57 research outputs found

    Wheat Variety-Specific Response to Seeding Rate Under Intensive Management Conditions in Western Kansas in 2019–2020

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    Wheat response to seeding rate is variable and depends on resource availability during the growing season (e.g., fertility, moisture, and temperature). Our objective was to evaluate winter wheat population and grain yield responses to seeding rate and its interaction with variety in a highly-managed production system where manageable stresses were limited. One experiment evaluating the response of the wheat varieties Joe, WB-Grainfield, Langin, and LCS Revere to seeding rates ranging from 200,000 to 1,000,000 seeds per acre was established in a field managed by growers that consistently win state and national wheat yield contests near Leoti, KS. The trials were established on September 25, 2019, after a long fallow. The growing season was extremely dry, with only 6.3 inches of cumulative precipitation (corresponding only to 15% of atmospheric water demand). Stand count increased with increases in seeding rate but final population was closer to the target under low populations. Varieties differed statistically in grain yield but all varieties responded similarly to seeding rate. The lowest yield was recorded across varieties in the treatment with 200,000 seeds/a, with the treatments ranging from 400,000 to 1,000,000 seeds/a all resulting in the same yield level. The variety WB-Grainfield underperformed the other varieties, likely due to more damage from a spring freeze occurring in April 2020. These results suggest that wheat grain yield responses to seeding rate were not dependent on variety, with optimum seeding rates as low as 400,000 seeds/a. We note that increasing seeding rates past this point led to numerical, but not statistical, increases in yield

    Wheat Development and Yield as Affected by Era of Variety Release and In-Furrow Fertilizer

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    Limited information exists on the interaction between historical and modern wheat varieties and in-furrow fertilizer. Our objectives were to estimate grain yield and differences in dynamics of biomass accumulation of historical and modern winter wheat varieties as affected by different fertilization practices. Two field trials were established during the 2017–2018 growing season in Kansas. Eight winter wheat varieties released between 1920 and 2016—Kharkof (1920), Scout 66 (1966), Karl 92 (1988), Jagger (1994), Jagalene (2001), Fuller (2006), KanMark (2014) and Larry (2016)—were sown using one of two different fertilizer treatments: either the university recommendation (control with no in-furrow fertilizer due to high testing soil-P levels) or a treatment where 100 lb/a MESZ were applied in-furrow. Grain yield was greater in semi-dwarf varieties relative to tall varieties. In-furrow fertilizer showed greater grain yield in comparison with no fertilizer treatment. Whole plant biomass accumulation at matu­rity did not change over decades. In-furrow fertilizer presented larger biomass accu­mulation than no fertilizer treatment. Harvest index increased from tall to semi-dwarf varieties. More site-years of this study are needed to determine whether there is a need for re-evaluation of current fertility recommendations for semi-dwarf wheat varieties, considering that no interaction between variety and fertility was observed

    Integrated Wheat Management for Improved Wheat Yield and Protein in Kansas

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    In Kansas, seven to nine million acres of winter wheat are sown annually with grain yields averaging about 40 bu/a. Variety selection and management strategies are critical decisions to maximize wheat yield. Thus, the main objective of this experiment was to evaluate four wheat varieties and their response to six management strategies at three locations in Kansas. These strategies included a farmer practice, enhanced fertility, economical intensification, increased foliar protection, water-limited yield, and increased plant productivity. Locations were pooled based on tillage practice and envi­ronment within Kansas; conventional till in central (Hutchinson and Belleville), and no-till in western (Leoti). In the conventional till analysis, enhanced fertility increased grain yield from 63 bu/a in the farmer practice to 72 bu/a and no other manage­ment strategy further increased yields. Thus, WB4303, WB4458, and WB-Grainfield produced a similar grain yield of 72 bu/a; however, Zenda yield was less (68 bu/a). The water-limited yield treatment increased protein concentration from 11.7% in the farmer practice to 14.1%. Protein concentration was 13.1% and 13.6% for WB-Grain­field and WB4303, respectively. In the no-till analysis, the farmer practice and increased plant productivity yielded 51 bu/a and the enhanced fertility increased yields to 64 bu/a. Joe yielded 61 bu/a, which was significantly greater than WB4458 and Byrd (~57 bu/a). In the conventional till, farmer practice measured a protein concentration of 11.2%, which was increased to 12.8% and 13.2% by enhanced fertility and increased plant productivity, respectively. The wheat varieties WB-Grainfield, Joe, and Byrd all had a protein concentration of 12.4%, and WB4458 increased protein concentration to 13.3%. The grain yield and protein concentration of different varieties responded to increases in management input intensity depending on tillage practices and environ­ments. Improved agronomic management based on variety-specific characteristics can help increase wheat productivity in Kansas

    Do Different Wheat Varieties Respond Differently to Nitrogen Rates in Terms of Grain Yield and Grain Protein Concentration in Kansas?

