39 research outputs found

    Front-of-package labelling (FOP) : a collaborative regional study with countries members of the common southern market (MERCOSUR)

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    The results and outputs of this project were used for advocacy and communication strategies to push forward the regulatory option of food nutrition labelling. Front-of-package (FOP) warning labelling is recommended as the most effective measure to understand nutritional information and to help consumers make more conscious and healthier food choices. The regulatory process of food labelling in Brazil and Argentina depends on harmonization as part of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) trade agreements, which is considered an obstacle for in-country improvements. This research study provides evidence to promote effective mandatory FOP labelling systems in Brazil and Argentina

    Front-of-package labelling (FOP) : a collaborative regional study with countries members of the Common Southern Market (MERCOSUR)

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    The project provides evidence for mandatory front-of-package labelling (FOPL) systems in Brazil and Argentina and enables policy discussions in the rest of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) countries. The regulatory process of food labelling in Brazil and Argentina depends on harmonization as part of MERCOSUR trade agreements, which is considered an obstacle for in-country improvements. Latin America is leading in best practices for the nutrition labelling regulatory process. Front-of-package warning labelling is being adopted by several countries. Attempts at hindering, blocking and delaying the regulatory process by agents of the food industry are common

    Comparison of nutrient profiling systems for implementing new front-of-package nutrition labeling in Brazil

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    The study collected nutrition labeling information on all prepackaged foods and beverages available in the stores of the five largest food retailers in Brazil, located in low- and high-income neighborhoods. Findings reveal that different nutrient profiling models (NPM) differ in the number and the proportion of foods that are eligible for displaying a front-of-package (FOP) label in support of healthy food choices. These discrepancies highlight the importance for policy makers to carefully evaluate such models when trying to identify a suitable model to implement labeling regulations

    Informação sobre aditivos alimentares nos rótulos de alimentos no Brasil: análise crítica

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    Questions about the safety of food additives and their consumption have been raised in recent years. The increased exposure to these substances, either by intake of ultra-processed foods or by the broad use and combination of various categories of additives) may be related to higher risks to consumer health. This article comments on the results of a study that quantified and characterized food additives found on the labels of 9,856 packaged foods and beverages available in Brazilian supermarkets. The study adopted a field diary method to record and analyze nonconformities in the lists of ingredients. The objective of this article is to discuss the use of additives identified on the labels and the limitations of Brazilian legislation, which should guarantee the right to information and healthNos últimos tempos, questões vêm sendo levantadas sobre a segurança no uso de aditivos alimentares e em seu consumo. Verificou-se que o aumento da exposição a essas substâncias, seja pela ingestão mais frequente de alimentos ultraprocessados ou pela ampla utilização e combinação de várias categorias de aditivos pela indústria, pode estar relacionado ao maior risco à saúde do consumidor. Um estudo quantificou e caracterizou aditivos alimentares encontrados nos rótulos de 9.856 alimentos e bebidas embalados disponíveis nos supermercados brasileiros. Nele, foi adotado um diário de campo para registro de falhas e inconformidades nas informações presentes nas listas de ingredientes, sendo, por fim, analisadas qualitativamente e descritas de forma narrativa. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste comentário é apresentar e discutir o uso desses aditivos identificados nos rótulos e as limitações da legislação brasileira, que deveria garantir o direito à informação e a saúde da população

    Ultra-processed food products and fast food restaurant advertisements on Brazilian television

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    To counter growing rates of obesity, food marketing surveillance is imperative for the establishment of appropriate measures, especially in mass communication channels such as television. This one-pager provides results of analysis of types and brands of ultra-processed food products (UPP) and fast-food restaurants in Brazilian television advertisements. Soft drinks account for the majority of UPP ads, with international brands as the biggest advertisers of UPP and fast-food restaurants

    Promotion of ultra-processed foods in Brazil: combined use of claims and promotional features on packaging

