9 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Decision-Making Concerns for Software: Non-Functional Requirement Elicitation as a Solution

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    Reference [1,2] Millions of software are lunched yearly and this software depend on data to produce required output. Personal data privacy and security has been a source of public concern for some time, and is usually interpreted in terms of data obtained from interaction with software. It is difficult to know whether a software system's decisions are fair and what considerations were put in place  in the system's internal decision-making process if the system's decisions are opaque. This has the potential to cause injustice and bias. In addition, a lack of openness may lead to a decrease in user acceptance and happiness. Algorithmic data-driven decision-making systems are becoming more automated, and they've had a lot of success in a lot of different applications. The General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and other regulations limits algorithmic use of personal data and has fueled the dispute over the right to disclosure. This research adapted a crowd requirements elicitation model to develop a framework for the proper elicitation non-functional requirement. The developed model uses natural language processing integrated into a chatbot and a document extraction strategy since non-functional requirement exist also as government regulations and industrial standards. Proper and comprehensive elicitation of non-functional requirements will give accurate information on how the system performs its required task and such documents are best in terms of openness to the use of data by algorithms to avoid algorithm decision making concerns.   

    Bridging the Gap Between Stakeholder and Software Products: A Review of Software Requirement Engineering Techniques

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    Effective software requirement engineering plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between stakeholders and software products. The success of any software project heavily relies on accurately capturing, analyzing, and documenting stakeholders' needs and expectations. This article provides a comprehensive review of various software requirement engineering techniques that facilitate the alignment of stakeholder requirements with software product development. Software requirements are extracted from a variety of stakeholders, but the decision of "what to develop" is a difficult one. Stakeholders' lack of clarity about what they want makes requirement elicitation a difficult and vital task. It explores the significance of understanding stakeholders' perspectives, discusses popular requirement engineering approaches, and highlights their strengths and limitations. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of selecting appropriate requirement engineering techniques based on the project's context and offers recommendations for future research in this domain

    Determination of Carbon Footprint for Climate Change Mitigation: A Green IT Practice

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    The gmwing concern about changing weathe1· pattems and global climate change has led to an upsm·ge in the populadty of g•·een computing and g•·een IT (Infm·mation Technology) lately. This study focused on dete1·mining the ca1·bon footpdnt of Babcock U nive1·sity (BU) and also makes available the benefits of g•·een computing and green IT p.-actices. A ca1·bon footprint conceptual f.-amewo1·k was designed and the emission-factor based calculation app.-oach was used in the estimation of BU's carbon footpl"int, using Miuosoft excel fo1· the analysis of •·esnlts. A greenhouse gas inventory was taken using interview method to get all the needed data fm· the computation of ca1·bon emissions. The total ca1·bon footpl"int of BU fo1· the yea•· 2013/2014 was discovered to be 33,017.89 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (C02e) with electl"icity, Infm·mation and Communication Technology (ICT), gene.-atm· nse and Faculty, staff and student commuting contributing 46%, 23%, 11% and 11% •·espectively fm· the base year