100 research outputs found

    Non-formal education and soft competences : from personal experience

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    Badania pilotażowe o wiedzy i stosowaniu mnemonik z przedmiotów ścisłych przez polsklich uczniów

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    Mnemonic devices are specific ways, which during coding new information apply known elements for improving subsequent access to that information in the memory. Consequently, not much is known about techniques for optimizing recall performance with mnemonic devices or the suitability of using mnemonic devices in educational applications. Moreover, in literature there are a lot of examples in chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics mnemonics approaches, however in the related literature, there is a lack of current and reliable studies for this subject. In this original work we describe mnemonic methods from this point of view in the learning and teachings of science subjects. A large trumps of this article is the demonstration of the old well-known method of the learning/teaching in the new scene. This is the first article in literature that present actual data about this topic according to learning and studying the science subjects by mnemonic studies.Strategie mnemoniczne to specyficzne sposoby, które podczas kodowania nowej informacji wykorzystują znane już elementy do polepszenia późniejszego dostępu do tej informacji w pamięci. Strategie te mogą często wspomagać uczenie się oraz późniejsze przywoływanie informacji. Jednak niewiele wiadomo na temat technik optymalizowania przywoływania myśli za pomocą metod mnemotechnicznych lub stosowalności metod mnemotechnicznych w praktyce edukacyjnej. Ponadto, w literaturze jest wiele przykładów metod i podejść mnemotechnicznych w chemii, biologii, fizyce czy matematyce, jednakże w literaturze fachowej brak jest aktualnych i miarodajnych badań na ten temat. Artykuł ten stanowi autorskie podejście do zagadnienia metod mnemotechnicznych z punktu widzenia uczenia i nauczania przedmiotów przyrodniczo-ścisłych. Dużym atutem artykułu jest demonstracja starych i dobrze znanych metod uczenia/nauczania w nowym wymiarze. Zgodnie z naszą wiedzą jest to pierwszy artykuł w literaturze opisujący aktualne dane na temat związany z uczeniem i studiowaniem przedmiotów ścisłych przy użyciu metod mnemotechnicznych

    Co badać? Gdzie szukać tematów? : konteksty IBSE

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    Influence of in-service teacher training on their opinions about IBSE

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    AbstractThe new Polish science curriculum was launched in 2008 and is currently being implemented in upper secondary schools. The new general objectives of education, and students’ key competences that should be developed during science classes were defined in this document. The presented competences are in line with those that might be developed by Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE). IBSE is currently a popular instructional method in many countries and it is being strongly promoted by the European Union. Unfortunately, most of the European Union member countries don’t have national strategies in place to support the teachers responsible for implementing IBSE. In the article, a programme of science teacher training course which outline the basics of IBSE techniques was introduced. These course have been developed for polish science teachers basing on the Teachers Education Programme developed within the ESTABLISH project. The effect of the training on the attitude of Polish teachers to IBSE and the impact of training on the perception of selected aspects of IBSE was studied. The research was based on a survey questionnaire conducted among participants of the course before and after the training. The results show current position and degree of implementation of IBSE in Polish schools and the positive and negative factors affecting introduction IBSE into school practice

    Warsztaty przyrodnicze i ich rola w rozbudzaniu zainteresowań przyrodniczych dzieci i uczniów

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    Development of science interests is one of many elements of the daily teachers' work at school. Finding out interesting forms of working with school students and their proper application at school allows for increasing science interests and to achieve many didactic aims. One of many of such proposals is an informal teaching which can be carried out while students participate in the various workshops, out of school meetings or science fairs.Rozwijanie zainteresowań przyrodniczych ucznia jest jednym z podstawowych elementów codziennej pracy nauczyciela. Poszukiwanie interesujących rozwiązań dydaktycznych i ich umiejętne oraz właściwe zastosowanie w procesie nauczania-uczenia się pozwala pobudzać i rozwijać te zainteresowania, jak również osiągnąć wiele celów dydaktycznych tego procesu. Jedną z takich propozycji jest nieformalne nauczanie w trakcie różnorodnych spotkań warsztatowych, zajęć pozalekcyjnych czy też aktywnego uczestnictwa w festiwalach nauki

    Analysis of PD-1 expression in the monocyte subsets from non-septic and septic preterm neonates

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    Programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor system represents a part of recently reported immunoregulatory pathway. PD-1 is an immune checkpoint molecule, which plays an important role in downregulating the immune system proinflammatory activity. Until recently, PD-1 expression was not established on immune cells of the preterm infants. The study objectives were to confirm expression of the PD-1 receptors on the monocytes isolated from very low birth weight newborns (VLBW), and to analyze their expression during the first week of life and late-onset sepsis. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from 76 VLBW patients without early-onset sepsis on their 5th day of life (DOL). PD-1 expression was determined on the monocyte subsets (classical, intermediate, non-classical) by flow cytometry. In case of late-onset sepsis (LOS), the same analysis was performed. Our results demonstrated that on the 5th DOL, PD-1 receptors were present in all the monocyte subsets. Children, whose mothers had received antenatal steroids, presented higher absolute numbers of non-classical monocytes with PD-1 expression. Infants born extremely preterm who later developed LOS, initially showed a lower percentage of PD-1 receptor-positive intermediate monocytes in comparison to neonates born very preterm. During LOS, we observed a rise in the percentage of classical monocytes with PD-1 expression. In case of septic shock or fatal outcome, there was a higher percentage and absolute count of intermediate monocytes with PD-1 expression in comparison to children without these complications. In conclusion, monocytes from VLBW children express PD-1 receptors. Antenatal steroid administration seems to induce PD-1 receptor expression in the non-classical monocytes. PD-1 might play a role in immunosuppressive phase of sepsis in the prematurely born children with septic shock and fatal outcome