9 research outputs found

    Pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran Matematika pembentuk generasi antikorupsi

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    Education plays an important role in human life. Through education, a country can control the development of human resources quality for a better future. The advantage of education includes both preparing knowledgeable students and building their good character and attitude in society. The responsibility to build students’ character relies not only on the classes of divinity and civics but on the other subjects as well. In other words, all the subjects are responsible of forming students’ character. Can mathematics learning be integrated with education of character?. Is the method capable of solving corruption problems by preparing anti-corruption generation in the future?. The value of character education is integrated with students’ character in Elementary School, so, in mathematics classes, teachers can use some kinds of material to help solve corruption problems

    Pengaruh kejenuhan belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran Matematika

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    The purpose of this research was to find out in writing, whether the mathematics achievement of students could be improved through the implementation of the lesson plans based on the Multiple Intelligences. This type of research was the study of literature, with five stages,namely (1) collecting the literature and then reviewed some important terms in the study, (2)collecting the results of relevant literature researches, (3) conducting in-depth analysis based on all of the literatures that had been obtained by preparing the analysis, (4) developing conclusions based on the analysis, (5) making recommendations based on the obtained findings. The conclusion of this study is a written application of the lesson plan based on Multiple Intelligences has a tendency to increase student mathematics achievement

    Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika Sekolah Dasar untuk menumbuhkembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan

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    Today, many highly educated members of society actually become unemployed. This is one of the problems of education in Indonesia. This phenomenon will not occur if at every level of education there is guidance to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. To formulate a curriculum that contains entrepreneurial training in mathematics learning is certainly not easy. Related to this, the effort for it can be initiated by developing the instruments of mathematics learning which include training to foster entrepreneurial spirit and utilize the existing model. To develop the learning instruments requires development strategies. In this discussion, one of the alternative strategies to develop learning instruments is Borg and Gall’s development strategy. This development strategy combines with Nieven’s criteria for development of teaching materials, namely: valid, practical, and effective. Thus, if all the learning instruments which include Learning Implementation Plan (LIP), Guidebook for Teacher (GFT), Student Book (SB), Student Worksheet (SW), and Test of Learning Outcomes (TLO) have meet Nieven’s criteria, then the learning instruments are ready to be used and disseminated

    Efektivitas pembelajaran berbasis masalah terhadap kejenuhan siswa

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    This study is an attempt to find out whether saturation of students in Problem Based Learning is lower than saturation of students in direct teaching. Saturation in question is students’ degree of saturation obtained from the scores of questionnaires on saturation which were already completed by students. It is a quasi-experimental quantitative research. The data of Pythagoras Theorem material were taken from the eight-year-students of SMP Negeri 4 Madiun of the even semester of the academic year 2013/2014 and those of opportunities material were obtained from the nine-year-students of SMP Negeri 3 Madiun of the odd semester of the academic year 2014/2015. The population used as a medium of generalization is all the students of SMP Negeri located in Madiun. The data collecting made use of questionnaires on students’ saturation. The statistical analysis employed is a non-parametric statistical test, namely the Mann Whitney test. The results indicated that the saturation of students who joined the Problem Based Learning process is lower than the saturation of students who joined the direct teaching process

    Meningkatkan keterampilan menghitung dengan media pembelajaran ultah camp dan puzzel geometri pada anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Mathematics is the main subject in every educational unit from elementary school to college. In fact Mathematics is often regarded as a difficult, scary,and boring lesson for most students. It is characterized by the lack of skilled students in arithmetic, especially multiplication and multiplication operations or mixed count. The use of media in mathematics learning is needed to assist students in understanding and reinforcing mathematical material. Examples of instructional media used to improve the skill of counting include Ular Tangga Hitung Campuran (ULTAH CAMP) and Puzzle Geometry. ULTAH CAMP is an arithmetic material learning media especially mixed count operation for elementary school children. Puzzle Geometry is one of the learning media that can be used to study the geometry material especially area and circumference the plane. Learning media ULTAH CAMP and Puzzle Geometry were introduced to elementary school children around the campus of the Catholic University Widya Mandala Madiun. This activity was held for two days outside the school hours in the form of educative games on the campus of the Catholic University Widya Mandala Madiun. Learning activities by playing make children easier and less bored in learning math. The use of ULTAH CAMP and Puzzle Geometry helps students perform mixed count operations and understand the area and circumference the plane

    Analisis aktivitas belajar siswa kelas XI SMA dalam pembelajaran matematika berbantuan geogebra antara pendekatan laboratorium dan pendekatan klasikal

