248 research outputs found

    N=2 Super - W3W_{3} Algebra and N=2 Super Boussinesq Equations

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    We study classical N=2N=2 super-W3W_3 algebra and its interplay with N=2N=2 supersymmetric extensions of the Boussinesq equation in the framework of the nonlinear realization method and the inverse Higgs - covariant reduction approach. These techniques have been previously applied by us in the bosonic W3W_3 case to give a new geometric interpretation of the Boussinesq hierarchy. Here we deduce the most general N=2N=2 super Boussinesq equation and two kinds of the modified N=2N=2 super Boussinesq equations, as well as the super Miura maps relating these systems to each other, by applying the covariant reduction to certain coset manifolds of linear N=2N=2 super-W3W_3^{\infty} symmetry associated with N=2N=2 super-W3W_3. We discuss the integrability properties of the equations obtained and their correspondence with the formulation based on the notion of the second hamiltonian structure.Comment: LaTeX, 30

    Boussinesq-type equations from nonlinear realizations of W3W_3

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    We construct new coset realizations of infinite-dimensional linear W3W_3^{\infty} symmetry associated with Zamolodchikov's W3W_3 algebra which are different from the previously explored sl3sl_3 Toda realization of W3W_3^{\infty}. We deduce the Boussinesq and modified Boussinesq equations as constraints on the geometry of the corresponding coset manifolds.The main characteristic features of these realizations are:i. Among the coset parameters there are the space and time coordinates xx and tt which enter the Boussinesq equations, all other coset parameters are regarded as fields depending on these coordinates;ii. The spin 2 and 3 currents of W3W_3 and two spin 1 U(1)U(1) Kac- Moody currents as well as two spin 0 fields related to the W3W_3currents via Miura maps, come out as the only essential parameters-fields of these cosets. The remaining coset fields are covariantly expressed through them;iii.The Miura maps get a new geometric interpretation as W3W_3^{\infty} covariant constraints which relate the above fields while passing from one coset manifold to another; iv. The Boussinesq equation and two kinds of the modified Boussinesq equations appear geometrically as the dynamical constraints accomplishing W3W_3^{\infty} covariant reductions of original coset manifolds to their two-dimensional geodesic submanifolds;v. The zero-curvature representations for these equations arise automatically as a consequence of the covariant reduction. The approach proposed could provide a universal geometric description of the relationship between WW-type algebras and integrable hierarchies.Comment: 23 pages, LaTe

    Cumulative hard X-ray spectrum of local AGN: a link to the cosmic X-ray background

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    We determine the cumulative spectral energy distribution (SED) of local AGN in the 3-300 keV band and compare it with the spectrum of the cosmic X-ray background (CXB) in order to test the widely accepted paradigm that the CXB is a superposition of AGN and to place constraints on AGN evolution. We performed a stacking analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of AGN detected in two recent all-sky surveys, performed by the IBIS/ISGRI instrument aboard INTEGRAL and by the PCA instrument aboard RXTE, taking into account the space densities of AGN with different luminosities and absorption column densities. We derived the collective SED of local AGN in the 3-300 keV energy band. Those AGN with luminosities below 10^43.5 erg/s (17-60 keV) provide the main contribution to the local volume hard X-ray emissivity, at least 5 times more than more luminous objects. The cumulative spectrum exhibits (although with marginal significance) a cutoff at energies above 100-200 keV and is consistent with the CXB spectrum if AGN evolve over cosmic time in such a way that the SED of their collective high-energy emission has a constant shape and the relative fraction of obscured AGN remains nearly constant, while the AGN luminosity density undergoes strong evolution between z~1 and z=0, a scenario broadly consistent with results from recent deep X-ray surveys. The first direct comparison between the collective hard X-ray SED of local AGN and the CXB spectrum demonstrates that the popular concept of the CXB being a superposition of AGN is generally correct. By repeating this test using improved AGN statistics from current and future hard X-ray surveys, it should be possible to tighten the constraints on the cosmic history of black hole growth.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Revised version accepted for publication in A&

    INTEGRAL constraints on the Galactic hard X-ray background from the Milky Way anticenter

