52 research outputs found

    Effect of rootstock on growth, yield and fruit characteristics in cv 'Bianca' pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees

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    This paper, following preliminary field evaluation trials started in 1993, reports a study on the effect of eight different in vitro-propagated clonal rootstocks (P. atlantica and P. integerrima) and one seedling rootstock (P. terebinthus) on the vegetative and productive behaviour of pistachio cultivar 'Bianca'. The trees, budded in 1991, were grown using standard cultural practices for dry-land farming in a sandy clay loam soil, located inland in Sicily. On average, clones of P. integerrima (I-6 and I-2) were the most vigorous rootstocks. Clones of P. atlantica had intermediate vigour. Rootstock significantly affect yield but not fruit weight, kernel to nut ratio, splitting and blanking percentages. The highest yield efficiencies were observed with I-4 and A-3 and A-5, whereas the lowest were obtained with I-6 and I-2 and A-8. Nut shape was significantly affected by the rootstock. Slight differences in leaf mineral content were observed among the tested graft combinations

    Urgent need for preservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera) germplasm from small circum-Sicilian islands as revealed by SSR markers and traditional use investigations

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    Since the last decades grapevine germplasm is undergoing a process of rapid genetic erosion. This process is of particular concern in minor circum-Sicilian islands, because of the sharp reduction of the cultivated surfaces and the shift of their economy from agriculture to tourism. Aiming at valorising and preserving the surviving varieties we collected 185 accessions during several surveys since 2007. Six nuclear microsatellite markers were used for germplasm characterization, yielding 75 different genetic profiles. We found out that most genetic profiles (39) were not listed in national and international grapevine databases, confirming that the Sicilian minor islands represent underexplored hotspots of genetic diversity for grapevine. We also identified several synonymies, often due to geographic isolation, having 20 varieties at least two names. Conversely, 18 homonyms collectively indicated 34 genetically different accessions. Interviews with farmers provided information on current and past usage, and the origin and type of cultivation practices as well. The study also shows the urgent need for preservation of local grapevine germplasm, due to the disappearance of the elder caretakers of these traditional varieties. For rare germplasm preservation most part of the collected grapevine cultivars were introduced in an ex situ collection field

    Broncalt®, class ii medical device, in patients with chronic relapsed upper airways disease: A survey in clinical practice

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    Chronic respiratory otorhinolaryngological (ORL) diseases may exacerbate. Broncalt® is a class II Medical Device containing: thermal water (Medesano, PR, Italy), hyaluronic acid, and grapefruit seed extract. It could exert a safe and effective anti-inflammatory, washing, and antimicrobial activity. The current survey, conducted in clinical practice of 84 Italian ORL centers, evaluated its safety and efficacy in the treatment of patients with exacerbated chronic upper airways disease. The 459 (254 males, mean age 44.7 years) patients were evaluated at baseline (T0) and after a 2-week treatment (T1), treated or not-treated with Broncalt®. Signs and symptoms severity were measured by visual analogue scale. Broncalt® significantly, quickly, and safely diminished the clinical features in all sub-groups (p<0.001 for all). In conclusion, Broncalt® is a class II Medical Device able to exert a safe, quick, and effective activity in patients with relapsed chronic ORL disorders. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    The colonisation of the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides major L.) in Eucalypt woods and Popular Cultivations in Sicily

