6 research outputs found

    Eribulin-trastuzumab combination in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: updated results from a Russian observational study

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    Introduction. The standard of 1st line treatment of HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (mBC) is double blockade with trastuzumab and pertuzumab + taxane, 2nd line – Trastuzumab-emtazine. There are no standards for further treatment, as well as the optimal drug sequence. Expansion of the arsenal of therapeutic possibilities and the use of new combinations will certainly improve the results of treatment of this category of patients and increase their life expectancy.Aim. We sought to describe treatment patterns of  eribulin  and clinical outcomes of  metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer treated with eribulin  plus trastuzumab combination in  academic institutions and community oncology practices across the Russian Federation.Materials and methods. Patients treated with eribulin anytime between Jan, 2014 and Sep, 2019 with a diagnosis of MBC were identified by 23 providers from Russia. Providers retrospectively reviewed the health records and abstracted selected data points into an electronic case report form for each eligible patient.Results. 100 HER2-positive pts received eribulin in combination with trastuzumab. Median age was 55 (31–80) yrs and ECOG status 0–3. 67% pts had visceral metastases. Eribulin was administered as 1st and 2nd line to 23 (23%) pts, 3rd line to 31 (31%) pts, 4th line and later to 46 (46%). Median number of cycles was 5 (2–27). ORR was 12%, SD – 72%, SD > 6 months – 23%, PD – 16%. Clinical efficacy rate achieved in 35%. Median PFS was 5.07 months (95% CI 4.021–6.119). According to the ER-status the response to eribulin and trastuzumab was different. ORR was 18.8%, SD 72.9% in pts with ER-positive MBC (n = 48) and 5.8% and 71.2% respectively in ER-negative MBC (n = 52). Median PFS was 6.97 months (95% CI 3.924–10.016) in pts with ER-positive MBC and 4.67 months (95% CI 3.841–5.499) in ER-negative MBC (р = 0.3). The combination was well tolerated: dose reductions were required in 12% pts, withdrawal due to toxicity in 4% pts. The most common type of toxicity was hematological with neutropenia Gr III-IV in 14 (14%) pts. Peripheral neuropathy Gr III was observed in 5 (5%) pts. No cardiotoxicity was detected.Conclusions. This is the real-life data of clinical outcomes for patients receiving eribulin plus trastuzumab for HER2-positive MBC throughout the Russian Federation. Our experience with eribulin plus trastuzumab demonstrates that this combination may be a potential effective treatment option for HER-2 positive MBC patients


