1,102 research outputs found

    Determining the osmolality of seminal fluid aids in the rapid diagnosis of the fertilizing potential of spermatozoa

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    Light microscopic features of the rete testis, the vas efferens, the epididymis and the vas deferens in the adult rhesus monkey

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    The present study was carried out to determine the detailed histological and cytological features of the excurrent ducts of the male reproductive system in the rhesus monkey. The excurrent ducts show a regional difference in their histological features. The use of some of these features as histological markers and their possible functional significance are discussed. The epithelial cells in the different components of the excurrent duct system possess cytological features which suggest their involvement in absorption and the secretion of different products into the lumen

    Ultrastructural features of the principal cell in the epididymis of the rhesus monkey

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    The ultrastructural features of the principal cell in the epididymal epithelium of the monkey epididymis are suggestive of the cell carrying out a dual function of absorption and secretion. Both these functions occur on the luminal surface of the cell as well as on the lateral and basal aspects of the cell which face the intercellular spaces. Transmision Electron Microscopic studies of epididymal tissues following their impregnation with lanthanum nitrate indicated that the intercellular spaces are effectively sealed-off from the luminal space by the apically situated tight junctions between adjoining principal cells. The intercellular spaces are contiguous with the perivascular spaces of the subepithelial blood capillaries. It is suggested that the absorptive and secretory functions occuring on the apical surface of cells may be related to the creation of an appropriate intraluminal milieu for the maturation of spermatozoa while the occurrence of these functions in the intercellular spaces may represent an exchange of substances between the principal cells and the subepithelial capillaries

    Ultrastructural studies on the epididymal spermatozoa in the rhesus monkey

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    Ultrastructural studies on the spermatozoa in different regions of the epididymis of the rhesus monkey have shown that the process of sperm maturation is associated with the caudad migration of the cytoplastmic droplet, a reduction in the volume of the cytoplasmic droplet, and an obvious wrinkling of the plasma membrane surrounding the head of the spermatozoa. These changes are completed by the time the spermatozoa reach the distal-middle segment of the epididymis. The present studies also indicate that spermatozoa are incorporated into the intraepithelial cells in the epidymis. This finding suggests that spermiophagy is a normal occurrence in the epidymis of rhesus monkey

    Fluorocarbons Enhance Intracellular Delivery of Short STAT3-sensors and Enable Specific Imaging

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    Short oligonucleotide sequences are now being widely investigated for their potential therapeutic properties. The modification of oligonucleotide termini with short fluorinated residues is capable of drastically altering their behavior in complex in vitro and in vivo systems, and thus may serve to greatly enhance their therapeutic potential. The main goals of our work were to explore: 1) how modification of STAT3 transcription factor-binding oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) duplexes (ODND) with one or two short fluorocarbon (FC)-based residues would change their properties in vitro and in vivo, and if so, how this would affect their intracellular uptake by cancer cells, and 2) the ability of such modified ODND to form non-covalent complexes with FC-modified carrier macromolecule. The latter has an inherent advantage of producing a 19F-specific magnetic resonance (MR) imaging signature. Thus, we also tested the ability of such copolymers to generate 19F-MR signals. Materials and Methods. Fluorinated nucleic acid residues were incorporated into ODN by using automated synthesis or via activated esters on ODN 5\u27-ends. To quantify ODND uptake by the cells and to track their stability, we covalently labeled ODN with fluorophores using internucleoside linker technology; the FC-modified carrier was synthesized by acylation of pegylated polylysine graft copolymer with perfluoroundecanoic acid (M5-gPLL-PFUDA). Results. ODN with a single FC group exhibited a tendency to form duplexes with higher melting points and with increased stability against degradation when compared to control non-modified ODNs. ODND carrying fluorinated residues showed complex formation with M5-gPLL-PFUDA as predicted by molecular dynamics simulations. Moreover, FC groups modulated the specificity of ODND binding to the STAT3 target. Finally, FC modification resulted in greater cell uptake (2 to 4 fold higher) when compared to the uptake of non-modified ODND as determined by quantitative confocal fluorescence imaging of A431 and INS-1 cells. Conclusion. ODND modification with FC residues enables fine-tuning of protein binding specificity to double-strand binding motifs and results in an increased internalization by A431 and INS-1 cells in culture. Our results show that modification of ODN termini with FC residues is both a feasible and powerful strategy for developing more efficient nucleic acid-based therapies with the added benefit of allowing for non-invasive MR imaging of ODND therapeutic targeting and response