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    Nitrogen management in wheat can result in positive impacts on grain yield and grain protein concentration (GPC) if addressed correctly. The aim of this study was to compare whether different varieties responded differently in terms of grain yield and GPC to management of nitrogen (N) rate across different environments. Factorial field experiments were carried out in a split-plot design in four different Kansas locations to evaluate the combination of four N rates (whole plot, 0, 40, 80, and 120 lb N/a) and fourteen different commercially available winter wheat varieties (sub-plots). Grain yield and GPC were measured at harvest maturity. The grain yield average across all treatments at all locations was 50.3 bushels per acre, ranging from 33.6 to 84.9 bu/a depending on treatment and location. Mean GPC across all site-treatment combinations was 11.3%. There were significant interactions between environment and variety, and between environment and N rate for both grain yield and GPC, but not variety by N rate interaction. Different varieties provided to the highest yield and protein groups depending on location. Yield response to N was location-specific due to different amounts of soil NO3-N in the profile. In general, the highest GPC were obtained with the highest N rates in all locations except for one study site where 80 lb N/a sufficed. Results suggest that variety performance and optimum N rate that maximizes yield changed within the different environments, but the same N rate regime should be adopted across varieties

    Wheat Variety Response to Seeding Rate Across a Range of Kansas Environments in 2019–2020

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    Due to the inconsistencies of wheat response to seeding rate, we conducted an experiment in seven Kansas locations during the 2019–2020 winter wheat growing season with the objectives of determining whether higher yielding environments warrant lower seeding rates than lower yielding environments, and whether this response depends on wheat variety. The wheat varieties ‘Larry,’ ‘SY Monument,’ ‘Tatanka,’ and ‘WB4303’ were seeded at 200,000, 400,000, 800,000, and 1,600,000 seeds per acre at Ashland Bottoms, Belleville, Conway Springs, Great Bend, Hutchinson, Leoti, and Manhattan. Growing season rainfall in the studied locations ranged from 6.7 to 24.2 inches, which corresponded to anywhere from 16 to 80% of the reference evapotranspiration. Stand count increased with increases in seeding rate but final population was dependent on the location: in Great Bend, the range in population evaluated was only from 248,270 to 464,590 due to an extremely dry period following wheat sowing; while at the other locations there was a larger range in populations evaluated. Regarding grain yield, plant population also interacted with location: grain yield increased linearly with increases in seeding rate in the five lowest yielding environments, and plateaued at 800,000 seeds/a in the two highest yielding environments. Likewise, varieties interacted with the location so that in two locations there were no varietal effects; while in five locations the difference between the lowest and highest yielding varieties ranged from 5.2 to 9.9 bushels per acre. These results suggested that wheat grain yield responses to seeding rate were dependent on location, and that varieties yielded differently by location but the response of the different varieties to seeding rate was similar

    Tillering Potential and Stability of Winter Wheat Varieties Commonly Grown in Kansas

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    The tillering potential and stability of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) can be positive traits by conferring adaptation to distinct production environments. The literature demonstrates a high correlation between the tillering potential and many yield components. However, the actual impact of tillering potential on grain yield is not clear. Our goal was to quantify the tillering potential and stability of a range of winter wheat varieties. Field experiments were conducted in six locations in the state of Kansas during the 2021–2022 season. A complete factorial treatment structure of twenty-five winter wheat varieties by two seeding rates (400,000 seeds per acre and 1.2 million seeds per acre) was established in a randomized complete block design with three or four blocks. We measured the stand count (twenty days after sowing) and the number of stems at the growth stage Feekes 6 in 3 1⁄4 row-feet in each plot. Tillers per plant were modeled as a function of plants per square feet by replication within the environment using non-linear models. Overall, fall precipitation and temperature accumulation partially regulated tiller production, but the major determinant of tillers per plant was the number of plants per area. Different seeding rates led to large differences in population and tiller components, which in compensation only resulted in modest grain yield changes. With few exceptions, varieties tended to be stable in their ranking as a function of the environment; thus, varieties with high tillering potential can be an option to reduce seed costs

    Nitrogen Fertilization and Wheat Variety Interact with Environment Independently to Determine Wheat Yield in Kansas

