2 research outputs found

    Perbanyakan Vegetatif Cara Stek Desmodium Cinereum dan Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L. dengan Pemberian Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Alami dan Auksin Sintetis

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    The study was conducted with the aim to improve the success of plant cuttings D. cinereum and H. rosa sinensil L. comparing the level of efficiency The use of the natural growth hormone from urine and synthetic auxin. The treatments were allotted to completely randomized design with 2x4 factorial pattern and 3 replications in each treament. The first factor is the type of plant is D. cinereum and H. rosa sinensis L. and the second factor is the growth hormone treatments (0% urine, 25% urine, 50% of urine and 1% synthetic auxin). Parameters measured were growing power, shoot length, number of shoot, number og leaves, root length, number of roots, root dry matter and leaf dry matter. The results showed 25%, 50 % Provision of natural growth hormone of the urine does not give effect to growth even lower growth mainly on the plant D. cinereum. Giving 1% Synthetic Auxin give better effect to the Power grows, the plant D.cinereum and H.rosa sinensis L compared with 25% giving urine, 50% urine and Control

    Keefektifan Bahan Pelindung Alami Dalam Mempertahankan Infektivitas Spodoptera Exigua Nucleopolyhedrovirus (Senpv)\u27 [the Effectiveness of Natural Protectant to Maintain the Spodoptera Exigua Nucleopolyhedrovirus (Senpv) Infectivity]

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    Spodoptera exigua nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) is a viral pathogen of onion caterpillar S. exigua with high pathogenicity. One of the major constraints to the use of SeNPV for biocontrol of onion caterpillar is its sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) degradation. The purposes of this research were to determine the effect of sunlight exposure on the virulence of SeNPV and to find out the effective natural UV protectant to maintain the SeNPV virulence. The results showed that the sunlight radiation affects the SeNPV infectivity. Addition of 1% of coconut shell charcoal, lampblack, husk charcoal, yam flour, molasses, yam filtrate, turmeric filtrate and green tea filtrate to the SeNPV suspension were found to be effective as UV protectant. Coconut shell charcoal, lampblack and husk charcoal are activated carbon that can absorb UV light. Yam filtrate is a natural ingredient that contains saponins and is able to protect SeNPV particles as reflectance. While molasses, turmeric filtrate and green tea filtrate containing flavanoid serve as a protective virus particles and UV absorber