116 research outputs found

    Phenomenological analysis of professional identity crisis experience by teachers

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    The topicality of the problem under research is predetermined by the need of psychology and pedagogy for the study of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers and development of a system of measures for support of teachers’ pedagogical activity and professional development. The objective of the study is to describe the content of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers. The principal method of study of this problem is the phenomenological method, which provides for exploration of the main aspects of the experience process. The results of phenomenological method application for the analysis of professional crisis experience make it possible to state that the professional crisis issue is a specific life situation for labourer where in the alteration of the teacher’s general view of life occurs. The experience of professional identity crisis manifests itself in the polarization of evaluations of the main parameters of the professional and the Self-image (the external activity evaluation, interest in the activity, the control over professional activity and professional situations, professional prospects). Transformation of the notional field of a teacher’s consciousness and reflection (the content of the activity, relation and the proper behaviour in general) are distinguished as the mechanisms of professional crisis experience. The materials of the article may be useful for teachers, psychologists, and heads of educational institutions in the process of planning and implementation of activities on educational process psychological support. © 2016 Sadovnikova et al

    Integral assessment of the social and economic development of megacities in Russia

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is due to the existing need for more attention to the problems of large cities, which are the social and economic centers that perform important functions and realize the interests of the population, business and local government. The purpose of this article is to disclose the sources of the urban growth and development, the integrated assessment of the size and spatial distribution of the economic activity, regional planning and the government activity. The leading approaches to the study of this issue are systemic and reproduction, which, along with the use of econometric modeling and statistical analysis, allowed revealing significant shortcomings of the institutional urban management mechanism and proposing a number of measures to correct these shortcomings. The article illustrates the theoretical basis of modeling of large cities as spatial economic systems, determines their sources of growth, gives the characteristic features of the urban development in modern conditions, and proposes a conceptual model of a modern city. The contents of the article may be useful for the development of social and economic development strategies both the urban district, and the region as a whole, since large cities act as a locomotive, and they move the regional economy in the direction of the social and economic well-being. © 2016 Malikh et al

    Discourse as the basis of pragmatic analysis

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    The article deals with the problems of discourse definition and its types. The authors analyse different views which concern the including of the term “dialogue” into “discourse” along with “monologue”. Special attention is paid to the description of a literary dialogue having its own features and special interest for pragmatic analysis as almost all utterances are performativeyesBelgorod State Universit

    Marketing research of the range of medicinal products based on salts of natural origin

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    As a source of supply of a balanced complex of salts in pharmaceutical practice, sea water (MW), sea salt (MS), obtained by the method of ordinary evaporation, or salt solutions made from standardized raw materials are used. Deep seawater (SW), typically pumped from depths greater than 200 m, contains a wealth of trace elements, including magnesium, calcium, potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc, and vanadium. Due to this, SW has the potential of a source and raw material for the creation of medicinal products for human health. The purpose of the work was to research the assortment of preparations based on salts of natural origin and analyze the segment of such products on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine as of June 2022. The research was conducted on the basis of data from the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine, the Morion information search program, and the classification system of the ATS electronic resource Compendium.online. Methods of structural, statistical and graphic analysis were applied in the work, and their generalization and systematization was carried out. It was established that on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, the segment of medicines, medical products and cosmetics, the source of active substances of which is SW and/or SS, is represented by 150 trade names. It was determined that by type of registration, the most common are medical products (51%) and cosmetics (42%), only 7% of registered drugs are registered. Manufacturers use sea water obtained from the deep water basins of the Adriatic, Aegean, Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic Ocean, Kankal Bay, sea water of Gullmarsfjorden. Domestically produced drugs of the investigated market segment occupy a share of 57%. Among the importing countries, the leaders are Croatia (9%) and Poland (5%). The analysis of the nomenclature established that the most common medicinal form of the drugs are nasal sprays (78%). The obtained data show that as the active substance of saline solutions, manufacturers declare SS (56% of the nomenclature) and SW (53%), however, not all products contain information about the source of origin of SS/SW. It was determined that there are no products on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine based on the SW and SS of the Black and Azov seas, which is the basis for research and the creation of new drugs of domestic production