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    Both nitrogen (N) management and variety selection are crucial elements that influence wheat yield; however, there is limited research exploring whether wheat varieties differ in their response to N rate. Thus, our objectives were to determine potential variety by N rate interactions among modern winter wheat varieties. Factorial field experiments were established in four Kansas locations during the 2020–2021 growing season, including two fields near Ashland Bottoms, one field near Hutchinson, and one near Manhattan. Whole plot treatments were four N rates (0, 40, 80, and 120 lb N/a) applied in the spring and subplots were 14 commercially available winter wheat varieties. Initial soil NO3-N in the 0- to 24-in. soil profile at sowing ranged from 45 to 67 lb N/a. The weather conditions were overall favorable for crop yields across all studied environments. Wheat grain yield response to the spring-applied N fertilizer depended on location, ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 bushel per lb of N applied, with greater responses to the first 40 to 80 pounds of N per acre in three out of four environments. Likewise, variety grain yield depended on location, and varieties ranking changed accordingly. However, there was no variety by nitrogen interaction, suggesting that all varieties responded similarly to the applied N

    Wheat Development and Yield as Affected by Era of Variety Release and In-Furrow Fertilizer

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    Nutrients play a major role in wheat yield determination; however, limited informa­tion exists on the differential responses of historical and modern varieties to in-furrow fertilizer. Our objectives were to estimate grain yield and differences in agronomic traits of historical and modern winter wheat varieties as affected by different fertilization programs. Two field trials were established during the growing season 2016–2017 (i.e., Ashland Bottoms and Belleville, KS). Seven winter wheat varieties released between 1920 and 2016–Kharkof (1920), Scout 66 (1966), Karl 92 (1988), Jagalene (2001), Fuller (2006), KanMark (2014), and Larry (2016)–were sown using one of two different fertilizer practices: either the university recommendation or a treatment where 100 lb/a MESZ were applied in-furrow. At both locations, historical varieties were taller and had thinner stems than modern ones. In-furrow fertilizer increased yield of modern varieties relative to no fertilizer treatment in a sandier soil in Ashland Bottoms, while historical varieties showed neutral to negative yield response. In the silt loam soil near Belleville, there was only a significant variety effect but no fertilizer effect, likely due to a greater cation exchange capacity of the studied soil. More site-years of this study are needed to determine whether there is a need for re-evaluation of current fertility recommendations for modern wheat varieties

    Plant Population and Fungicide Treatment Reduce Winter Wheat Yield Gap in Kansas

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    Despite the large winter wheat yield gap in Kansas, limited research is available on integrated agronomic practices to increase grain yield. Our objective was to quantify the contribution of individual and combined management practices to reduce wheat yield gap. An incomplete factorial treatment structure established in a randomized complete block design was conducted in three locations in Kansas during 2016–2017 to evaluate the impacts of 14 treatments on yield and grain protein concentration of the modern wheat variety ‘Everest.’ We individually added six treatments to a low-input standard control or removed from a high-input intensive control, which received all treatments. Treatments were: additional nitrogen, sulfur or chloride, increased plant population, foliar fungicide, and plant growth regulator. In Manhattan, the intensive control increased grain yield by 6 bu/a as compared to the standard control, mostly led by additional nitrogen, sulfur, increased population, and fungicide (3–6 bu/a). In Belleville and Hutchinson, foliar fungicide increased grain yield on average by 19 bu/a. Additional nitrogen was the only treatment that increased grain protein concentration across all locations. Our results suggest that integrated pest management should be preferred over an intensive program with prophylactic pesticide application

    Plant Growth Regulators to Decrease Wheat Height in High Fertility Scenarios

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    Lodging is a common concern in wheat production, and its intensity depends on many factors including the straw strength of the variety, nitrogen (N) levels, and plant growth regulator (PGR). However, there are limited data exploring how current Kansas wheat varieties respond to PGR applications at different fertility levels. Thus, our objective was to assess the effects of PGR on wheat varieties exposed to different levels of N fertilization. A field trial was established in a split-split-plot design and four replica­tions in two Kansas locations (Great Bend and Ashland Bottoms) during the 2017–18 growing season. Factors evaluated were two N levels as whole plots (e.g., for a yield goal of 55 versus 73 bu/a), two varieties as sub-plot (below average straw strength with 1863 and above average straw strength with WB-Grainfield), and PGR (control versus 14.4 fl oz/a of Palisade applied at jointing). Due to an extremely dry growing season, biomass production was decreased and no lodging was observed. Still, the application of PGR decreased plant height at both locations by 0.6–1 inch, although this decrease depended on fertility level at the Great Bend site. WB-Grainfield was typically taller than 1863, regardless of location evaluated. Despite its effect of reducing plant height, grain yield was unaffected by PGR application. In Great Bend, grain yield was only affected by variety; while an interaction of variety × fertility affected grain yield in Ashland Bottoms. These results are promising as there was no yield drag from PGR applications despite an extremely dry growing season
