4 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Karakter dalam Islam Pemikiran Al-ghazali Tentang Pendidikan Karakter Anak Berbasis Akhlaq Al-karimah

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    It is the study on Al-Ghazali views of education about character education of children based moral character. According to the view, the character must be built since they were in early age. Hopefully, they know the difference between good and bad manners, and can determine their character (whether it is good or bad). The character education based moral character is aimed to form the positive character which leads to self-approach to God, in order to gain the happiness in the world and the hereafter

    Pendidikan Islam Dan Jihad

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    This paper intends to specifically want to reveal the value of education in the spirit of true jihad includes the struggle in all aspects of life. The method used is the interpretation and hadith Tarbawi. After the September 11, 2001 in the U.S, the Islamic religion is often labeled as a brutal, militaristic, which declared war as a holy way. Though jihad into the spirit and the spirit of the teachings of Islam, is not synonymous with war (qital), because in the real jihad embodied educational values. Educational values contained fairly universal jihad, including the spirit of struggle in all aspects of life, including the struggle for moral and spiritual struggle to uphold truth and justice or commanding the good and forbidding the evil. Jihad build together without discrimination, to uphold justice and remove all forms of tyranny, greed and lust limit. This is the real meaning of jihad akbar well as the shape of the universe kerahmatan the ideals of Islam as hinted in Surah al - Anbiya ' (21): 107

    Bertani Padi Bagi Orang Melayu Sambas: Kearifan Lokal, Nilai-Nilai Islam, dan Character Building

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    Farming is the local wisdom of the Sambas Malays, which has a very strategic role in building character, especially for farmers. The values in the local “farming” wisdom adopted by the Sambas Malays will be an identity for them, their mark as Muslims and part of a community of dignified Malays. This is in line with opinion of Hermansyah (2015), who calls Melayu is identic with Islam. The focus of this article is how the Sambas Malays builds character through farming with various representative forms. The article departed from qualitative study in which the data was obtained from observation and in-depth interview at the research site, acquired conclusion that farming builds Islamic values in the Sambas Malays such as work ethic, responsibility, helping each other, sincerity, patience, generosity and caring