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    This research aims to find whether or not there is any difference of students’ study activity in GoeGebra assisted mathematics learning with laboratory approach and that with classical approach on the second-year-students of senior high school. The research is quantitative in nature. It was carried out at SMAN 1 and SMAN 5 Madiun in the semester two of the academic year 2012/2013. The data were collected using non-test method. It was in the form of observation sheets of students’ activity. The sample was obtained applying cluster random sampling technique. The statistical analysis of the data showed that students’ study activity in GoeGebra assisted mathematics learning with laboratory approach was better than that with classical approach

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Melalui Penerapan Lesson Plan Berbasis Multiple Intelligence

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    The purpose of this research is to find out in writing whether the mathematics achievement of students can be improved by the implementation of lesson plan based on Multiple Intelligence. This type of research is the study of literature with five steps, namely (1) collecting the literature and then do a review of some important terms in the study, (2) collecting relevant literature research result, (3) conducting in-depth analysis based on all the literature that has been obtained by the prepared discussion, (4) develop conclusions based on the analysis, (5) making recommendation based on the findings obtained. The conclusion of this research is that a written application of the lesson plan based on Multiple Intelligence has a tendency to increase student’s mathematics achievement

    Validity of Lesson Plan Based on Multiple Intelligences for Learning Mathematics in Yunior High School Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of multiple intelligences based lesson plans for mathematics learning in junior high school students. Research method with qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results of the qualitative research obtained are a description of the validity of multiple intelligence-based lesson plans for learning mathematics in students. While quantitative research results from the scores obtained in the validity test. The data collection instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire to test the level and lesson plan that included in it. The validation guideline used consists of two types, namely guidelines for validating linguistic aspects and guidelines for validating aspects of the substance. Criteria for practicality and effectiveness of a learning tool which in this study is devoted to lesson plans, is measured based on the results of the draft trial. This validation guide is given to two expert validators, the first validator is a validator with the linguistic expertise field and the second validator is a validator of mathematical experts. Validators with linguistic expertise are used to determine the validity of linguistic aspects, while validators of the field of mathematical expertise are used to determine the validity of aspects of the substance. The results showed that the validity of linguistic aspects was 3.35 and the validity of the substance aspect (content) was 3.82, so it could be concluded that the lesson plan that had been prepared based on multiple intelligences for mathematics learning in junior high school students was valid based on linguistic aspects and aspects of substance.The purpose of this research is to know the validity of Lesson Plan based on Multilpe Intelligences for Learning Mathematics in Yunior High School Students. This research is a simple research with qualitative type. The validity of Lesson Plan is seen through two aspects, namely the linguistic aspect and the substance (content) aspect. Thus, the instrument used in this research is the Linguistic Aspects Validation Guidance and the Substance Validation Guidelines (contents) Guidance. Validation is done by two validators Lingusitic expert field and Mathematics expert field. The results showed that the validity of linguistic aspects of 3.35 and the validity of the substance (content) of 3.82, so it can be concluded Lesson Plan based multiple intelligences for learning mathematics in junior high school students who have been compiled valid based on the language aspect. In addition, Lesson Plan based multiple intelligences for learning mathematics in junior high school students who have been compiled valid based on aspects of substance (content)

    Pengaruh tipe kepribadian dominan siswa dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah

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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa dominan tipe kepribadian tertentu pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM) dan untuk mengetahui manakah tipe kepribadian yang memiliki hasil belajar lebih baik. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas VIII SMPN di kota Madiun, semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM). Karakteristik siswa yang dianalisis adalah tipe kepribadian dominan. Tipe kepribadian yang dipilih, yaitu: teoritis, ekonomis, sosial, politis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik stratified cluster random sampling. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII A dan VIIIB SMPN 4 Madiun, siswa kelas VIIIA dan VIIIB SMPN 9 Madiun, serta siswa kelas VIIID dan VIIIE SMPN 13 Madiun. Total sampel penelitian 181 siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar dan angket tipe kepribadian untuk mengelompokkan siswa ke masing-masing tipe kepribadian. Untuk menguji hipotesis, digunakan uji hipotesis mengenai rerata. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah, 1) tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang dominan tipe kepribadian tertentu pada PBM, 2) hasil belajar siswa tipe kepribadian teoritis tidak lebih baik daripada hasil belajar siswa tipe kepribadian lain, 3) hasil belajar siswa tipe kepribadian politis tidak lebih baik daripada hasil belajar siswa tipe kepribadian ekonomis dan sosial, dan 4) hasil belajar siswa tipe kepribadian ekonomis tidak lebih baik daripada hasil belajar siswa tipe kepribadian sosial. Diperoleh kesimpulan, tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang dominan tipe kepribadian tertentu pada PBM dan tidak ada tipe kepribadian siswa yang memiliki hasil belajar lebih baik daripada tipe kepribadian lain