    Implementation of the state economic policy in the field of education

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the need to study the mutual development of higher education and basic factors of the production system. The purpose of this paper is the development of theoretical positions of state regulation of higher education systems, as well as the development of practical recommendations for the implementation of the economic policy at the present stage of development. The leading approaches in the study of this issue are historic-economic, institutional and evolutionary, econometric modeling elements allowing justifying the trend of the higher education development in the current period. It is proved that changes in economic policy conditions are associated with the implementation of irreversible transformations occurring in the factors of production. It is shown that these changes dictate cyclical fluctuations, as well as the evolution of the behavior and preferences of consumers. The contents of this article may be useful in the development of a state strategy to modernize higher education and the overall economic policy. © 2016 Malikh et al


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    The role of P2Y12 receptor blocker clopidogrel after the introduction into clinical practice of new, more powerful and stable operating drugs belonging to this class of antiplatelet agents is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the currently used antiplatelet drugs that block the receptor P2Y12 are reviewed. On the basis of the analysis concludes that, despite the emergence of new antiplatelet agents clopidogrel, appears to be widely used for a long time in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome and / or after coronary stenting. This is primarily due to the presence of large evidence base, and confirmation of safety of long-term therapy clopidogrel.</p


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    The frequency of achieving complete remission, as well as overall and disease-free survival, in multiple myeloma (MM) had increased due to introduction in MM treatment regimens of high-dose chemotherapy with following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). However the number of relapses remains high, caused by persistence of residual tumor cells, i.e., the presence of minimal residual disease (MRD). One of the methods for MRD study is multicolor flow cytometry (MFC) where abnormal expression of surface antigens on myeloma plasma cells (PC) is determined. The aim of our study was to investigate the MRD by MFC before and after ASCT, the frequency of MRD-negative status achievement in complete remission (CR) patients at +100 days after ASCT and the frequency of abnormal expressed antigens on myeloma plasma cells. The study included40 MMpatients in CR at +100 days after ASCT and showed that the most common aberrations of PC were: abnormal absence of CD19 and/or CD27, decreased expression of CD38 and abnormal presence of CD56. The proportion of myeloma PCs from all bone marrow cells decreased significantly after ASCT: 20 % of patients acquired MRD-negative status, 10 % had a decrease in the number of abnormal PCs by one fold. Analysis of probability of immunochemical relapse showed that the worst prognosis was in patients with MRD-positive status before and after ASCT. During the MRD monitoring within 3-18 months, MRD-relapses were detected with the subsequent development of immunochemical relapse. The detection MRD in the dynamics is more informative than the study at only one step of therapy. It may help to select more adequate treatment for patient with multiple myeloma in each specific case

    Перераспределение перфузии и функции миокарда у пациентов с многососудистым поражением и острым инфарктом миокарда с элевацией сегмента ST после реканализации инфаркт-связанной артерии по результатам однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии, синхронизированной с электрокардиографией