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    Introduction. Eribulin, an non-taxane microtubule inhibitor, has been registered in Russia for patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (mBC) who received at least one chemotherapy regimen for a advanced disease, previous therapy should include anthracyclines and taxanes in adjuvant or metastatic setting, except the patients who could not be prescribed these drugs. We present our experience with eribulin in real clinical practice in Moscow and the Moscow Region.Patients and methods. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the experience with the use of eribulin in Moscow and the Moscow Region in 202 patients with mBC from January 2016 to February 2017 to assess the effectiveness and safety of the drug. All patients received previous therapy with anthracyclines and taxanes for locally advanced and / or metastatic cancer. The average age of patients at the time of inclusion in the analysis was 5 years (28–81). The status of the general condition on the ECOG 0-1 scale was registered in 81.3 % (100 / 123) of patients, the status of ECOG 2-3 in 18.7 % (23 / 123) of patients. The median of the number of courses of chemotherapy with eribulin is 4 (2–17). Patients received eribulin in 1-7 chemotherapy lines for metastatic disease. The average number of affected organs is 2 (1–5).Results. Complete response (CR) was in 3 (2 %) patients. Partial response (PR) was in 24 (15.7 %) patients, stabilization of the disease – in 89 (58. 2 %). Progression of the disease was recorded in 37 (24.1 %) patients. The median of progression-free survival (PFS) on the therapy was 4.64 (95 % CI 2.97-6.87) months. Stabilization of the disease for more than 6 months was registered in 28 (18.3 %) patients. The most significant toxicity was neutropenia and polyneuropathy (21 patients (10.4 %) and 7 patients (3.5 %), respectively).Dose reduction due to neutropenia was required by 26 patients (12.9 %). The objective response rate (ORR) depended on the chemotherapy line: in 1-3 lines the efficacy of the treatment was higher: the ORR was 21.6 %, compared to the 4th and subsequent lines – 12.3 %, respectively. With HER2-positive mBC, eribulin showed clinically significant results in combination with trastuzumab.Conclusions. Our analysis confirms that eribulin has a predictable and manageable safety profile, is an effective drug for the treatment of patients with different subtypes of mBC in a real clinical setting.Введение. Эрибулин – ингибитор динамики микротрубочек нетаксанового ряда, зарегистрирован в России для пациентов с местнораспространенным или метастатическим раком молочной железы (мРМЖ), получившим ранее не менее одного режима химиотерапии по поводу распространенного заболевания; предшествующая терапия должна включать антрациклины и таксаны в адъювантном режиме или в условиях метастатической формы заболевания, за исключением тех пациентов, которым не могли назначаться данные препараты. В настоящей работе представлен собственный опыт применения эрибулина в условиях реальной клинической практики г. Москвы и Московской области.Пациенты и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ опыта применения эрибулина в г. Москве и Московской области у 202 пациентов с мРМЖ с января 2016 по февраль 2017 г. для оценки эффективности и безопасности препарата. Все больные получили предшествующую терапию с использованием антрациклинов и таксанов по поводу местнораспространенного и / или метастатического рака. Средний возраст пациентов на момент включения в анализ составил 58 лет (28–81). Статус общего состояния по шкале ECOG 0–1 зарегистрирован у 81,3 % (100 / 123) больных, статус ЕCOG 2–3 – у 18,7 % (23 / 123) пациентов. Медиана числа проведенных курсов химиотерапии эрибулином – 4 (2–17). Пациенты получали эрибулин в 1–7 линиях химиотерапии по поводу метастатической формы заболевания. Среднее количество пораженных органов – 2 (1–5).Результаты. Полные регрессии (ПР) отмечены у 3 (2 %) больных, частичная регрессия (ЧР) – у 24 (15,7 %) пациентов, стабилизация заболевания – у 89 (58,2 %). Прогрессирование болезни зафиксировано у 37 (24,1 %) пациентов. Медиана выживаемости без прогрессирования (ВБП) на терапии эрибулином мРМЖ составила 4,64 мес. (95 % ДИ 2,97–6,87). Стабилизация заболевания более 6 мес. зарегистрирована у 28 (18,3 %) больных. Наиболее значимой токсичностью стали нейтропения и полинейропатия (21 (10,4 %) и 7 (3,5 %) пациентов соответственно). Редукция дозы эрибулина в связи с развитием нейтропении потребовалась 26 (12,9 %) больным.Частота объективного ответа (ЧОО) при терапии эрибулином зависела от линии химиотерапии: в 1–3 линиях эффективность лечения была выше – ЧОО составила 21,6 % по сравнению с 4-й и последующими линиями с ЧОО в 12,3 %. При HER2-положительном мРМЖ эрибулин продемонстрировал значительно лучшие результаты по ВБП в комбинации с трастузумабом по сравнению с монотерапией (медиана 4,64 мес. (95 % ДИ 2,94–6,6) и 2,58 мес. (95 % ДИ 2,15–3,6) соответственно).Выводы. Проведенный анализ подтверждает, что эрибулин, обладая предсказуемым и управляемым профилем безопасности, является эффективным препаратом для терапии пациентов с различными подтипами мРМЖ в условиях реальной клинической практики


