2 research outputs found

    Seroprevalencia de infecci贸n por trypanosoma cruzi en poblaci贸n urbana y rural de guateque (colombia)

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio de corte transversal para determinar la seroprevalencia de la infecci贸n chag谩sica en personas que viven en zona urbana y rural de Guateque (Boyac谩). Se detectaron anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi mediante la t茅cnica de ELISA. Se determin贸 la prevalencia de infecci贸n por g茅nero, grupos et谩reos decenales y ubicaci贸n urbana y rural. Se calcularon los riesgos ajustados de infecci贸n mediante regresi贸n log铆stica no condicional incluyendo las variables mencionadas. Las prevalencias de infecci贸n variaron entre O y el 88% siendo en la zona rural del 34.5% y en la urbana del 5.3%. La prevalencia de infecci贸n por grupos et谩reos no se comport贸 como en otros estudios. La correlaci贸n entre edad y tiempo vivido en la zona por grupo et谩reo es baja pero positiva en todos los grupos de edad excepto en los de 20-29 y 30- 39, en los que fue negativa. Como hallazgo interesante se encontr贸 un OR de 0.6 para el g茅nero masculino.A cross-sectional study was undertaken in order to determine the seroprevalence of chagasic infection in people living in the urban and rural zones of the town of Guateque, department of Boyac谩. Antibodies aginst T. cruzi were detected by enzyme irnmunoassay (ELISA). The prevalence and distribution of infection according to gender, 10-year age groups and rural and urban residence were determined. Adjusted risks of infection were determined by non conditional logistic regression which included the variables already mentioned. Prevalence of infection varied from O to 88 %. In the rural zone the prevalence was 34.5 % while in the urban zone it was 5.3%. The correrelation between age and time of residence in the area, albeit low, was positive in all age groups, except for the 20-29 and 30-39 groups in which it was negative. Interestingly, a protective effect OR=0.6 for infection was found in the male gender

    Seroprevalencia de infecci贸n por Trypanosoma cruzi en poblaci贸n urbana y rural de Guateque (Colombia)

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    A cross-sectional study was undertaken in order to determine the seroprevalence of chagasic infection in people living in the urban and rural zones of the town of Guateque, department of Boyac谩. Antibodies aginst T. cruzi were detected by enzyme irnmunoassay (ELISA). The prevalence and distribution of infection according to gender, 10-year age groups and rural and urban residence were determined. Adjusted risks of infection were determined by non conditional logistic regression which included the variables already mentioned. Prevalence of infection varied from O to 88 %. In the rural zone the prevalence was 34.5 % while in the urban zone it was 5.3%. The correrelation between age and time of residence in the area, albeit low, was positive in all age groups, except for the 20-29 and 30-39 groups in which it was negative. Interestingly, a protective effect OR=0.6 for infection was found in the male gender