26 research outputs found

    Інноваційна конкурентоспроможність в умовах глобалізації

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    BACKGROUND Associations between acute respiratory inflammatory responses, changes in bronchial hyperresponsiveness, serum pneumoprotein levels, and exposure to fire smoke were studied. METHODS The study comprised 51 firefighters. Blood samples were taken within 24 hr following exposure to fire smoke, and after a week and 3 months. Sputum was induced within 5 days post-exposure and subjects underwent spirometry and methacholine provocation one week post-exposure. Exposure was registered by a questionnaire. RESULTS No changes were observed following smoke exposure in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and serum pneumoprotein levels. Nevertheless, in a sizable proportion of the firefighters (44%) elevated sputum neutrophil levels (≥60%) were found. Serum IL-8 concentrations were higher 24 hr post-exposure compared to pre-exposure. Elevated neutrophil levels in sputum were associated with elevated serum IL-8 (β = 0.010, P = 0.004) and TNFα (β = 0.005, P = 0.034) levels within 24 hr post-exposure and IL-8 elevation lasted up to 3 months. CONCLUSIONS Acute exposure to fire smoke induces acute neutrophilic airway and long-lasting systemic inflammation in healthy firefighters in the absence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Am. J. Ind. Med. 55:54-62, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Onderzoek luchtkwaliteit in een gebied met veel nertsenhouderijen: de Elsendorp studie

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    In de gemeente Elsendorp bevinden zich veel verschillende typen veehouderij bedrijven waaronder ook veel nertsenhouderijen. Het is niet bekend hoe deze verschillende typen veehouderijen bijdragen aan de luchtkwaliteit in Elsendorp. Om dit te onderzoeken zijn er herhaald over een periode van 8 maanden twee-weeks gemiddelde fijnstof (PM10) metingen verricht op twee locaties in Elsendorp en twee locaties in het buiten gebied van Elsendorp. Ook zijn er metingen uitgevoerd bij verschillende typen veehouderij bedrijven in het gebied. De stofmetingen zijn onderzocht op endotoxine, koe-allergeen en nerts-antigeen. Daarnaast is onderzocht of er een allergische reactie tegen nertsallergenen aangetoond kan worden bij omwonenden van nertsenhouders. Rond en in Elsendorp is blootstelling aan endotoxine en koe-allergeen afkomstig van veehouderijen meetbaar. Omdat het niet mogelijk was om een test voor het bepalen van nertsallergenen op te zetten door het ontbreken van voldoende nerts positieve sera is niet duidelijk of nertsallergenen ook meetbaar zouden zijn. De concentraties endotoxine en koeallergeen waren gerelateerd aan nabijheid van veehouderijen respectievelijk rundveehouderijen in de omgeving. Voor endotoxine is dit in overeenstemming met de resultaten van het Veehouderij en Gezondheid Omwonenden (VGO) onderzoek. De gevonden associatie tussen hoogte van koe-allergeen concentraties en nabijheid van rundvee toont aan dat allergenen van dieren vanuit de veehouderij naar de omgeving kunnen verspreiden, ook bij veehouderij systemen met voornamelijk natuurlijke ventilatie. Van dierlijke allergenen is bekend dat deze reeds bij lage concentraties tot een allergische reactie kunnen leiden. Echter, er zijn geen gezondheidskundige grenswaarden of blootstellings-respons relaties voor koe-allergeen bekend. Uitspraken over gezondheidseffecten zijn daarom niet mogelijk. Er zijn geen aanwijzingen voor een verhoogd risico op ontwikkeling van een allergische reactie tegen nertsen voor omwonenden van nertsenhouderijen. Echter het aantal deelnemers aan de VGO studie welke op zeer korte afstand van een veehouderij wonen en getest is, is heel beperkt, waardoor deze conclusie met de nodige onzekerheid omgeven is

    Can f 1 levels in hair and homes of different dog breeds: Lack of evidence to describe any dog breed as hypoallergenic

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    BACKGROUND Certain dog breeds are described and marketed as being "hypoallergenic" on the basis of anecdotal reports that these dogs are better tolerated by patients allergic to dogs. OBJECTIVE These observations were investigated by comparing Can f 1 (major dog [Canis familiaris] allergen) levels in hair and coat samples and in the home environment of various hypoallergenic (Labradoodle, Poodle, Spanish Waterdog, and Airedale terrier) and non-hypoallergenic dogs (Labrador retriever and a control group). METHODS Hair and coat samples were obtained from dogs, and settled floor and airborne dust samples were taken from the dogs' homes. Can f 1 concentrations were measured by using ELISA, and results were analyzed by using multiple linear regression analyses. RESULTS Significantly higher Can f 1 concentrations were found in hair and coat samples of hypoallergenic dogs (n = 196, geometric mean [GM], 2.26 μg/g, geometric standard deviation [GSD], 0.73, and GM, 27.04 μg/g, GSD, 0.57, respectively) than of non-hypoallergenic dogs (n = 160, GM, 0.77 μg/g, GSD, 0.71, and GM, 12.98 μg/g, GSD, 0.76, respectively). Differences between breeds were small, relative to the variability within a breed. Can f 1 levels in settled floor dust samples were lower for Labradoodles, but no differences were found between the other groups. No differences in airborne levels were found between breeds. CONCLUSION So-called hypoallergenic dogs had higher Can f 1 levels in hair and coat samples than did control breeds. These differences did not lead to higher levels of environmental exposure to dog allergens. There is no evidence for the classification of certain dog breeds as being "hypoallergenic.

