35 research outputs found

    Stem cell biology : a never ending quest for understanding

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    Stem cells (SC) research is an important part of biotechnology that could lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies. A lot of effort has been put to understand biology of the stem cells and to find genes and subsequently proteins that are responsible for their proliferation, self-renewal and differentiation. Different cytokines and growth factors has been used to expand stem cells, but no combination of these factors was identified that could effectively expand the most primitive stem cells. Recently, however, genes and receptors responsible for SC proliferation and differentiation have been described. Ligands for these receptors or these genes themselves are being already used for ex vivo expansion of stem cells and the first data are very promising. New markers, such as CXCR4 and CD133, have been discovered and shown to be present on surface of hematopoietic stem cells. The same markers were recently also found to be expressed on neuronal-, hepatic- or skeletal muscle-stem cells. By employing these markers several laboratories are trying to isolate stem cells for potential clinical use. New characteristics of stem cells such as transdifferentiation and cell fusion have been described. Our team has identified a population of tissue committed stem cells (TCSC). These cells are present in a bone marrow and in other tissues and they can differentiate into several cell types including cardiac, neural and liver cells

    Zaburzenia psychotyczne związane z używaniem „dopalaczy”

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      INTRODUCTION: The use of psychoactive substances has become an increasing social and medical problem. The problem is both their availability and variable composition together with hard to predict health effects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The materials used in the publication were obtained by searching the PubMed database for the following keywords: „novel psychoactive substances”, „new psychoactive substances”, „NPS”, „legal highs”, „smart drugs”, „bath salts”, „psychoactive drugs” „designer drugs”, „internet drugs”, „synthetic catinones”, „synthetic cannabinoids”, „novel psychoactive substances AND psychosis”, „new psychoactive substances AND psychosis”, „legal highs AND psychosis”, „legal highs AND psychosis”. Materials published until the January 2017 were taken for the analysis. RESULTS: The article describes classification of the new psychoactive substances based on type of chemicals. There were described their working mechanisms and related psychophysical effects. Present research and case studies were also presented. In addition to the symptoms of the nervous system or cardiovascular system, a number of symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as hallucinations, delusions, agitation, aggressive behavior, sleep and wakefulness disorders, anxiety and affective disorders have been described. Frequency and severity of symptoms were often dependent on the type of substance and the dose taken. Some of the cases described required hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: Issues related to the novel psychoactive substances are related to the availability of these substances, the amount of the substances belonging to this group, the ease of synthesizing new agents and to the limited possibilities of labeling these substances. The use of this group of substances can cause various symptoms of psychiatric disorders, not specific for chemical substance.    WSTĘP: Używanie substancji psychoaktywnych z grupy „dopalaczy” staje się coraz większym problemem zarówno społecznym, jak i medycznym. Kłopotliwa jest zarówno ich dostępność, jak i zmienny skład oraz nie zawsze możliwe do przewidzenia skutki zdrowotne. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Materiały wykorzystane w publikacji uzyskano przeszukując bazę PubMed w kierunku fraz: ”novel psychoactive substances”, „new psychoactive substances”, „NPS”, „legal highs”, „smart drugs”, „bath salts”, „psychoactive drugs”, „designer drugs”, „internet drugs”, „synthetic catinones”, „synthetic cannabinoids”, ”novel psychoactive substances AND psychosis”, „new psychoactive substances AND psychosis”, „NPS AND psychosis”, „legal highs AND psychosis”. Analizowano materiały pojawiające się do stycznia 2017 roku. Przeanalizowano streszczenia otrzymanych pozycji. WYNIKI: W artykule opisano podział nowych substancji psychoaktywnych na podstawie klasy substancji chemicznych. Opisano ich mechanizmy działania i związane z nimi efekty psychofizyczne. Zaprezentowano także dotychczasowe badania i opisy konkretnych przypadków. Oprócz objawów ze strony układu nerwowego czy sercowo-naczyniowego opisano wiele objawów zaburzeń psychicznych, takich jak: halucynacje, urojenia, pobudzenie, zachowania agresywne, zaburzenia rytmu snu i czuwania, a także niepokój czy zaburzenia afektywne. Częstość oraz stopień nasilenia objawów zależały często od rodzaju przyjętej substancji, a także jej dawki. Część opisanych przypadków wiązała się z koniecznością hospitalizacji. WNIOSKI: Problematyka związana z tematem „dopalaczy” wiąże się zarówno z dostępnością tych substancji, ilością substancji należącej do tej grupy, łatwością syntetyzowania nowych środków oraz ograniczonymi możliwościami oznaczania tych substancji. Przyjmowanie tej grupy substancji może wywoływać różne objawy ze strony zaburzeń psychicznych, niespecyficzne dla danych środków.

