77 research outputs found

    Methodology of innovative economics

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    © MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. The article explains the methodology of exploring innovation economy. New economic theory and the transition to the priority of innovative economic laws generate new theoretical problems and lead to the emergence of new areas of economic research methodology

    Food security at the regional level

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    As a rule, in the periods of positive dynamics of economic development, the attitudes toward non-interference of the state in economic processes were dominant and when the next phase came, the recession of production, especially with signs of stagflation, they were replaced by diametrically opposed views that proved the need for active state intervention in the processes of sustainable reproduction of the economy. All over the world, states influence the agro-food production complex, and agricultural products and food market. However, the ways and tools of such influence depend on the goals to be achieved through such regulation. World experience in the development of market economy proves that as a result of specific features, agriculture and the food market are not self-regulating systems. This is due primarily to the conservatism and inertia of agriculture as a production system, as well as low elasticity of demand for agricultural products and high elasticity of prices for it. The failure of the market mechanism to direct the development of economic entities of different industries and regions to one common goal calls for state intervention in all spheres of the economy the most important of which is agriculture

    The problem of food security in Russia

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Food security is defined as the constant availability of enough food for an active, healthy life for all people. Food, its production, distribution, exchange and consumption are an important part of the functioning of the global economic system, occupy a special place in the priorities of world politics. In today’s world, agriculture remains an important source of income, employment and foreign trade. Even in countries in which the share of agriculture in GDP is small, consider this sector of the economy is important and pay him much attention

    Current issues of optimal capital structure based on forecasting financial performance of the company

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    This article describes the ways of improving capital structure, results of cash flows redistribution at the enterprise. The paper proposes a complex procedure for optimizing capital structure based on reducing weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and increasing return on equity (ROE). Forecasting methods can be used for assessing financial state of the company and for planning process with the view to improve the performance of the company in the coming period, taking into account all factors affecting the final result

    The influence of the opportunistic behavior on the contractual relationship

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    The paper deals with the nature of influence of opportunistic behavior of economic agents on the implementation of contractual cooperation. Opportunism can apply to any form of interaction between economic subjects; it implies an increase of transactional costs including the costs of destructive behavior and the costs of protection against third parties; the complexity and dearness of personal protection from the opportunistic behavior of counterparties. The findings of the investigation were made by using the dialectical method, the scientific methods, the author economy. It has been proved that the level of asset specificity determines the particular manifestations of opportunistic behavior in the implementation of the contractual relationship. The acceptance of the precondition of the impossibility of complete removal of the probability of opportunistic actions by at least one party of the transaction leads to the need for incomplete contract. The results can be used in improving the economic policy in the educational activity. The revealed laws provide the basis for further research in the field of behavioral economic theory

    Improving assessment of enterprise economic efficiency in the current market conditions

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article suggests and substantiates the main directions for improving the economic efficiency of domestic enterprises on the basis of complex assessment to achieve additional competitive advantages in the market. The process of enterprise efficiency presented in the scientific literature is largely descriptive and does not reflect methodological problems of establishing the optimal set of criteria and selection methods for determining and assessing the efficiency resulting in the models of improving enterprises efficiency that, in fact, has necessitated this study

    Actual problems of increased efficiency of use of the region's resource potential

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    This article defines the current trends and discloses regularities connected with integration management of the competitiveness reserves system for the food complex enterprises. The study presents in detail the main financial indicators relating to economic activity of the leading enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan territorial production complexes. In the course of the analysis, an unstable dynamics of the domestic enterprises' development was revealed; on results of the study we drew a conclusion and gave recommendations regarding the economic efficiency of the business processes management. At the present development stage of the market relations the enterprise's senior management needs to monitor the current market and to solve constantly the problems associated with increased competitive advantages for organizing sustainable enterprise development. In order to manage effectively the modern business processes now, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the market situation and possibility to respond flexibly to the rapidly varying market changes. The competitiveness reserves and factors of the region's food complex were systematized. According to the following classification features, various factors were presented in the work: short-, medium-, long-term, by management and content in projects and programs, by period and content of the problems to be solved

    Development of management system of manufacturing companies on the basis of management accounting elements

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    The present article examines the methods of the planning system improvement under the manufacturing companies management and suggests the strategic aspects of communicational network creation for further implementation of effective management. The suite of performance evaluations of quality and productivity of control over the processes of development in manufacturing company is given in the present work. The function which formalizes the dependence of effectivenes of special management functions of manufacturing companies implementation and their resulting developmental indexes are set in the Conclusion to the present article. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Development of the corporate management system in the modern context

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    The present article analyzes the differential characteristics of various types of corporate management and determines the indicators of necessity to re-project the processes during the corporate management implementation on variances. The author suggests the economy-statistical model of industrial and business operations of corporations and develops the set of statistically valuable measures of the cost-effectiveness evaluation for production facility. In the conclusion to the present article the author suggests the model of the market capitalization of production facility from a viewpoint of effectiveness of obvious and hidden costs, the shares of the semi-constant expenses in bulk and profits margin. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Integral estimate of socio-ecological-economic factors on the quality of life of population of the region

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    The article deals with methodological questions of socio-ecological-economic background of multidimensional indicator of life of population-the index of welfare of population. Special attention is paid to the scientific background and quantitative estimate of this index calculated for some municipal districts of the republic of Tatarstan. The offered methodology of calculation of integral indicator of population welfare will allow to estimate the level of social-economic, ecological welfare of population who lives on the territory of this district taking into account the influence of institutional factors. The obtained integrated figures can be used for estimate of efficiency of municipal districts' activities in the sphere of social-economic and ecological policy
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