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    BACKGROUND Numerous studies have shown that coronary reperfusion with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) improves outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, the question of the effect on the myocardium as a whole of an isolated intervention on an infarct-related artery in multivessel coronary disease remains incompletely studied.AIM OF STUDY To study the features of perfusion redistribution and myocardial function using perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in patients with STEMI and multivessel coronary disease after isolated PCI on an infarct-related artery.MATERIAL AND METHODS SPECT-ECG (electrocardiography) was performed in 32 patients (27 men and 5 women) with STEMI. According to the ECG results, the location of focal myocardial changes was regarded as “lower” MI in 19 (59%) patients, “anterior” in 13 patients (41%). Coronary angiography revealed a multivessel lesion of the coronary vessels in all of them. The patients were divided into groups according to the location of the infarction and the area of the lesion: group 1 — lower MI (stenting of the right coronary artery (RCA) and its branches) — 19 patients (mean age — 57.7±2.5; median — 55 [51.5; 63.5]), of which 8 with small-focal (1a) and 11 with large-focal infarction (1b); group 2 — anterior MI (stenting of the left coronary artery (LCA) and its branches) — 13 patients (mean age — 55.4±3.5; median — 54 [48.5; 62.5]), of which 5 with small-focal (2a) and 8 with large-focal infarction (2b). SPECT-ECG was performed 3 times: 1st — on days 2–3 after PCI of the infarct-related artery, 2nd — 6 days after PCI, and 3rd — 6 months after PCI.RESULTS After RCA stenting in patients with lower MI and multivessel coronary disease, SPECT-ECG revealed a statistically significant decrease in local contractility of individual segments of the anterior septal and lateral walls (with sufficient revascularization of the RCA system) and worsening of perfusion and right ventricular (RV) volumes. After stenting of the LCA branches in patients with anterior MI and multivessel coronary disease, a statistically significant decrease in local contractility in the basal segment of the diaphragmatic wall was observed, as well as impaired perfusion and an increase in the volume of the RV (with successful revascularization of the anterior interventricular branch). All these findings could be the result of partial steal of the blood supply to neighboring areas and myocardial remodeling after PCI in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease.CONCLUSION 1. According to the data of single-photon emulsion computed tomography synchronized with electrocardiography in the early and late period of myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with multivessel coronary disease, there is a significant improvement in perfusion and function of the infarct-associated artery system. 1. Recanalization of only the left coronary artery with remaining stenoses in the right coronary artery in the long-term period can lead to an increase in the size of the cavity of the right ventricle of the heart and uneven distribution of perfusion in its The revealed statistically significant disturbances in perfusion and local contractility of neighboring areas after percutaneous coronary intervention of an infarct-related artery may be the result of steal of the blood supply and early myocardial remodeling in multivessel disease. 3. Disturbances in perfusion and local contractility in neighboring myocardial blood supply pools after percutaneous coronary intervention of an infarct-related artery dictates the need to repeated single-photon emulsion computed tomography synchronized with electrocardiography as early as possible in patients with multivessel coronary disease in order to assess the redistribution of perfusion and myocardial remodeling for timely complete revascularization, preventing recurrent coronaryАКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Многочисленные исследования показали, что коронарная реперфузия с первичным чрескожным коронарным вмешательством (ЧКВ) улучшает результаты лечения пациентов с острым инфарктом миокарда (ОИМ) с подъемом сегмента ST. Однако остается не полностью изученным вопрос о влиянии на миокард в целом изолированного вмешательства на инфаркт-связанной артерии при многососудистом поражении коронарного русла.ЦЕЛЬ Изучить особенности перераспределения перфузии и функции миокарда с помощью перфузионной однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии (ОФЭКТ) у пациентов с ОИМ с элевацией ST и многососудистым поражением коронарного русла после изолированного ЧКВ на инфаркт-связанной артерии.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ ОФЭКТ-ЭКГ (электрокардиография) выполнили 32 пациентам (27 мужчин и 5 женщин) с ОИМ с элевацией сегмента ST. По результатам ЭКГ локализация очаговых изменений миокарда была расценена как «нижний» ОИМ у 19 (59%), «передний» — у 13 больных (41%). При коронарографии у всех было выявлено многососудистое поражение коронарного русла. Пациенты были разделены на группы соответственно локализации инфаркта и площади поражения: 1-я группа — нижний ОИМ (стентировали правую коронарную артерию (ПКА) и ее ветви) — 19 пациентов (средний возраст — 57,7±2,5; медиана — 55 [51,5; 63,5]), из них 8 с мелкоочаговым (1а) и 11 с крупноочаговым инфарктом (1б); 2-я группа — передний ОИМ (стентировали левую коронарную артерию (ЛКА) и ее ветви) — 13 пациентов (средний возраст — 55,4±3,5; медиана — 54 [48,5; 62,5]), из них 5 с мелкоочаговым (2а) и 8 с крупноочаговым инфарктом (2б). ОФЭКТ-ЭКГ была выполнена 3 раза: 1-й — на 2-е–3-и сутки после ЧКВ инфаркт-связанной артерии, 2-й — через 6 суток после ЧКВ и 3-й — через 6 месяцев после ЧКВ.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ После стентирования ПКА у больных с нижним ОИМ и многососудистым поражением коронарного русла по данным ОФЭКТ-ЭКГ было выявлено статистически значимое снижение локальной сократимости отдельных сегментов переднеперегородочной и боковой стенок (при достаточной реваскуляризации бассейна ПКА) и ухудшение перфузии и объемов правого желудочка (ПЖ). После стентирования ветвей ЛКА у больных с передним ОИМ и многососудистым поражением коронарного русла было отмечено статистически значимое снижение локальной сократимости в базальном сегменте диафрагмальной стенки и также нарушение перфузии и увеличение объемов ПЖ (при успешной реваскуляризации передней межжелудочковой ветви). Все эти находки могли быть результатом частичного «обкрадывания» кровоснабжения соседних зон и ремоделированием миокарда после ЧКВ у пациентов с многососудистым поражением коронарных артерий.ВЫВОДЫ 1. По данным однофотонной эмульсионной компьютерной томографии, синхронизированной с электрокардиографией в ранний и отдаленный период острого инфаркта миокарда после чрескожного коронарного вмешательства у больных с многососудистым поражением коронарного русла происходит достоверное улучшение перфузии и функции бассейна инфаркт-связанной артерии. 2. Реканализация только левой коронарной артерии при оставшихся стенозах в правой коронарной артерии в отдаленном периоде может приводить к увеличению размеров полости правого желудочка сердца и неравномерному распределению перфузии в его миокарде. Выявленные статистически значимые нарушения перфузии и локальной сократимости соседних областей после чрескожного коронарного вмешательства инфаркт-связанной артерии могут быть результатом «обкрадывания» кровоснабжения и ранними сроками ремоделирования миокарда при многососудистом поражении. 3. Нарушения перфузии и локальной сократимости в соседних бассейнах кровоснабжения миокарда после чрескожного коронарного вмешательства инфаркт-связанной артерии диктует необходимость повторного, как можно более раннего, выполнения однофотонной эмульсионной компьютерной томографии, синхронизированной с электрокардиографией, у больных с многососудистым поражением коронарного русла с целью оценки перераспределения перфузии и ремоделирования миокарда для своевременного проведения полной реваскуляризации, предупреждая повторные коронарные инциденты