    The ImageStream System: a key step to a new era in imaging.

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    The aim of this article is to provide a brief review about the ImageStream system a novel tool for multiparameter cell analysis in flow. The instrument integrates the features of flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy combined with a modern methodology for image analysis. Similar to flow cytometry, ImageStream allows analysis of a large number of cells based on their fluorescence features and provides statistical analysis of these features. Additionally, ImageStream allows detailed morphometric cellular analysis based on acquired cellular images integrating various morphometric and photometric features of the examined cells. Simply stated, ImageStream system is an advanced flow cytometer acquiring both integrated fluorescence signals as well as high quality fluorescence images and allowing muliparameter analysis. The innovative features of the instrument offer new analytical capabilities and allow for a multitude of possible applications beyond the current means of flow cytometry. While this article summarizes basic information about the features of ImageStream and its applications based on the available literature and it also describes our own experience

    Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization with the reversible CXCR4 receptor inhibitor plerixafor (AMD3100)—Polish compassionate use experience

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    Recent developments in the field of targeted therapy have led to the discovery of a new drug, plerixafor, that is a specific inhibitor of the CXCR4 receptor. Plerixafor acts in concert with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) to increase the number of stem cells circulating in the peripheral blood (PB). Therefore, it has been applied in the field of hematopoietic stem cell mobilization. We analyzed retrospectively data regarding stem cell mobilization with plerixafor in a cohort of 61 patients suffering from multiple myeloma (N = 23), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (N = 20), or Hodgkin’s lymphoma (N = 18). At least one previous mobilization attempt had failed in 83.6% of these patients, whereas 16.4% were predicted to be poor mobilizers. The median number of CD34+ cells in the PB after the first administration of plerixafor was 22/μL (range of 0–121). In total, 85.2% of the patients proceeded to cell collection, and a median of two (range of 0–4) aphereses were performed. A minimum of 2.0 × 106 CD34+ cells per kilogram of the patient’s body weight (cells/kg b.w.) was collected from 65.6% of patients, and the median number of cells collected was 2.67 × 106 CD34+ cells/kg b.w. (0–8.0). Of the patients, 55.7% had already undergone autologous stem cell transplantation, and the median time to neutrophil and platelet reconstitution was 12 and 14 days, respectively. Cases of late graft failure were not observed. We identified the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and previous radiotherapy as independent factors that contributed to failure of mobilization. The current report demonstrates the satisfactory efficacy of plerixafor plus G-CSF for stem cell mobilization in heavily pre-treated poor or predicted poor mobilizers

    Without Jews? : Yiddish literature in the People's Republic of Poland on the Holocaust, Poland and Communism

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    Information basis of the research into trade and services in Europe

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    Artykuł podejmuje tematykę źródeł informacji o rynkach zagranicznych. Dokonano w nim kwerendy dostępnych wtórnych źródeł informacji o usługach i handlu detalicznym w Europie, zwracając uwagę na zalety i ograniczenia każdego z nich. Przedstawiono również metodykę gromadzenia informacji ze źródeł pierwotnych na przykładzie badań przeprowadzonych w ośmiu krajach Europy w ramach projektu Katedry Rynku i Konsumpcji „Handel i usługi w Europie – diagnoza i perspektywy rozwoju”. Artykuł dostarcza wiedzy i praktycznych wskazówek w aspekcie dostępnych źródeł informacji dla badaczy handlu i usług na rynkach zagranicznych.The article deals with issues related to sources of information about foreign markets. Available secondary sources of information about services and retail trade in Europe were used. Much attention was paid to advantages and limitations of each source. Additionally, methods of acquiring information from primary sources were presented as illustrated by the example of the research conducted in eight European countries within the project undertaken by the Department of Market and Consumption (‘Trade and Services in Europe – Diagnosis and Perspectives of Development’). The article provides knowledge and practical advice in the context of available sources of information to be used by researchers who are interested in trade and services on foreign markets