7 research outputs found

    Anomalous conductivity of PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric Fermi liquids

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    We consider a non-Hermitian yet PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric Fermi liquid (PT\mathcal{PT}-FL) in external electric fields. Due to PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetry, the system exhibits real spectrum, Fermi surface and electric conductivity are well-defined through propagators. We find that, in contrast to the conventional Fermi liquids (FL), the PT\mathcal{PT}-FL can exhibit a zero resistance state in the longitudinal (xxxx) channel. Moreover, the temperature dependence of the resistivity anomaly violates the conventional FL scaling (it is not limited by T2T^2). These findings open route to further exploration of transport anomalies beyond the conventional paradigm.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Origin of band flatness and constraints of higher Chern numbers

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    Flat bands provide a natural platform for emergent electronic states beyond Landau paradigm. Among those of particular importance are flat Chern bands, including bands of higher Chern numbers (CC>>11). We introduce a new framework for band flatness through wave functions, and classify the existing isolated flat bands in a "periodic table" according to tight binding features and wave function properties. Our flat band categorization encompasses seemingly different classes of flat bands ranging from atomic insulators to perfectly flat Chern bands and Landau Levels. The perfectly flat Chern bands satisfy Berry curvature condition Fxy=TrGijF_{xy} = \text{Tr} \, \mathcal G_{ij} which on the tight-binding level is fulfilled only for infinite-range models. Most of the natural Chern bands fall into category of C=1C=1; the complexity of creating higher-CC flat bands is beyond the current technology. This is due to the breakdown of the microscopic stability for higher-CC flatness, seen atomistically e.g. in the increase of the hopping range bound as \proptoCa\sqrt{C} a. Within our new formalism, we indicate strategies for bypassing higher-CC constraints and thus dramatically decreasing the implementation complexity

    Noise probing of topological band gaps in dispersionless quantum states

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    We uncover a useful connection between the integrated current noise S(ω)S(\omega) and the topological band gap in dispersionless quantum states, dω[Sxxflat+Syyflat]=Ce2Δ2\int d \omega [ \mathcal S^{\text{flat}}_{xx} + \mathcal S^{\text{flat}}_{yy} ] = C e^2 \Delta^2 (in units \hbar==11), where CC is the Chern number, ee is electric charge, and Δ\Delta is the topological band gap. This relationship may serve as a working principle for a new experimental probe of topological band gaps in flat band materials. Possible applications include moir\'e systems, such as twisted bilayer graphene and twisted transition metal dichalcogenides, where a band gap measurement in meV regime presents an experimental challenge

    Unconventional superfluidity and quantum geometry of topological bosons

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    We investigate superfluidity of bosons in gapped topological bands and discover a new phase that has no counterparts in the previous literature. This phase is characterized by a highly unconventional modulation of the order parameter, breaking the crystallographic symmetry, and for which the condensation momentum is neither zero nor any other high-symmetry vector of the Brillouin zone. This unconventional structure impacts the spectrum of Bogoliubov excitations and, consequently, the speed of sound in the system. Even in the case of perfectly flat bands, the speed of sound and Bogoliubov excitations remain nonvanishing, provided that the underlying topology and quantum geometry are nontrivial. Furthermore, we derive detailed expressions for the superfluid weight using the Popov hydrodynamic formalism for superfluidity and provide estimates for the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature, which is significantly enhanced by the nontriviality of the underlying quantum metric. These results are applicable to generic topological bosonic bands, with or without dispersion. To illustrate our findings, we employ the Haldane model with a tunable bandwidth, including the narrow lowest-band case. Within this model, we also observe a re-entrant superfluid behavior: As the Haldane's magnetic flux is varied, the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature initially decreases to almost zero, only to resurface with renewed vigor.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Re-entrant magic-angle phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene in integer magnetic fluxes

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    In this work we address the re-entrance of magic-angle phenomena (band flatness and quantum-geometric transport) in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) subjected to strong magnetic fluxes ±Φ0\pm \Phi_0, ±2Φ0\pm 2 \Phi_0, ±3Φ0\pm 3 \Phi_0... (Φ0=h/e\Phi_0 = h/e is the flux quantum per moir\'e cell). The moir\'e translation invariance is restored at the integer fluxes, for which we calculate the TBG band structure using accurate atomistic models with lattice relaxations. Similarly to the zero-flux physics outside the magic angle condition, the reported effect breaks down rapidly with the twist. We conclude that the magic-angle physics re-emerges in high magnetic fields, witnessed by the appearance of flat electronic bands distinct from Landau levels, and manifesting non-trivial quantum geometry. We further discuss the possible flat-band quantum geometric contribution to the superfluid weight in strong magnetic fields (28 T at 1.08^\circ twist), according to Peotta-T\"{o}rm\"{a} mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Engineering SYK interactions in disordered graphene flakes under realistic experimental conditions

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    We model SYK (Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev) interactions in disordered graphene flakes up to 300 000 atoms (\sim100 nm in diameter) subjected to an out-of-plane magnetic field BB of 5-20 Tesla within the tight-binding formalism. We investigate two sources of disorder: (i) irregularities at the system boundaries, and (ii) bulk vacancies, -- for a combination of which we find conditions which could be favorable for the formation of the phase with SYK features under realistic experimental conditions above the liquid helium temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure