21 research outputs found

    Imágenes de archivo en cine de ficción: cine basado en una historia real

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    The technique of mixing archive footage with actual filming is becoming ever more frequent, be it in fiction, advertising, movies or news. But the meaning of this footage when inserted into a fictional movie may slightly change the original message, and it can be used to obtain a range of reactions in the spectators. This technique is particularly significant when dealing with movies “based on a true story”, especially those based on political facts or figures which may have an impact on people around the world. In this paper we will discuss the role of archive footage inserted into political movies. Key words: footage, fiction movies, film, genre, history. KEYWORDS: footage, fiction movies, film, genre, history. El uso de imágenes de archivo en cualquier tipo de producto audiovisual es una costumbre cada vez más extendida. Desde los informativos hasta las series de televisión, pasando por la publicidad e incluso los artículos de diarios, el recurrir a imágenes del pasado como fuente de información es ya habitual en cualquier género audiovisual, sea de ficción o no. En estas líneas queremos abordar el uso de las imágenes de archivo en el cine de ficción. Aunque, en realidad, las obras que se analizan no son totalmente ficción: analizaremos los filmes en los que se narran acontecimientos históricos que trascendieron por su importancia en la política nacional o internacional; en ocasiones han recibido el nombre de “docudramas políticos” (también abordaremos el problema de cómo denominar a este género). Este artículo prestará especial atención a las necesidades de documentación e información audiovisual en la producción de este tipo de obras audiovisuales (a medio camino entre la realidad y la ficción) y a la repercusión que en la narración tiene el uso de imágenes de archivo. PALABRAS CLAVE: imágenes de archivo, cine ficción, géneros, historia

    El uso de la documentación audiovisual en programas informativos no diarios de TVE: "Informe Semanal, En portada y Crónicas"

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, leída el 18-12-2015Unidad Deptal. de Biblioteconomía y DocumentaciónFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEunpu

    New business strategies and valorization of online audiovisual archives

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    Digitization and the rapid development of Internet capabilities are encouraging audiovisual archives to add parts of their collections to the web, both for commercial and for nonprofit or education purposes. This article describes the different services offered by online archives, befitting the nature of the archive and of the end users in each case, their development of new business strategies, presence in social networks, creation of distribution channels, educational programs and collaboration projects. Moreover, the open access that the Internet allows also helps film production companies, who find in these archives a new source of inspiration

    Reuse of television archives footage: property and use rights

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    The reuse of archive footage is usual in television productions to complete or contextualize a story, to develop a biography or to cover anniversaries. Other times it is used when there are no current images related to the story or just to fill the schedule grid. However, not all archive materials can be reused; contractual rights, intellectual property and individuals’ fundamental rights must be preserved. The lack of awareness of these standards and restrictions can create problems. Pictures from the Internet have become another common audiovisual source, but due to their special characteristics, they must be used very carefully

    New workflows in a digital newsroom: the case of TVE’s informative services

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    The arrival of the digital revolution has modified TVE’s production system, as occurred in other broadcast companies all over the world. This essay offers a view of the daily workflows in a Spanish national television newsroom, and how the work-team manages information used to produce daily news programs. Media librarians are responsible for dealing with the incoming media and creating metadata and locators to facilitate searching/recovery processing and guide the department responsible for media selection and transfer to the digital library. In this digital newsroom, a new professional profile, the media manager, has emerged to manage the production and broadcasting servers. Media librarians who work in these environments must have a broad general knowledge of all the processes involved, as well as the work done by everyone who participates in them and the tools that are used

    Uso de imágenes de archivo en publicidad audiovisual: estudio de casos

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    Title: Use of archival footage in audiovisual advertising: case studies. Audiovisual advertising tells short stories in a few seconds, using techniques inherited from cinema and television. A resource that gives a special tone or tint to the story is the use of archival images. Some cases are analyzed to describe the different uses of archival footage in audiovisual advertising

    Use of archival footage in audiovisual advertising: case studies

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    Audiovisual advertising tells short stories in a few seconds, using techniques inherited from cinema and television. A resource that gives a special tone or tint to the story is the use of archival images. Some cases are analyzed to describe the different uses of archival footage in audiovisual advertising

    Nuevos perfiles profesionales en el mundo de la documentación audiovisual: el “researcher”

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    In the world of the Audio-visual Documentation the researcher is a key player and has a well defined role in countries like The United Kingdom. Researchers in Spain have an interesting perspective because of the possibility of doing and combine several jobs at the same time and even collaborating with other professional colleagues. In this article, the different characteristics and functions of the researcher, his role in different kind of projects and his professional opportunities are described

    Reutilización de imágenes de archivo en televisión: derechos de propiedad y de uso

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    La reutilización de imágenes de archivo es habitual en la producción de televisión, para completar o contextualizar una noticia, elaborar biografías, necrológicas, efemérides, como recurso cuando no existen imágenes de alguna noticia o para completar las parrillas de emisión. No todas las imágenes que se conservan en los archivos de las televisiones pueden reutilizarse: los derechos contractuales, la propiedad intelectual y los derechos fundamentales de las personas deben salvaguardarse; el desconocimiento o incumplimiento de estas pautas y de las restricciones de reutilización de algunos documentos genera problemas. La utilización de imágenes procedentes de Internet se ha convertido en una práctica habitual sin embargo, debido a sus especiales características, estas imágenes deben ser empleadas con sumo cuidado

    El uso de imágenes procedentes de Internet en los informativos de TVE

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    Internet has become an alternative source used by journalists due to cover and enrich their news, since IT tools have provided a quick and useful process to include digital material in the production of news. The authors of this essay have monitored the total of Internet pictures, sounds and websites included in the main news programs of TVE (TD1, TD2 and La 2 Noticias), and have written a register of the captures made from this kind of material in the company server to verify their origins. Moreover, the authors analyzed which areas of the press room (distinguishing among Culture, Society, Sports, International and National information) resort to the web for their news more frequently; which functions they give to this audiovisual material (if it’s the main subject of the news, if it’s complementary to the plot or fact of the news or if it hasn’t got any connection with the contents); and, finally, the quantitative importance internet pictures have in the total of the sample studied. From the results obtained, the authors consider the ethical and legal problems underlying this procedure in the production of news, and if the use of Internet audiovisual material is justified for a national news program, reminding that the quality of the pictures and sounds are usually worse than the rest of the sources used. Finally, the authors set out which of these sources could be reusable and so that they would have to be kept in the archive of the company and, on the other hand, which of them cannot be kept because of their low quality or doubts about their copyrights. The essay is closed with some conclusions about the current situation of the work made in the press room studied, related to the tendencies and usual work dynamics with this new and immature proceed