45 research outputs found

    Why Reform Fails : The ‘Politics of Policies’ in Costa Rican Telecommunications Liberalization

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    As the \u27Washington Consensus\u27 reforms are losing momentum in Latin America, the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) is calling for shifting the focus from the content of policy choices to the political process of their implementation. As this paper studies the paradigmatic case of telecommunications reform in Costa Rica it underscores the importance of these \u27politics of policies\u27. The analysis finds, however, that the failure of repeated liberalization initiatives was not only due to policy-makers\u27 errors in steering the project through \u27the messy world of politics\u27 (IDB); instead, as liberalization remained unpopular, policy content indeed mattered, and only the interaction of both explains the outcome. Particular attention is drawn to the political feed-back effects, as the failed reform, precisely because it had been backed by bi-partisan support, became a catalyst for the disintegration of the country\u27s long-standing two-party system.In dem Maße, in dem die mit dem „Washington Consensus“ verbundenen Reformen in Lateinamerika ins Stocken geraten sind, plädiert die Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) für eine stärkere Berücksichtigung nicht nur der Politikinhalte (policies), sondern auch des politischen Prozesses von deren Umsetzung (politics). Die vorliegende Untersuchung zum paradigmatischen Fall der Reform des Telekommunikationssektors in Costa Rica unterstreicht die Bedeutung dieser „politics of policies“. Sie zeigt allerdings auch, dass Ursache für das Scheiten wiederholter Liberalisierungsinitiativen nicht nur Fehler der Politiker sind, das Vorhaben durch „die unordentliche Welt der politics“ (IDB) zu steuern. Die breite gesellschaftliche Opposition gegen den Liberalisierungskurs bleibt. Nur die Interaktion von beiden, politics und policies, erklärt Verlauf und Ergebnis der Reform. Besonderes Augenmerk widmet die Studie den politischen Rückwirkungen der gescheiterten Reform: Sie wurde, just weil sie von beiden etablierten Parteien unterstützt wurde, zum Katalysator für den Zerfall des seit Jahrzehnten etablierten Zweiparteiensystems des Landes

    Factors associated with regular physical activity participation among people with severe mental ill health

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    Purpose People with severe mental ill health (SMI) are less physically active and more sedentary than the general population. There is limited research investigating the correlates of physical activity (PA) in people with SMI impeding development of successful interventions. This study aimed to assess the factors associated with regular participation of PA among a large sample of people with SMI. Methods The data for this study were collected from the ‘Lifestyle Health and Wellbeing’ (HWB) cohort that collected data through self-administered questionnaire from participants with SMI. Self-reported participation in regular PA was the main outcome variable. Potential predictors of PA were grouped as demographic, biological, psychological and behavioural variables. Multivariable logistic regressions were conducted considering PA participation as the dependent variable adjusted for possible correlated predictors. Results In total, 3,287 people with SMI (mean (SD) age 47.7 (14.58) years, 59% male) were included; 38% reported undertaking regular PA and 61% wanted to undertake more physical activity. Multivariable logistic regressions showed that the following factors were associated with undertaking more regular PA: being male, aged 18-65 years, having a body mass index between 18.5 and 30 kg/m2, having better self-perceived general health condition, not having a health problem that limits activity, giving higher importance to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and eating more fruit and vegetables. Conclusions Having a better self-perceived general health and placing importance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle were important predictors of regular PA. Lifestyle interventions targeting increased PA among people with SMI should be shaped by their health perception and informed by their needs

    Randomised trials in context: practical problems and social aspects of evidence-based medicine and policy

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    Randomised trials can provide excellent evidence of treatment benefit in medicine. Over the last 50 years, they have been cemented in the regulatory requirements for the approval of new treatments. Randomised trials make up a large and seemingly high-quality proportion of the medical evidence-base. However, it has also been acknowledged that a distorted evidence-base places a severe limitation on the practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM). We describe four important ways in which the evidence from randomised trials is limited or partial: the problem of applying results, the problem of bias in the conduct of randomised trials, the problem of conducting the wrong trials and the problem of conducting the right trials the wrong way. These problems are not intrinsic to the method of randomised trials or the EBM philosophy of evidence; nevertheless, they are genuine problems that undermine the evidence that randomised trials provide for decision-making and therefore undermine EBM in practice. Finally, we discuss the social dimensions of these problems and how they highlight the indispensable role of judgement when generating and using evidence for medicine. This is the paradox of randomised trial evidence: the trials open up expert judgment to scrutiny, but this scrutiny in turn requires further expertise

    Resistance to cancer chemotherapy: failure in drug response from ADME to P-gp

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