988 research outputs found

    Local Multicoloring Algorithms: Computing a Nearly-Optimal TDMA Schedule in Constant Time

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    The described multicoloring problem has direct applications in the context of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. In order to coordinate the access to the shared wireless medium, the nodes of such a network need to employ some medium access control (MAC) protocol. Typical MAC protocols control the access to the shared channel by time (TDMA), frequency (FDMA), or code division multiple access (CDMA) schemes. Many channel access schemes assign a fixed set of time slots, frequencies, or (orthogonal) codes to the nodes of a network such that nodes that interfere with each other receive disjoint sets of time slots, frequencies, or code sets. Finding a valid assignment of time slots, frequencies, or codes hence directly corresponds to computing a multicoloring of a graph GG. The scarcity of bandwidth, energy, and computing resources in ad hoc and sensor networks, as well as the often highly dynamic nature of these networks require that the multicoloring can be computed based on as little and as local information as possible

    Serving Online Requests with Mobile Servers

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    We study an online problem in which a set of mobile servers have to be moved in order to efficiently serve a set of requests that arrive in an online fashion. More formally, there is a set of nn nodes and a set of kk mobile servers that are placed at some of the nodes. Each node can potentially host several servers and the servers can be moved between the nodes. There are requests 1,2,1,2,\ldots that are adversarially issued at nodes one at a time. An issued request at time tt needs to be served at all times ttt' \geq t. The cost for serving the requests is a function of the number of servers and requests at the different nodes. The requirements on how to serve the requests are governed by two parameters α1\alpha\geq 1 and β0\beta\geq 0. An algorithm needs to guarantee at all times that the total service cost remains within a multiplicative factor of α\alpha and an additive term β\beta of the current optimal service cost. We consider online algorithms for two different minimization objectives. We first consider the natural problem of minimizing the total number of server movements. We show that in this case for every kk, the competitive ratio of every deterministic online algorithm needs to be at least Ω(n)\Omega(n). Given this negative result, we then extend the minimization objective to also include the current service cost. We give almost tight bounds on the competitive ratio of the online problem where one needs to minimize the sum of the total number of movements and the current service cost. In particular, we show that at the cost of an additional additive term which is roughly linear in kk, it is possible to achieve a multiplicative competitive ratio of 1+ε1+\varepsilon for every constant ε>0\varepsilon>0.Comment: 25 page

    Communication Primitives in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio networks are a new type of multi-channel wireless network in which different nodes can have access to different sets of channels. By providing multiple channels, they improve the efficiency and reliability of wireless communication. However, the heterogeneous nature of cognitive radio networks also brings new challenges to the design and analysis of distributed algorithms. In this paper, we focus on two fundamental problems in cognitive radio networks: neighbor discovery, and global broadcast. We consider a network containing nn nodes, each of which has access to cc channels. We assume the network has diameter DD, and each pair of neighbors have at least k1k\geq 1, and at most kmaxck_{max}\leq c, shared channels. We also assume each node has at most Δ\Delta neighbors. For the neighbor discovery problem, we design a randomized algorithm CSeek which has time complexity O~((c2/k)+(kmax/k)Δ)\tilde{O}((c^2/k)+(k_{max}/k)\cdot\Delta). CSeek is flexible and robust, which allows us to use it as a generic "filter" to find "well-connected" neighbors with an even shorter running time. We then move on to the global broadcast problem, and propose CGCast, a randomized algorithm which takes O~((c2/k)+(kmax/k)Δ+DΔ)\tilde{O}((c^2/k)+(k_{max}/k)\cdot\Delta+D\cdot\Delta) time. CGCast uses CSeek to achieve communication among neighbors, and uses edge coloring to establish an efficient schedule for fast message dissemination. Towards the end of the paper, we give lower bounds for solving the two problems. These lower bounds demonstrate that in many situations, CSeek and CGCast are near optimal

