14 research outputs found

    Safety of visually impaired and partially sighted people on rail platforms in Poland – existing state and mistakes committed

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    Accessibility of transport infrastructure and public space for visually impaired and partially sighted people depends on ensuring the safe movement. Tactile elements provide such safety for visually impaired people. In Poland, there is a lack of standards regulating the use of tactile elements in transport. This results in a variety of markings warning against the same type of danger, what leads to the new transport barriers. The article shows the action effects, which were not preceded by the preparation of standards (tram, rail) and reveals a sequence of proper approach for the Warsaw Underground. The procedure of proper operations is indicated. It arises through an analysis of trials and mistakes committed in Poland. Such procedure should be used by those countries, which have not yet applied tactile elements for visually impaired people and whish to apply them in transport infrastructure

    The planned TEN-T railway corridor "Baltic Sea - Black Sea - Aegean Sea" as an opportunity for economic development of Eastern Poland

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    Abstract: The article describes the basic requirements for the railway infrastructure of the comprehensive, extended core and core TEN-T network resulting from the draft of a new regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on this matter. Then, the proposed TEN-T corridor “Baltic Sea – Black Sea – Aegean” is presented, which route is to lead largely through eastern and south-eastern Poland. This corridor, along with its considered link with the “Rail Baltica” route, fits well with the concept of the so-called eastern main line. The condition for creation of the corridor and the link is to ensure technical and operational parameters in accordance with the TEN-T requirements on the sections of railway lines included in their route, therefore the article assesses, what scope of investment works is related to the achievement of this goal and what adjustments and optimization measures should be considered. The creation of the corridor with the link may increase the transport accessibility of Polish regions located within their range of influence, and thus contribute to the economic development of these regions. Key words: accessibility, railway infrastructur

    Impact of COVID-19 on the Functioning of Passenger Rail Transport

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    The article presents an overview of the transport situation on Polish railways during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. The emerging trends in the use of rail transport are characterised. In order to meet market needs, rail transport should be open to any technical solution that reduces the possibility of horizontal transmission of infections to, both, travellers and transport workers. Examples are given of measures which improve safety during transport in this respect, as a fundamental condition for the systematic return of travellers to the railways

    Wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na funkcjonowanie pasażerskiego transportu kolejowego

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    W artykule przedstawiono sytuację przewozową na kolejach polskich podczas pierwszej i drugiej fali pandemii COVID-19. Scharakteryzowano rysujące się trendy w zakresie korzystania z transportu kolejowego. Wychodząc naprzeciw potrzebom rynku, transport kolejowy powinien być podatny na wszelkie rozwiązania techniczne, które ograniczałyby możliwość poziomego przenoszenia zarażeń, zarówno wśród podróżnych, jak i personelu przewoźników. Wskazano przykłady działań poprawiających pod tym względem bezpieczeństwo podczas przewozu, jako podstawowego warunku systematycznego powrotu podróżnych na kolej

    Digitization in rail transport

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    Digital transformation in the railway industry is an important element in the development of railways and should benefit commuters, railway operators, infrastructure managers and rolling stock manufacturers. The process of digitization applies to two domains, i.e. customer service and railway companies’ operation. This paper aims to present previous efforts regarding the use of digital technologies in customer relations and in the field of operations and maintenance, which translates into the quality of services provided. This paper highlights important concepts of this domain with respect to passenger and freight transport, infrastructure, railway rolling stock and railway traffic management. It is also argued that the process of digitization needs properly trained staff. Examples of innovative initiatives of Polish and European railway companies are covered