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    The article provides an analysis of published works devoted to authentication of the place of origin of coffee beans, as well as the research of the main components that can be identification parameters when authenticating coffee. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the authors noted the most significant works aimed at confirming the authenticity of the place of origin for coffee beans from Ethiopia, Kenya, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and other countries. It was shown that the most widespread studies were aimed at analyzing the values of isotopic ratios of carbon (13C/12C), hydrogen (2H/1H), oxygen (18O/16O) and nitrogen (15N/14N) in compounds contained in coffee beans, which reflect the distribution of “light” and “heavy” isotopes during biological and geochemical processes within the boundaries of a particular region. The authors analyzed the works aimed at studying the qualitative and quantitative composition of trace elements and rare earth metals (Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Ga, Rb, Ba, Pb, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Nd, Eu, Dy, Gd and others), as well as the research of the values of isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) in product samples and soils of the studied region. Based on the presented materials, it is concluded that the use of the isotope mass spectrometry method in combination with statistical processing of the results makes it possible to determine with a high degree of reliability the product belonging to a certain geographical region, as well as to authenticate the botanical origin of the beans. The advantages of comprehensive research of several indicators using various methods of mathematical statistics and modeling in determining the geographical place of coffee origin are shown.В статье представлен анализ опубликованных работ, посвященных вопросу установления региональной принадлежности кофейных зерен, а также изучению основных компонентов, которые могут являться идентификационными параметрами при установлении подлинности кофе. Основываясь на анализе научной литературы, авторы отметили наиболее значимые работы, направленные на подтверждение подлинности места происхождения кофейных зерен из Эфиопии, Кении, Гавайских островов, Коста-Рики, Ямайки, Бразилии, Гватемалы, Мексики и других стран. Показано, что наибольшее распространение получили исследования, нацеленные на изучение значений изотопных отношений углерода (13C/12С), водорода (2H/1Н), кислорода (18O/16О) и азота (15N/14N) в соединениях, содержащихся в кофейных зернах. Значения этих показателей отражают распределение «легких» и «тяжелых» изотопов в ходе биологических и геохимических процессов в границах отдельно взятого региона. Проведен анализ работ, направленных на изучение качественного и количественного состава микроэлементов и редкоземельных металлов (Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Ga, Rb, Ba, Pb, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Nd, Eu, Dy и Gd и др.), в том числе исследование значений изотопных отношений 87Sr/86Sr в образцах продукции и почвах исследуемого региона. На основе представленных материалов сделан вывод о том, что использование метода изотопной масс-спектрометрии в  комплексе со статистической обработкой результатов позволяет с  высокой степенью достоверности определить принадлежность продукта к определенному географическому региону, а также установить ботаническое происхождение зерен. Описаны преимущества комплексных исследований ряда показателей с использованием различных методов математической статистики и моделирования при установлении географического места происхождения кофе