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the availability of different promotional strategies applied for UPF sales in Brazilian food retailers. METHODS: Information available on food packaging was gathered from all packaged products sold in the five largest food retail chains in Brazil in 2017. UPF were identified using the NOVA food classification system. From this sample, data related to promotional characteristics, nutrition claims and health claims were collected and coded using the INFORMAS methodology. Additional claims referring to the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines were also collected. RESULTS: This study evaluated the packaging of 2,238 UPF, of which 59.8% presented at least one promotional strategy. Almost one third denoted a simultaneous use of different promotional strategies in the same packaging. Nutrition claims were the most commonly found promotional strategy, followed by health claims and the use of characters. The food subgroups comprising the highest prevalence of promotional strategies on their labels were: noncaloric sweeteners (100.0%), breakfast cereals and granola bars (96.2%), juices, nectars and fruit-flavoured drinks (92.9%), other unsweetened beverages (92.9%), and other sweetened beverages (92.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Considering the poor nutritional quality of UPF, the widespread presence of promotional features on their packaging highlights the need for marketing restrictions on this kind of product

    Whole grain products in Brazil: the need for regulation to ensure nutritional benefits and prevent the misuse of marketing strategies

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the use of “whole grains” claims in food products marketed in Brazil and evaluate the nutrient profile of these products. METHODS: Data from 775 grain-based packaged foods collected in Brazil from April to July 2017 were analyzed. Based on the INFORMAS protocol for food labeling, the prevalence of packaged foods with “whole grains” claims was estimated. Information on the list of ingredients was analyzed to evaluate the presence and amount of whole or refined grains in six food groups. The nutrient profiles of the products with and without “whole grains” claims were compared using the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) nutrient profile model. RESULTS: The packages of about 19% of the evaluated products showed “whole grains” claims in their front panel. Of these, 35% lacked any whole grains among their top three ingredients. Breakfast cereals, granola bars, bread, cakes and other bakery products, cookies, and pasta had higher amounts of refined flour than whole grain ingredients in their compositions. We found 66% of products with “whole grains” claims were high in nutrients of concern according to PAHO’s criteria. CONCLUSION: Our results showed that over a third of the products in Brazil with “whole grains” claims lacked whole grains as one of their main ingredients. Most had a high content of nutrients associated with noncommunicable chronic disease risk factors, indicating the overestimation of their health benefits

    Nutrition-related advertisements on Brazilian television

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    This one-pager describes nutrition-related ads broadcasted on Brazilian television, and determines potential exposure of individuals to unhealthy food advertising in Brazil. The food marketing/ television monitoring protocol created by the International Network for Food and Obesity/Non-communicable Diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) was applied in data collection. The marketing of unhealthy foods is one of the central causes of change in food consumption patterns, thus regulation of this marketing becomes an important part of actions to combat obesity

    Towards a community of practice : a way to improve research, advocacy and policy in healthy food systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    This Final Technical Report integrates the results from all the project components.This project aimed to create a Community of Practice to strengthen research and advocacy tools and regional capacities in the field of healthy diets, non communicable diseases prevention, health promotion and sustainable food systems, by fostering collaboration and cooperation among correlated sectors, across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC region). This final report presents considerations about the activities developed by all institutions included in the project, highlighting those related to the construction of Colansa's governance and institutional development. Colansa was launched in March 2021, and has organized 8 member meetings, online consultations, and open spaces for interactions among the members. Until July 2022, 20 organizations and 169 individuals are members. The activities and strategies developed by all partners played a key role in establishing common values and visions about what we aspire to as food systems that promote health, contribute to the environment and social justice in the region. By developing the capacity building sessions, it was possible to strengthen research and advocacy tools and regional capacities to address the priority action lines of the CoP. The elaboration of the conceptual framework on gender perspective for projects contributed to embed gender analysis and promote women empowerment as part of the regional research and advocacy agenda of the CoP. A series of advocacy and communication activities were developed in order to improve a regional strategy on front-of-package nutrition labeling, as a model of collaboration for other priority action lines. Colansa shares the understanding that structural changes are needed in food systems and that the LAC region has great potential to contribute regarding public policy innovation. Colansa is becoming an active and knowledgeable community, bringing relevant topics for discussion and subsequent propositions of strategies, insights, experiences, synergistic opportunities and useful connections for diverse, but related stakeholders