    Methodology for the Development of a Disability Strategy at Passenger Stations

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    In the last decade, considerable funds have been dedicated to the modernization of passenger stations in order to adapt them to the needs of all travelers. Thanks to the adoption of universal design principles, as well as technical specifications for interoperability connected with the accessibility of rail transport for the disabled, many facilities are now equipped with fully-accessible infrastructural elements used by travelers. Despite this, stations do not adopt any access strategies along with traffic rules, which is required by the applicable EU law and domestic regulations. The article refers to a method of collecting data required for the elaboration of such documentation for every passenger station, which has been developed by the Railway Research Institute. It also evokes a bill on the provision of accessibility to persons with special needs, adopted by the Council of Ministers in June 2019. Previous efforts of railways aimed at improving the availability of this branch of transport correspond to the requirements arising from this act

    Metodyka opracowania strategii obsługi osób niepełnosprawnych na stacji pasażerskiej

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    W ostatnim dziesięcioleciu przeznaczono znaczące środki finansowe na modernizację stacji pasażerskich w celu ich dostosowania do potrzeb wszystkich podróżnych. Dzięki uwzględnianiu w projektach zasad projektowania uniwersalnego, a także technicznych specyfikacji interoperacyjności odnoszących się do dostępności kolei dla osób niepełnosprawnych, w wielu obiektach zapewniono pełną dostępność poszczególnych elementów infrastruktury wykorzystywanej przez podróżnych. Pomimo tego procesu, stacje nie mają opracowanych strategii dostępu, wraz z przepisami ruchowymi, czego wymaga obowiązujące prawo Unii Europejskiej oraz prawo krajowe. W artykule nawiązano do, opracowanej w Instytucie Kolejnictwa, metody zebrania niezbędnych danych do przygotowania takiego dokumentu dla każdej stacji pasażerskiej. Nawiązano także do przyjętego w czerwcu 2019 r. przez Radę Ministrów projektu ustawy o zapewnieniu dostępności osobom wymagającym szczególnej troski. Dotychczasowe wysiłki kolei w zakresie poprawy dostępności tej gałęzi transportu wpisują się w wymagania wynikające z tej ustawy

    Cyfryzacja w transporcie kolejowym

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    Transformacja cyfrowa w sektorze kolejowym jest ważnym elementem rozwoju kolei i powinna przynieść korzyści zarówno podróżnym, przewoźnikom, zarządcom infrastruktury, jak i producentom taboru. Proces cyfryzacji kolei dotyczy dwóch obszarów, tj. obsługi klienta i funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa kolejowego. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie dotychczasowych działań w zakresie wykorzystania technologii cyfrowych w kontaktach z klientami, a także ich zastosowanie w działalności eksploatacyjno-utrzymaniowej, wpływającej na jakość oferowanych usług. W artykule przedstawiono ważne zagadnienia tej problematyki w odniesieniu do przewozu osób i towarów, infrastruktury, taboru oraz sterowania ruchem kolejowym. Wskazano przy tym, że istotną rolę w procesie cyfryzacji odgrywa odpowiednio przygotowany personel. Podano przykłady innowacyjnych działań kolei polskich i europejskich

    Selection and application of the touchable elements for blind and people in the Warsaw underground

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    Background: The aim of this work was to design a warning belt for blind people as well as an inclusion of the requirements in the normative document. Methods: A diagnostic survey using the questionnaires and the interviews with disabled people (especially with blind and visually impaired people). Results and Conclusion: As a result of the research and a participation of the blind and visually impaired people, the tactile elements were chosen and parameterized for use in the underground buildings in Warsaw. The relevant information in this filed, which should correspond to Warsaw underground buildings, were included in the regulations of the Minister of Infrastructure. On this basis, all the edges of the Warsaw underground platforms were indicated

    Impact of COVID-19 on the Functioning of Passenger Rail Transport

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    The article presents an overview of the transport situation on Polish railways during the first and second waves of the CO-VID-19 pandemic. The emerging trends in the use of rail transport are characterised. In order to meet market needs, rail transport should be open to any technical solution that reduces the possibility of horizontal transmission of infections to, both, travellers and transport workers. Examples are given of measures which improve safety during transport in this respect, as a fundamental condition for the systematic return of travellers to the railways