6,530 research outputs found

    Acid catalyzed reactions of alpha and beta styryl azides

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    Acid degradation of alpha and beta styryl azide

    The formation of 3,6-diphenylpyridazine and 2,5-diphenylpyrrole from alpha-styryl azide

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    Formation of 3,6-diphenylpyridazine and 2,5- diphenylpyrrole from alpha-styryl azid

    Experimental observation of the 'Tilting Mode' of an array of vortices in a dilute Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We have measured the precession frequency of a vortex lattice in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 87Rb atoms. The observed mode corresponds to a collective motion in which all the vortices in the array are tilted by a small angle with respect to the z-axis (the symmetry axis of the trapping potential) and synchronously rotate about this axis. This motion corresponds to excitation of a Kelvin wave along the core of each vortex and we have verified that it has the handedness expected for such helical waves, i.e. precession in the opposite sense to the rotational flow around the vortices. The experimental method used to excite this collective mode closely resembles that used to study the scissors mode and excitation of the scissors mode for a condensate containing a vortex array was used to determine the angular momentum of the system. Indeed, the collective tilting of the array that we have observed has previously been referred to as an `anomalous' scissors mode.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures to be published in PR

    The core structure of presolar graphite onions

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    Of the ``presolar particles'' extracted from carbonaceous chondrite dissolution residues, i.e. of those particles which show isotopic evidence of solidification in the neighborhood of other stars prior to the origin of our solar system, one subset has an interesting concentric graphite-rim/graphene-core structure. We show here that single graphene sheet defects in the onion cores (e.g. cyclopentane loops) may be observable edge-on by HREM. This could allow a closer look at models for their formation, and in particular strengthen the possibility that growth of these assemblages proceeds atom-by-atom with the aid of such in-plane defects, under conditions of growth (e.g. radiation fluxes or grain temperature) which discourage the graphite layering that dominates subsequent formation of the rim.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, 11 refs, see also http://www.umsl.edu/~fraundor/isocore.htm

    Reducing the electricity cost of a Three-Pipe Water Pumping System – a case study using software

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    Efficient control is often the most cost-effective option to improve on the running cost of a ThreePipe Water Pumping System. However, the effect of changing the control strategy (i.e. on energy consumption) is usually difficult to predict. A new simulation tool, QUICKcontrol, was used to investigate the energy cost savings potential in a Three-Pipe Water Pumping System. The influence of pump scheduling, dam level set points, control parameters and different combinations thereof were investigated. The simulation models were firstly verified with measurements obtained from the existing system to confirm their accuracy for realistic control retrofit simulations. With the aid of the integrated simulation tool, it was possible to predict savings of R195 000 per year with an average 3.8 MW of load shifted out of peak times. These control strategies can be implemented in the pumping system with a direct payback period of less than 6 months

    Reducing the electricity cost of a Three-Pipe Water Pumping System – a case study using software

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    Efficient control is often the most cost-effective option to improve on the running cost of a ThreePipe Water Pumping System. However, the effect of changing the control strategy (i.e. on energy consumption) is usually difficult to predict. A new simulation tool, QUICKcontrol, was used to investigate the energy cost savings potential in a Three-Pipe Water Pumping System. The influence of pump scheduling, dam level set points, control parameters and different combinations thereof were investigated. The simulation models were firstly verified with measurements obtained from the existing system to confirm their accuracy for realistic control retrofit simulations. With the aid of the integrated simulation tool, it was possible to predict savings of R195 000 per year with an average 3.8 MW of load shifted out of peak times. These control strategies can be implemented in the pumping system with a direct payback period of less than 6 months

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Supernova Remnants

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    We present Infrared Space Observatory spectroscopy of sites in the supernova remnants W28, W44, and 3C391, where blast waves are impacting molecular clouds. Atomic fine-structure lines were detected from C, N, O, Si, P, and Fe. The S(3) and S(9) lines of H2 were detected for all three remnants. The observations require both shocks into gas with moderate (~ 100 /cm3) and high (~10,000 /cm3) pre-shock densities, with the moderate density shocks producing the ionic lines and the high density shock producing the molecular lines. No single shock model can account for all of the observed lines, even at the order of magnitude level. We find that the principal coolants of radiative supernova shocks in moderate-density gas are the far-infrared continuum from dust grains surviving the shock, followed by collisionally-excited [O I] 63.2 and [Si II] 34.8 micron lines. The principal coolant of the high-density shocks is collisionally-excited H2 rotational and ro-vibrational line emission. We systematically examine the ground-state fine structure of all cosmically abundant elements, to explain the presence or lack of all atomic fine lines in our spectra in terms of the atomic structure, interstellar abundances, and a moderate-density, partially-ionized plasma. The [P II] line at 60.6 microns is the first known astronomical detection. There is one bright unidentified line in our spectra, at 74.26 microns. The presence of bright [Si II] and [Fe II] lines requires partial destruction of the dust. The required gas-phase abundance of Fe suggests 15-30% of the Fe-bearing grains were destroyed. The infrared continuum brightness requires ~1 Msun of dust survives the shock, suggesting about 1/3 of the dust mass was destroyed, in agreement with the depletion estimate and with theoretical models for dust destruction.Comment: 40 pages; 10 figures; accepted by ApJ July 11, 200
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