    Results of program acute myeloid leukemia therapy use in National Medical Research Center for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

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    Objective. To analyze treatment results of 172 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) aged 18-60 years in National Medical Research Center for Hematology of MHRF. Materials and methods. Inductive and consolidation program for 139 (80%) patients was based on a standardized protocol: 4 courses “7+3” with different anthracycline use (2 courses of daunorubicin, idarubicin, mitoxantrone) and continuous use of cytarabine on the second inductive course. In 20% of patients cytarabine courses at the dose of 1 g/m2 2 times a day for 1-3 days combined with idarubicin and mitoxantrone were used as two consolidation courses. Allogenic bone marrow transplantation was performed in the first complete remission (CR) period in 40% of patients. Results. The frequency of CR achievement in all patients was 78.6%, refractory forms were observed in 13.9% of patients, early mortality - in 7.5% of patients. Seven-year overall survival (OS) rate was 40.7%, relapse free survival (RFS) - 43.2%. When estimating effectiveness depending on cytogenetic risk group it was demonstrated that 5-year OS and RFS in patients with translocation (8; 21) cannot be considered as satisfying, it accounted for 50 and 34%, respectively. At the same time in patients with 16th chromosome inversion (inv16) these characteristics accounted for 68.6 and 63.5%. Acquired results forced reconsidering of the consolidation program in AML patients of this subgroup. The median time to allogenic blood stem cells transplantation (allo-BSCT) in patients with first CR was 6.5 months that was taken as a reference point in landmark analysis of patients in whom allo-BSCT was not performed. Landmark analysis showed that in AML patients of favorable prognosis group allo-BSCT does not significantly reduce the probability of relapse (0 and 36%) and does not influence RFS (33 and 64%). In patients of border-line and poor prognosis allo-BSCT significantly reduces relapse probability (26 and 66%; 20 and 100%) and significantly increases a 7-year RFS (68.7 and 30%; 45.6 and 0%). Allo-BSCT also results in significant RFS increase and reduces the probability of relapse (25 and 78%) in patients in whom CR was achieved only after the second induction course. At the same time allo-BSCT does not influence patients who achieved CR after the first treatment course: 55 and 50%. Conclusion. Multivariate analysis showed that cytogenetic risk group (HR=2.3), time of CR achievement (HR=2.9), and allo-BSCT transplantation (HR=0.16) are independent factors for disease relapse prognosis after achieving CR