1,911 research outputs found

    Detection of Quantum Noise from an Electrically-Driven Two-Level System

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    Quantum mechanics can strongly influence the noise properties of mesoscopic devices. To probe this effect we have measured the current fluctuations at high-frequency (5-90 GHz) using a superconductor-insulator-superconductor tunnel junction as an on-chip spectrum analyser. By coupling this frequency-resolved noise detector to a quantum device we can measure the high-frequency, non-symmetrized noise as demonstrated for a Josephson junction. The same scheme is used to detect the current fluctuations arising from coherent charge oscillations in a two-level system, a superconducting charge qubit. A narrow band peak is observed in the spectral noise density at the frequency of the coherent charge oscillations.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal Fluctuations of the Electric Field in the Presence of Carrier Drift

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    We consider a semiconductor in a non-equilibrium steady state, with a dc current. On top of the stationary carrier motion there are fluctuations. It is shown that the stationary motion of the carriers (i.e., their drift) can have a profound effect on the electromagnetic field fluctuations in the bulk of the sample as well as outside it, close to the surface (evanescent waves in the near field). The effect is particularly pronounced near the plasma frequency. This is because drift leads to a significant modification of the dispersion relation for the bulk and surface plasmons.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Mass Transfer Mechanism in Real Crystals by Pulsed Laser Irradiation

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    The dynamic processes in the surface layers of metals subjected activity of a pulsing laser irradiation, which destroyed not the crystalline structure in details surveyed. The procedure of calculation of a dislocation density generated in bulk of metal during the relaxation processes and at repeated pulse laser action is presented. The results of evaluations coincide with high accuracy with transmission electron microscopy dates. The dislocation-interstitial mechanism of laser-stimulated mass-transfer in real crystals is presented on the basis of the ideas of the interaction of structure defects in dynamically deforming medium. The good compliance of theoretical and experimental results approves a defining role of the presented mechanism of mass transfer at pulse laser action on metals. The possible implementation this dislocation-interstitial mechanism of mass transfer in metals to other cases of pulsing influences is justifiedComment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Runaway Quarks

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    When heavy nuclei collide, a quark-gluon plasma is formed. The plasma is subject to strong electric field due to the charge of the colliding nuclei. The electric field can influence the behavior of the quark-gluon plasma. In particular, we might observe an increased number of quarks moving in the direction of that field, as we do in the standard electron-ion plasma. In this paper we show that this phenomenon, called the runaway quarks, does not exist.Comment: 13 pages, uses harvmac.tex, epsf.te

    Thermal drag revisited: Boltzmann versus Kubo

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    The effect of mutual drag between phonons and spin excitations on the thermal conductivity of a quantum spin system is discussed. We derive general expression for the drag component of the thermal current using both Boltzmann equation approach and Kubo linear-response formalism to leading order in the spin-phonon coupling. We demonstrate that aside from higher-order corrections which appear in the Kubo formalism both approaches yield identical results for the drag thermal conductivity. We discuss the range of applicability of our result and provide a generalization of our consideration to the cases of fermionic excitations and to anomalous forms of boson-phonon coupling. Several asymptotic regimes of our findings relevant to realistic situations are highlighted.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, published version, extended discussio

    Radiation Front Sweeping the Ambient Medium of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are emitted by relativistic ejecta from powerful cosmic explosions. Their light curves suggest that the gamma-ray emission occurs at early stages of the ejecta expansion, well before it decelerates in the ambient medium. If so, the launched gamma-ray front must overtake the ejecta and sweep the ambient medium outward. As a result a gap is opened between the ejecta and the medium that surfs the radiation front ahead. Effectively, the ejecta moves in a cavity until it reaches a radius R_{gap}=10^{16}E_{54}^{1/2} cm where E is the isotropic energy of the GRB. At R=R_{gap} the gap is closed, a blast wave forms and collects the medium swept by radiation. Further development of the blast wave is strongly affected by the leading radiation front: the front plays the role of a precursor where the medium is loaded with e+- pairs and preaccelerated just ahead of the blast. It impacts the emission from the blast at R < R_{load}=5R_{gap} (the early afterglow). A spectacular observational effect results: GRB afterglows should start in optical/UV and evolve fast (< min) to a normal X-ray afterglow. The early optical emission observed in GRB 990123 may be explained in this way. The impact of the front is especially strong if the ambient medium is a wind from a massive progenitor of the GRB. In this case three phenomena are predicted: (1) The ejecta decelerates at R<R_{load} producing a lot of soft radiation. (2) The light curve of soft emission peaks at t_{peak}=40(1+z)E_{54}^{1/2}(Gamma_{ej}/100)^{-2} s where Gamma_{ej} is the Lorentz factor of the ejecta. Given measured redshift z and t_{peak}, one finds Gamma_{ej}. (3) The GRB acquires a spectral break at 5 - 50 MeV because harder photons are absorbed by radiation scattered in the wind.Comment: 20 pages, accepted to Ap

    Orthogonality catastrophe and shock waves in a non-equilibrium Fermi gas

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    A semiclassical wave-packet propagating in a dissipationless Fermi gas inevitably enters a "gradient catastrophe" regime, where an initially smooth front develops large gradients and undergoes a dramatic shock wave phenomenon. The non-linear effects in electronic transport are due to the curvature of the electronic spectrum at the Fermi surface. They can be probed by a sudden switching of a local potential. In equilibrium, this process produces a large number of particle-hole pairs, a phenomenon closely related to the Orthogonality Catastrophe. We study a generalization of this phenomenon to the non-equilibrium regime and show how the Orthogonality Catastrophe cures the Gradient Catastrophe, providing a dispersive regularization mechanism. We show that a wave packet overturns and collapses into modulated oscillations with the wave vector determined by the height of the initial wave. The oscillations occupy a growing region extending forward with velocity proportional to the initial height of the packet. We derive a fundamental equation for the transition rates (MKP-equation) and solve it by means of the Whitham modulation theory.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, revtex4, pr