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    Purpose. Improvement of the results of treatment of patients with locally advanced and metastatic gastric cancer. Material and methods. From the 2010–2014 we performed 30 surgeries using techniques HICT. Among patients there were 17 men and 13 women. The median of age was 50 years. Locally advanced gastric cancer (T4a-T4b) was observed in 22 cases, including 4 patients in the emergency immunocytochemical study with peritoneal lavage detected cancer-free (Cyt +) cells in the abdominal cavity. The group of patients with metastatic gastric cancer accounted for 8 patients. Narrow carcinomatosis (P1) was 4 cases, carcinomatosis (P2-P3) — 4. Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy in the study group was not carried out. In the control group No 1 (n = 51) performed surgery alone, without additional anticancer therapy. In the control group No 2 (n = 66), a combined treatment (surgery + chemotherapy). Results. Follow-up median was 25 months. Overall 1-year survival rate for all three groups was 55%, 39% and 52%, respectively. Median survival in the intervention group versus 21.4 months in the 8 and 12 months, respectively. The most effective HICT is shown for patients with locally advanced gastric cancer. In the study group, median overall survival was 29 months. The survival rate of 1-, 2-, 3-year-old was equal to 68%, 61% and 42%. In the first control group, 1-year survival of 45%. None of the patients did not survive 2 years. In the second control group, one-year survival rate was 60%, 2-year survival is not. Results of treatment of metastatic gastric cancer proved to be more modest. In the main group the median survival was 10 months, compared with 6 and 7 months of the two control groups. There were no statistically significant differences. Conclusions. 1. Availability of limited dissemination, free cancer cells in the abdominal cavity, as well as a massive defeat of serous membrane of the stomach can be seen as indications for HICT in gastric cancer. 2. In gastric cancer with carcinomatosis P2-P3 effectiveness of HICT is questionable, even with the full cytoreduction

    Gut Digestive Function and Microbiome after Correction of Experimental Dysbiosis in Rats by Indigenous Bifidobacteria

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    In recent years, great interest has arisen in the use of autoprobiotics (indigenous bacteria isolated from the organism and introduced into the same organism after growing). This study aimed to evaluate the effects of indigenous bifidobacteria on intestinal microbiota and digestive enzymes in a rat model of antibiotic-associated dysbiosis. Our results showed that indigenous bifidobacteria (the Bf group) accelerate the disappearance of dyspeptic symptoms in rats and prevent an increase in chyme mass in the upper intestine compared to the group without autoprobiotics (the C1 group), but significantly increase the mass of chyme in the colon compared to the C1 group and the control group (healthy animals). In the Bf group in the gut microbiota, the content of opportunistic bacteria (Proteus spp., enteropathogenic Escherichia coli) decreased, and the content of some beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacterium spp., Dorea spp., Blautia spp., the genus Ruminococcus, Prevotella, Oscillospira) changed compared to the control group. Unlike the C1 group, in the Bf group there was no decrease in the specific activities of maltase and alkaline phosphatase in the mucosa of the upper intestine, but the specific activity of maltase was decreased in the colon chyme compared to the control and C1 groups. In the Bf group, the specific activity of aminopeptidase N was reduced in the duodenum mucosa and the colon chyme compared to the control group. We concluded that indigenous bifidobacteria can protect the microbiota and intestinal digestive enzymes in the intestine from disorders caused by dysbiosis; however, there may be impaired motor function of the colon

    Gut Digestive Function and Microbiome after Correction of Experimental Dysbiosis in Rats by Indigenous Bifidobacteria

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    In recent years, great interest has arisen in the use of autoprobiotics (indigenous bacteria isolated from the organism and introduced into the same organism after growing). This study aimed to evaluate the effects of indigenous bifidobacteria on intestinal microbiota and digestive enzymes in a rat model of antibiotic-associated dysbiosis. Our results showed that indigenous bifidobacteria (the Bf group) accelerate the disappearance of dyspeptic symptoms in rats and prevent an increase in chyme mass in the upper intestine compared to the group without autoprobiotics (the C1 group), but significantly increase the mass of chyme in the colon compared to the C1 group and the control group (healthy animals). In the Bf group in the gut microbiota, the content of opportunistic bacteria (Proteus spp., enteropathogenic Escherichia coli) decreased, and the content of some beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacterium spp., Dorea spp., Blautia spp., the genus Ruminococcus, Prevotella, Oscillospira) changed compared to the control group. Unlike the C1 group, in the Bf group there was no decrease in the specific activities of maltase and alkaline phosphatase in the mucosa of the upper intestine, but the specific activity of maltase was decreased in the colon chyme compared to the control and C1 groups. In the Bf group, the specific activity of aminopeptidase N was reduced in the duodenum mucosa and the colon chyme compared to the control group. We concluded that indigenous bifidobacteria can protect the microbiota and intestinal digestive enzymes in the intestine from disorders caused by dysbiosis; however, there may be impaired motor function of the colon