Actual problems of increased efficiency of use of the region's resource potential


This article defines the current trends and discloses regularities connected with integration management of the competitiveness reserves system for the food complex enterprises. The study presents in detail the main financial indicators relating to economic activity of the leading enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan territorial production complexes. In the course of the analysis, an unstable dynamics of the domestic enterprises' development was revealed; on results of the study we drew a conclusion and gave recommendations regarding the economic efficiency of the business processes management. At the present development stage of the market relations the enterprise's senior management needs to monitor the current market and to solve constantly the problems associated with increased competitive advantages for organizing sustainable enterprise development. In order to manage effectively the modern business processes now, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the market situation and possibility to respond flexibly to the rapidly varying market changes. The competitiveness reserves and factors of the region's food complex were systematized. According to the following classification features, various factors were presented in the work: short-, medium-, long-term, by management and content in projects and programs, by period and content of the problems to be solved

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