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    Thank to the forestry activity, in the last half of the century the wood surface in Sicily has increased. The species planted were Mediterranean pine and Eucalyptus spp., the latter were used because considered more adapted to marginal soils. In comparison with some natural formations, Eucalyptus plantations appear quite poor either from floristic and faunistic point of view. Nevertheless, in the last years, some Australian species of insects, linked to Eucalyptus, colonised the European continent, contributing to increase the biodiversity of Eucalypt afforestations. The recent diffusion of the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides major L.) in these woods is part of this process, which involved also other types of wood plantations, like poplar cultivation. In the Eucalypt afforestations, the Great Spotted Woodpecker exploits Eucalyptus, both extracting from them larvae of the Cerambycidae beetle Phoracantha semipunctata and drinking the sap oozing out through holes made along the trunk. This bird species is actually spreading in Pinus, Eucalytpus and Populus woods close to natural and semi-natural formations, as well as in isolated woods, using almond and olive orchards as biocorridors.Riassunto Nell’ultima metà del secolo scorso, la superficie forestale in Sicilia ha avuto un discreto incremento determinato dall’opera di rimboschimento. Le specie utilizzate sono state soprattutto pini mediterranei ed eucalitti. Questi ultimi sono stati utilizzati per la presunta elevata produttività e della effettiva capacità di adattamento alle situazioni pedologiche più difficili. I nuovi boschi di eucalitto hanno mostrato tutti i loro limiti in termini ecologici, non consentendo un’elevata diversità floro-faunistica. In questi ultimi anni, grazie anche alla colonizzazione da parte di specie di insetti proprie dell’eucalitto, è in atto un processo di naturalizzazione, che precorre una probabile diversificazione dell’habitat. La diffusione del Picchio rosso maggiore negli eucalitteti si inserisce in questo processo ; esso è stato osservato anche in altri tipi di rimboschimenti, come i pioppeti, la cui finalità è del tutto differente. Negli eucalitteti, il Picchio si nutre delle larve della Phoracantha semipunctata e della linfa ottenuta effettuando numerosi fori nel tronco di alcune piante. La specie si è diffusa in boschi di pini ed eucalitti, contigui a formazioni naturali e seminaturali ma anche in boschi isolati dimostrando una capacità dispersiva inattesa. Le osservazioni hanno accertato il ruolo di corridoi ecologici svolto dagli arboreti come mandorleti ed oliveti nel consentire questa espansione.Du fait d’une importante activité de reboisement durant la dernière moitié du siècle passé, la superficie des forêts en Sicile a considérablement augmenté. Les espèces utilisées pour le reboisement ont surtout été des pins méditerranéens et différentes espèces d’eucalyptus ; ces dernières ayant souvent été préférées car considérées comme mieux adaptées à des conditions de sol difficiles. Comparées aux formations forestières naturelles, les plantations d’eucalyptus sont généralement plus pauvres tant d’un point de vue floristique que faunistique. Néanmoins, quelques espèces d’insectes australiens inféodés aux eucalyptus ont également colonisé le continent européen, contribuant ainsi à l’augmentation de la biodiversité de ces boisements. La colonisation récente de ces boisements d’eucalyptus ainsi que des plantations de peupliers par le pic épeiche (Picoides major L.) fait partie du même processus. Les facteurs qui ont favorisé cette colonisation du pic sont d’une part, la présence du coléoptère cérambycide Phoracantha semipunctata, dont les larves vivant dans les troncs des eucalyptus sont particulièrement recherchées par le Pic et, d’autre part, la consommation de la sève d’eucalyptus qui suinte au travers des trous creusés par l’oiseau le long du tronc. Cette espèce est actuellement en expansion dans les boisements de Pinus, Eucalyptus et Populus, à proximité de formations naturelles ainsi qu’au niveau de bosquets isolés où les vergers d’amandiers et d’oliviers servent de corridors biologiques.La Mantia Tommaso, Spoto Michele, Massa Bruno. The colonisation of the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Picoides major L.) in Eucalypt woods and Popular Cultivations in Sicily. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 28 n°2, 2002. pp. 65-73

    Identification of olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes using SSR and RAPD markers.

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    Identification of olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes using SSR and RAPD markers SSR and RAPD markers were used to identify DNA fingerprints of 100 accessions of olive trees (Olea europaea L.) from the National Olive Variety Assessment (NOVA) collection, located at the University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Campus (South Australia). The markers were compared for their ability to discriminate between genotypes and their level of polymorphism per marker. The results were similar for both types of markers, and it was shown that several cultivars in the collection had similar genotypes. However, SSRs were more discriminatory as more genotypes were identified with these, than with RAPD markers. The DNA fingerprints collected have been used for the construction of a genetic database that was used to identify eight out of ten presumed Mission olive cultivar samples obtained from cultivated olives planted around the early Mission sites in the USA
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