    Serum pneumoproteins in firefighters

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    Serum Clara cell protein (CC16) and surfactant-associated protein A (SP-A) were measured in a cross-sectional study in 402 firefighters. For the population as a whole, no associations were detected between serum pneumoproteins and smoke exposure. SP-A levels were increased in symptomatic subjects exposed to fire smoke within 2 days before testing. SP-A levels were higher after an inhalation incident ever. CC16 was negatively associated with the number of fires fought in the last 12 months in current nonsmokers. These associations between pneumoprotein levels reiterate the importance of adequate use of self-contained breathing apparatus by firefighters

    Reply to "Can the levels of Can f 1 in indoor environments be evaluated without considering passive transport of allergen indoors?"

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    Response to Liccardi G, Salzillo A, Piccolo A, D’Amato M, D’Amato G. Can the levels of Can f 1 in indoor environments be evaluated without considering passive transport of allergen indoors? J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013;131:1258-9

    Endotoxin levels in homes and classrooms of Dutch school children and respiratory health

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    Several studies describe indoor pollutant exposure in homes and to a lesser extent in schools. Population studies that include both environments are sparse. This study aims to assess endotoxin levels in primary schools and homes of children. Endotoxin was also studied in relation to asthma and sensitisation. 10 schools with (index) and without (reference) dampness were selected, based on reports and inspections. Cases and controls were selected from 169 homes based on the presence or absence of asthma-like symptoms of children. Classroom and bedroom airborne settled dust was sampled using electrostatic dust fall collectors. Average endotoxin levels in schools ranged from 2178 to 6914 endotoxin units (EU)·m(-2) per week compared with 462-1285 EU·m(-2) per week in homes. After mutual adjustment for home and school endotoxin, school endotoxin was positively associated with nonatopic asthma (OR 1.11, 95% CI 0.97-1.27), while no associations with endotoxin were found at home. The high endotoxin levels in schools compared with homes indicate that exposure at school can contribute considerably to environmental endotoxin exposure of children and teachers. Our results also suggest that endotoxin in schools may be associated with nonatopic asthmatic symptoms in pupils, although the results require reproduction because of the modest sample size

    Ex vivo cytokine release reflects sensitivity to occupational endotoxin exposure.

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    Not everyone exposed to endotoxin develops respiratory symptoms, even at very high exposure levels. The aim was to investigate whether ex vivo lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine release may be predictive of individual sensitivity to occupational endotoxin exposure. In 412 agricultural workers, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta and IL-10 release was measured in supernatants from LPS-stimulated whole blood, lung function was measured, and respiratory symptoms were assessed by questionnaire. For each cytokine, the population was dichotomised into low and high responders according to median cytokine concentrations. Endotoxin exposure levels were determined based on 249 personal exposure measurements. High IL-10 responders had a higher prevalence of airway symptoms than low IL-10 responders (odds ratios between 2.03 and 5.10;

    IgG4 antibodies against rodents in laboratory animal workers do not protect against allergic sensitization

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    BACKGROUND: The modified Th2 response, defined as an IgG4 response in the absence of IgE, is suggested to protect against the development of allergic sensitization. However, studies suggesting this protective effect all had a cross-sectional design, making it impossible to study the development of both responses. AIM OF THE STUDY: We aimed to study the dynamics in IgG4 antibodies in relation to allergic sensitization in an occupational cohort of starting laboratory animal workers. Moreover, we studied the relation between exposure, antibody responses, atopy and self reported allergic symptoms. METHODS: A total of 110 starting animal workers were followed for 2 years. IgG4 antibodies against rats and mice were assessed. Workers were tested for allergic sensitization and exposure to animal allergens was estimated. Symptom status was assessed using questionnaires. RESULTS: Rat and mouse specific IgG4 antibodies were present before the development of allergy and did not significantly change over time. Allergic sensitization was related to exposure and atopic status but high levels of IgG4 showed no protective effect. In contrary, workers that developed mouse specific sensitization during follow up had higher levels of mouse specific IgG4. Symptoms were related to allergic sensitization and IgG4 levels did not influence that relationship. CONCLUSIONS: IgG4 antibodies are present before IgE antibodies develop and IgG4 levels are stable over time. In our occupational cohort, the modified Th2 response had no protective effect on development of sensitization or allergic symptoms