    Deterministic Distributed Edge-Coloring via Hypergraph Maximal Matching

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    We present a deterministic distributed algorithm that computes a (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring, or even list-edge-coloring, in any nn-node graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta, in O(log7Δlogn)O(\log^7 \Delta \log n) rounds. This answers one of the long-standing open questions of \emph{distributed graph algorithms} from the late 1980s, which asked for a polylogarithmic-time algorithm. See, e.g., Open Problem 4 in the Distributed Graph Coloring book of Barenboim and Elkin. The previous best round complexities were 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})} by Panconesi and Srinivasan [STOC'92] and O~(Δ)+O(logn)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\Delta}) + O(\log^* n) by Fraigniaud, Heinrich, and Kosowski [FOCS'16]. A corollary of our deterministic list-edge-coloring also improves the randomized complexity of (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring to poly(loglogn)(\log\log n) rounds. The key technical ingredient is a deterministic distributed algorithm for \emph{hypergraph maximal matching}, which we believe will be of interest beyond this result. In any hypergraph of rank rr --- where each hyperedge has at most rr vertices --- with nn nodes and maximum degree Δ\Delta, this algorithm computes a maximal matching in O(r5log6+logrΔlogn)O(r^5 \log^{6+\log r } \Delta \log n) rounds. This hypergraph matching algorithm and its extensions lead to a number of other results. In particular, a polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed maximal independent set algorithm for graphs with bounded neighborhood independence, hence answering Open Problem 5 of Barenboim and Elkin's book, a ((logΔ/ε)O(log(1/ε)))((\log \Delta/\varepsilon)^{O(\log (1/\varepsilon))})-round deterministic algorithm for (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation of maximum matching, and a quasi-polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed algorithm for orienting λ\lambda-arboricity graphs with out-degree at most (1+ε)λ(1+\varepsilon)\lambda, for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0, hence partially answering Open Problem 10 of Barenboim and Elkin's book

    On Derandomizing Local Distributed Algorithms

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    The gap between the known randomized and deterministic local distributed algorithms underlies arguably the most fundamental and central open question in distributed graph algorithms. In this paper, we develop a generic and clean recipe for derandomizing LOCAL algorithms. We also exhibit how this simple recipe leads to significant improvements on a number of problem. Two main results are: - An improved distributed hypergraph maximal matching algorithm, improving on Fischer, Ghaffari, and Kuhn [FOCS'17], and giving improved algorithms for edge-coloring, maximum matching approximation, and low out-degree edge orientation. The first gives an improved algorithm for Open Problem 11.4 of the book of Barenboim and Elkin, and the last gives the first positive resolution of their Open Problem 11.10. - An improved distributed algorithm for the Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma, which gets closer to a conjecture of Chang and Pettie [FOCS'17], and moreover leads to improved distributed algorithms for problems such as defective coloring and kk-SAT.Comment: 37 page

    Distributed Connectivity Decomposition

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    We present time-efficient distributed algorithms for decomposing graphs with large edge or vertex connectivity into multiple spanning or dominating trees, respectively. As their primary applications, these decompositions allow us to achieve information flow with size close to the connectivity by parallelizing it along the trees. More specifically, our distributed decomposition algorithms are as follows: (I) A decomposition of each undirected graph with vertex-connectivity kk into (fractionally) vertex-disjoint weighted dominating trees with total weight Ω(klogn)\Omega(\frac{k}{\log n}), in O~(D+n)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) rounds. (II) A decomposition of each undirected graph with edge-connectivity λ\lambda into (fractionally) edge-disjoint weighted spanning trees with total weight λ12(1ε)\lceil\frac{\lambda-1}{2}\rceil(1-\varepsilon), in O~(D+nλ)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n\lambda}) rounds. We also show round complexity lower bounds of Ω~(D+nk)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}) and Ω~(D+nλ)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{\lambda}}) for the above two decompositions, using techniques of [Das Sarma et al., STOC'11]. Moreover, our vertex-connectivity decomposition extends to centralized algorithms and improves the time complexity of [Censor-Hillel et al., SODA'14] from O(n3)O(n^3) to near-optimal O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). As corollaries, we also get distributed oblivious routing broadcast with O(1)O(1)-competitive edge-congestion and O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive vertex-congestion. Furthermore, the vertex connectivity decomposition leads to near-time-optimal O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation of vertex connectivity: centralized O~(m)\widetilde{O}(m) and distributed O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}). The former moves toward the 1974 conjecture of Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman postulating an O(m)O(m) centralized exact algorithm while the latter is the first distributed vertex connectivity approximation