4 research outputs found

    Effect of different carbon materials on the performance of microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) operated on urine and their microbial composition

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    ISMET 6 - General Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and TechnologyUrine is rich in nitrogen and phosphorous and can considerably reduce domestic wastewater treatment requirements if collected separately. Source separated urine has been shown to be suitable for energy production and nutrients recovery in bioelectrochemical systems. However, there are still several challenges to overcome mainly related to organics conversion into electrical energy. In this study, anode performance of three microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) fed with urine using different carbon anodes, Keynol (phenolic-based), C-Tex (cellulose-based) and PAN (polyacrylonitrilebased) was compared. Two strategies were used to supply energy to the MECs; cell potential control (1' 1 assay) and anode potential control (2"d assay). In both assays, the C-Tex MEC outperformed MECs using Keynol and PAN. The C-Tex MEC with anode potential control at -0.300 V generated the highest current density of 904 mA m·2 , which was almost 3-fold higher than the MEC with Keynol, and 8-fold higher than the MEC with PAN. Analysis of anodes textural, chemical and electrochemical characteristics suggest that the higher external surface area of C-Tex enabled the higher current density generation compared to Keynol and PAN. The microbial composition on each anode and its correlation with the generated current was also investigated. No significant differences were observed in microbial diversity of the biofilm present in the studied anodes. Nonetheless, C-Tex had higher dominance of bacteria belonging to Luctobucillu/es and Enterobucteriules suggesting its relation with higher current generation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimizing alkaline solvent regeneration through bipolar membrane electrodialysis for carbon capture

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    This work demonstrates and characterizes the use of a bipolar membrane electrodialysis for pH-driven CO2 capture and solvent regeneration using potassium hydroxide solutions. The impact of potassium concentration, current density and load ratio on the CO2 desorption efficiency was analyzed and substantiated with an equilibrium model. The system was tested with partially saturated solutions that mimic the expected carbon content of alkaline solvents that have been in contact with flue gas (carbon loading of 0.6 and K+ concentration from 0.5 M to 2 M). Among the tested current densities, 1000 A/m2 demonstrated the highest CO2 desorption efficiency but also the highest energy consumption, whereas 250 A/m2 exhibited the lowest energy consumption (8.8 GJ/ton CO2) but lower CO2 desorption. Efficiency losses were associated with H+ transport across the membranes at high load ratios and decrease of the bipolar membranes water dissociation efficiency at low current densities. This work establishes key performance indicators and describes fundamental characteristics of continuous bipolar membrane electrodialysis systems for regeneration of alkaline solvents used in post-combustion CO2 capture