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    We present results of a study of the Galactic ridge X-ray emission (GRXE) in hard X-rays with the IBIS telescope on board INTEGRAL in the region near the Galactic Anticenter (GA) at l=155 deg. We assumed a conservative 2 sigma upper limit on the flux from the GA in the 25-60 keV energy band of 1.25E-10 erg/s/cm^2 (12.8 mCrab) per IBIS field of view, or 6.6E-12 erg/s/cm^2 (0.7 mCrab) per degree longitude in the 135 deg. < l < 175 deg. region. This upper limit exceeds the expected GRXE intensity in the GA direction by an order of magnitude, given the near-infrared (NIR) surface brightness of the Milky Way in this region and the standard hard X-ray-to-NIR intensity ratio for the GRXE, assuming stellar origin. Based on the CGRO/EGRET surface brightness of the Galaxy above 100 MeV as a tracer of the cosmic-ray (CR) induced gamma-ray background, the expected GRXE flux in GA exceeds the measured 2 sigma upper limit by a factor of 4. Therefore, the non-detection of hard X-ray emission from the GA does not contradict the stellar nature of the GRXE, but is inconsistent with CR origin.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.537, January 201

    Luminosity Function of High-Mass X-ray Binaries and Anisotropy in the Distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei toward the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    In 2003-2012, the INTEGRAL observatory has performed long-term observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). At present, this is one of the deepest hard X-ray (20-60 keV) surveys of extragalactic fields in which more than 20 sources of different natures have been detected. We present the results of a statistical analysis of the population of high-mass X-ray binaries in the LMC and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) observed in its direction. The hard X-ray luminosity function of high-mass X-ray binaries is shown to be described by a power law with a slope alpha~1.8, that in agreement with the luminosity function measurements both in the LMC itself, but made in the soft X-ray energy band, and in other galaxies. At the same time, the number of detected AGNs toward the LMC turns out to be considerably smaller than the number of AGNs registered in other directions, in particular, toward the source 3C 273. The latter confirms the previously made assumption that the distribution of matter in the local Universe is nonuniform.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, will be published in Astronomy Letters, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 8, p. 492--49

    Accurate Localization and Identification of Six Hard X-ray Sources from Chandra and XMM-Newton data

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    We present the results of Chandra and XMM-Newton observations for six hard X-ray sources (IGR J12134-6015, IGR J18293-1213, IGR J18219-1347, IGR J17350-2045, IGR J18048-1455, XTE J1901+014) from the INTEGRAL all-sky survey. Based on these observations, we have improved significantly the localization accuracy of the objects and, therefore, have managed to identify their optical counterparts. Using data from the publicly available 2MASS and UKIDSS infrared sky surveys as well as data from the SOFI/NTT telescope (European Southern Observatory), we have determined the magnitudes of the optical counterparts, estimated their types and (in some cases) the distances to the program objects. A triplet of iron lines with energies of 6.4, 6.7, and 6.9 keV has been detected in the X-ray spectrum of IGR J18048-1455; together with the detection of pulsations with a period of ~1440 s from this source, this has allowed it to be classified as a cataclysmic variable, most likely an intermediate polar. In addition, broadband X-ray spectra of IGR J12134-6015 and IGR J17350-2045 in combination with infrared and radio observations suggest an extragalactic nature of these objects. The source IGR J18219-1347 presumably belongs to the class of high-mass X-ray binaries.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Will be published in Astronomy Letters, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 629-63

    Population of persistent high mass X-ray binaries in the Milky Way

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    We present results of the study of persistent high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in the Milky Way, obtained from the deep INTEGRAL Galactic plane survey. This survey provides us a new insight into the population of high mass X-ray binaries because almost half of the whole sample consists of sources discovered with INTEGRAL. It is demonstrated for the first time that the majority of persistent HMXBs have supergiant companions and their luminosity function steepens somewhere around ~2x10^{36} erg/s. We show that the spatial density distribution of HMXBs correlates well with the star formation rate distribution in the Galaxy. The vertical distribution of HMXBs has a scale-height h~85 pc, that is somewhat larger than the distribution of young stars in the Galaxy. We propose a simple toy model, which adequately describes general properties of HMXBs in which neutron stars accrete a matter from the wind of the its companion (wind-fed NS-HMXBs population). Using the elaborated model we argue that a flaring activity of so-called supergiant fast X-ray transients, the recently recognized sub-sample of HMXBs, is likely related with the magnetic arrest of their accretion.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publicatiopn in MNRA

    SU(2) reductions in N=4 multidimensional supersymmetric mechanics

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    We perform an su(2) Hamiltonian reduction in the bosonic sector of the su(2)-invariant action for two free (4, 4, 0) supermultiplets. As a result, we get the five dimensional N=4 supersymmetric mechanics describing the motion of an isospin carrying particle interacting with a Yang monopole. We provide the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian descriptions of this system. Some possible generalizations of the action to the cases of systems with a more general bosonic action, a four-dimensional system which still includes eight fermionic components, and a variant of five-dimensional N=4 mechanics constructed with the help of the ordinary and twisted N=4 hypermultiplets were also considered.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX file, no figures; 3 references added, minor correction