alterations in the stress-relaxation behavior of cartilage after enzymatic modifications of the tissue. We conclude that the compression-tension nonlinearity of the tissue is needed to capture realistically the mechanical behavior of normal and degenerated articular cartilage
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