755 research outputs found

    Micro Coriolis mass flow sensor for chemical micropropulsion systems

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    We have designed a micromachined micro Coriolis flow sensor for the measurement of hydrazine (N2H4, High Purity Grade) propellant flow in micro chemical propulsion systems [1]. The sensor measures mass flow up to 6 mg/s for a single thruster or up to 24 mg/s for four thrusters. The sensor will first be used for measurement and characterization of the micro thruster system in a simulated space vacuum environment. Integration of the sensor chip within the micro thruster flight hardware will be considered at a later stage. The new chip has an increased flow range because of an integrated on-chip bypass channel

    Digital mass flow control

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    MOVPE has become the main industrial technology for the preparation of modern electronic (HEMTs for mobile communication, navigation and location) as well as optoelectronic (lasers, LEDs, detectors or solar cells). Now a new generation of digital mass flow controllers is described, claimed as ideally suitable for fast, accurate and stable precursor supply into an MOVPE reactor. The instruments are capable of handling typical precursor flow rates of the order of (gases) 5 slm AsH3, PH3 and NH3 and (liquids) 50 g/h TMA, TMG and TMI. The settling time t98% of the instruments is 200ÎĽs and 2ÎĽs, respectively

    Micro Coriolis mass flow censor with extended range for a monopropellant micro propulsion system

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    We have designed and realised a micromachined micro Coriolis flow sensor for the measurement of hydrazine (N2H4, High Purity Grade) propellant flow in micro chemical propulsion systems. The sensor should be able to measure mass flow up to 6 mg/s for a single thruster or up to 24 mg/s for four thrusters. The sensor will first be used for measurement and characterisation of the micro thruster system in a simulated space vacuum environment. Integration of the sensor chip within the micro thruster flight hardware will be considered at a later stage. The new chip has an increased flow range because of an integrated on-chip bypass channel. First measurement results have demonstrated an increase in flow range which corresponds well to the designed bypass ratio

    On the design of a triaxial accelerometer

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    Up to now, mainly uniaxial accelerometers are described in most publications concerning this subject. However, triaxial accelerometers are needed in the biomedical field. Commercially available triaxial accelerometers consisting of three orthogonally positioned uniaxial devices do not meet all specifications of the biomedical application. Therefore, a new highly symmetrical inherently triaxial accelerometer is being developed, the advantages of which are higher sensitivity and reduction of off-axis sensitivity

    Polydimethylsiloxane as an elastic material applied in a capacitive accelerometer

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    Polydimethylsiloxane is a silicone rubber. It has a unique flexibility, resulting in one of the lowest glass-transition temperatures of any polymer. Furthermore, it shows a low elasticity change versus temperature, a high thermal stability, chemical inertness, dielectric stability, shear stability and high compressibility. Because of its high flexibility and the very low drift of its properties with time and temperature, polydimethylsiloxane could be well suited for mechanical sensors, such as accelerometers. A novel capacitive accelerometer with polydimethylsiloxane layers as springs has been realized. The obtained measurement results are promising and show a good correspondence with the theoretical values

    Water flow calibration facility in France (1 ml/h to 10 000 ml/h)

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    Through the world, the tendency to miniaturize all objects is spread widely. Concerning liquid flow metering, several manufacturers are already industrializing instruments specific for small flows. On a metrological point of view, few National Metrological Institutes (NMI) are able to calibrate flowmeters with liquid at flow rate smaller than 1 l.h-1 (2,8.10-7 m3.s-1). During the last five years, LNECETIAT (French NMI) was on progress to design and build a new calibration facility to ensure traceability to the international system of units. This paper will present the concepts and the first results obtained during the validation stage of this new standard

    Towards system-level modeling and characterization of components for intravenous therapy

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    Problems occur regularly with intravenous therapy, especially with the flow behavior. A mechanical model can predict which components of intravenous therapy systems introduce non-ideal effects in the flow. This study concentrates on gaining quantitative information of each separate component for intravenous therapy, characterize its non-ideal effects and combine these quantities in one system-level model. The model will help in the development of a mass flow sensor which can be used in a control system for intravenous therapy

    De wijkverpleegkundige als Zichtbare schakel in de wijk in Rotterdam

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    __Abstract__ Doel van de evaluatiestudie van Zichtbare Schakels Rotterdam was om i) inzicht te krijgen in de kosten en baten van de inzet van Zichtbare Schakels voor cliënten, ii) na te gaan in hoeverre cliënten, Zichtbare Schakels en andere professionals tevreden zijn over de zorg en ondersteuning door de Zichtbare Schakel, en iii) beschrijven in hoeverre de samenwerking met de Zichtbare Schakels volgens andere professionals bijdraagt aan de zorgverlening. Interessante bevinding uit de kosteneffectiviteit analyses is dat er een verschuiving in kosten lijkt plaats te vinden tussen de 3 e
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