    Medical and biological imaging; (170.6920) Time-resolved imaging; (170.6960) Tomography

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    We show that asymptotic lifetime-based fluorescence tomography can localize multiple-lifetime targets separated well below the diffuse point spread function of a turbid medium. This is made possible due to a complete diagonalization of the time domain forward problem in the asymptotic limit. We also show that continuous wave or direct time gate approaches to fluorescence tomography are unable to achieve this separation, Assuming that the fluorophores under study have lifetimes τ n that are longer than the intrinsic diffusion time scales (a condition widely satisfied for biological tissue where j indicates the measurement index (r s , r d pair). Thus, the ATD results in a complete diagonalization of the diffuse fluorescence forward problem with respect to the yield distributions η n r. This should be contrasted with CW, FD, and DTD approaches, where each measurement is related to all the η n values (1) offers a powerful approach to obtain separate reconstructions for each fluorophore in a mixture based on their distinct lifetime

    Reproductive exocrine and endocrine profile of female langur monkeys, Presbytis entellus

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    In 5 caged langurs menstrual cycle length (for 125 cycles) varied from 18 to 45 days with a mean ± s.d. of 26·3 ± 3·6 days. Menstruation lasted for 2 days. A distinct cycle of vaginal smear cells was observed with a maximum cornification on Day 10 coinciding with the serum oestradiol peak. A monophasic pattern of vaginal temperature with a significant nadir on Day 11, 1 day after the oestradiol peak, was observed. Serum sialic acid concentrations directly reflected the oestrogenic activity and showed a significant peak on Day 10, coinciding with the oestradiol peak and was followed by a progesterone rise. Langurs menstruated throughout the year without showing any sign of summer amenorrhoea. We suggest that maximum cornification, vaginal temperature nadir and serum sialic acid peak could be used as markers for prediction and detection of the time of ovulation in langur monkeys

    Effects of intranasal administration of hormonal steroids on serum testosterone and spermatogenesis in rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta)

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    Spraying estradiol-17β, progesterone or norethisterone intranasally in adult male rhesus monkeys (7.5-11 kg BW) at a daily dose of 30 μg/day for a period of 60 days resulted in a decrease of testicular size, arrest of spermatogenesis and a significant reduction in serum levels of testosterone. No changes were observed in the solvent-treated controls

    Data-driven expectations for electromagnetic counterpart searches based on LIGO/Virgo public alerts

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    Searches for electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave signals have redoubled since the first detection in 2017 of a binary neutron star merger with a gamma-ray burst, optical/infrared kilonova, and panchromatic afterglow. Yet, one LIGO/Virgo observing run later, there has not yet been a second, secure identification of an electromagnetic counterpart. This is not surprising given that the localization uncertainties of events in LIGO and Virgo's third observing run, O3, were much larger than predicted. We explain this by showing that improvements in data analysis that now allow LIGO/Virgo to detect weaker and hence more poorly localized events have increased the overall number of detections, of which well-localized, gold-plated events make up a smaller proportion overall. We present simulations of the next two LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA observing runs, O4 and O5, that are grounded in the statistics of O3 public alerts. To illustrate the significant impact that the updated predictions can have, we study the follow-up strategy for the Zwicky Transient Facility. Realistic and timely forecasting of gravitational-wave localization accuracy is paramount given the large commitments of telescope time and the need to prioritize which events are followed up. We include a data release of our simulated localizations as a public proposal planning resource for astronomers
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