76 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to present three theses – (1) a cultural one: cyberspace is an advanced technical and cultural creation – it is an embodiment of dreams of numerous creators, inventors and engineers; (2) a technical one: security and cyberspace are inseparable components (hence cybersecu- rity); (3) and a paranoid one: complete security, if achievable, is not a permanent state (hence cyber(in)security). Cyberspace is conceived as a set of digital techniques used to exchange information but also as a new type of social space, partially virtual, which may constitute a being entirely separated from a physical one. A pivotal date for arising of cyberspace may be considered the year 1968 in which routing in the ARPANET network appeared and so did the first programmable logical controller (PLC). For cyberspace this will be the year 1976 – publishing of the key agreement protocol by Witfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. Development of security is correlated with warfare and armament – the military sector has historically made the most significant investments in this area

    "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly": Evaluation of Wi-Fi Steganography

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    In this paper we propose a new method for the evaluation of network steganography algorithms based on the new concept of "the moving observer". We considered three levels of undetectability named: "good", "bad", and "ugly". To illustrate this method we chose Wi-Fi steganography as a solid family of information hiding protocols. We present the state of the art in this area covering well-known hiding techniques for 802.11 networks. "The moving observer" approach could help not only in the evaluation of steganographic algorithms, but also might be a starting point for a new detection system of network steganography. The concept of a new detection system, called MoveSteg, is explained in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Proc. of: ICNIT 2015 - 6th International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, November 5-6, 201

    StegIbiza: New Method for Information Hiding in Club Music

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    In this paper a new method for information hiding in club music is introduced. The method called StegIbiza is based on using the music tempo as a carrier. The tempo is modulated by hidden messages with a 3-value coding scheme, which is an adoption of Morse code for StegIbiza. The evaluation of the system was performed for several music samples (with and without StegIbiza enabled) on a selected group of testers who had a music background. Finally, for the worst case scenario, none of them could identify any differences in the audio with a 1% margin of changed tempo.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl


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    The purpose of this article is to present three theses – (1) a cultural one: cyberspace is an advanced technical and cultural creation – it is an embodiment of dreams of numerous creators, inventors and engineers; (2) a technical one: security and cyberspace are inseparable components (hence cybersecu- rity); (3) and a paranoid one: complete security, if achievable, is not a permanent state (hence cyber(in)security). Cyberspace is conceived as a set of digital techniques used to exchange information but also as a new type of social space, partially virtual, which may constitute a being entirely separated from a physical one. A pivotal date for arising of cyberspace may be considered the year 1968 in which routing in the ARPANET network appeared and so did the first programmable logical controller (PLC). For cyberspace this will be the year 1976 – publishing of the key agreement protocol by Witfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. Development of security is correlated with warfare and armament – the military sector has historically made the most significant investments in this area

    Yet Another Pseudorandom Number Generator

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    We propose a novel pseudorandom number generator based on R\"ossler attractor and bent Boolean function. We estimated the output bits properties by number of statistical tests. The results of the cryptanalysis show that the new pseudorandom number generation scheme provides a high level of data security.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; to be published in International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, vol.63, no.

    Using Transcoding for Hidden Communication in IP Telephony

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    The paper presents a new steganographic method for IP telephony called TranSteg (Transcoding Steganography). Typically, in steganographic communication it is advised for covert data to be compressed in order to limit its size. In TranSteg it is the overt data that is compressed to make space for the steganogram. The main innovation of TranSteg is to, for a chosen voice stream, find a codec that will result in a similar voice quality but smaller voice payload size than the originally selected. Then, the voice stream is transcoded. At this step the original voice payload size is intentionally unaltered and the change of the codec is not indicated. Instead, after placing the transcoded voice payload, the remaining free space is filled with hidden data. TranSteg proof of concept implementation was designed and developed. The obtained experimental results are enclosed in this paper. They prove that the proposed method is feasible and offers a high steganographic bandwidth. TranSteg detection is difficult to perform when performing inspection in a single network localisation.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, 4 table
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