16 research outputs found


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    Передмова до матеріалів семінарів.Preface to workshop proceedings


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    It is a brief description of the Volume II of the proceedings of ICTERI 2021.Дається короткий опис тому ІІ збірника матеріалів конференції ICTERI 2021

    Революція в освіті: використання комп'ютерного моделювання та хмарних смарт-технологій для сприяння успішному відкритому навчанню

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    The article presents the proceedings of two workshops: Cloud-based Smart Technologies for Open Education Workshop (CSTOE 2022) and Illia O. Teplytskyi Workshop on Computer Simulation in Education (CoSinE 2022) held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on December 22, 2022. The CoSinE workshop focuses on computer simulation in education, including topics such as computer simulation in STEM education, AI in education, and modeling systems in education. The CSTOE workshop deals with cloud-based learning resources, platforms, and infrastructures, with topics including personalized learning and research environment design, big data and smart data in open education and research, machine learning for open education and research, and more. The article includes a summary of successful cases and provides directions for future research in each workshop’s respective topics of interest. The proceedings consist of several peer-reviewed papers that present a state-of-the-art overview and provide guidelines for future research. The joint program committee consisted of members from universities and research institutions worldwide.У статті представлено матеріали двох семінарів: Семінару "Хмарні смарт-технології для відкритої освіти" (CSTOE 2022) та Семінару Іллі О. Теплицького з комп'ютерного моделювання в освіті (CoSinE 2022), що відбулися в Києві, Україна, 22 грудня 2022 року. Семінар CoSinE присвячений комп'ютерному моделюванню в освіті, включаючи такі теми, як комп'ютерне моделювання в STEM-освіті, штучний інтелект в освіті та системи моделювання в освіті. Семінар CSTOE присвячений хмарним навчальним ресурсам, платформам та інфраструктурам, включаючи такі теми, як дизайн персоналізованого навчального та дослідницького середовища, великі дані та інтелектуальні дані у відкритій освіті та дослідженнях, машинне навчання для відкритої освіти та досліджень тощо. Стаття містить короткий опис успішних кейсів і пропонує напрямки для майбутніх досліджень у відповідних темах кожного семінару, що представляють інтерес. Збірник матеріалів складається з декількох рецензованих статей, які представляють сучасний огляд і надають рекомендації для майбутніх досліджень. Спільний програмний комітет складається з представників університетів та науково-дослідних установ з усього світу

    Конференція ACNS "Хмарні та імерсивні технології в освіті": звіт

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    This article serves as an introduction to a collection of selected papers presented at the ACNS Conference on Cloud and Immersive Technologies in Education (CITEd 2022), which took place in Kyiv, Ukraine, on December 21-22, 2022. The collection provides valuable insights into the latest advancements in cloud and immersive technologies in the field of education. The introductory text offers an overview of the conference events and provides concise summaries of the selected papers, offering a glimpse into the diverse topics and research areas covered. These selected papers reflect the cutting-edge research and innovative approaches showcased at CITEd 2022, making them a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and practitioners interested in exploring the potential of cloud and immersive technologies in education.Ця стаття слугує вступом до збірки вибраних доповідей, представлених на конференції ACNS з хмарних та імерсивних технологій в освіті (CITEd 2022), яка відбулася в Києві, Україна, 21-22 грудня 2022 року. Збірник містить цінну інформацію про останні досягнення в галузі хмарних та імерсивних технологій в освіті. Вступний текст пропонує огляд подій конференції та містить стислі резюме вибраних доповідей, які дають уявлення про різноманітні теми та дослідницькі напрямки, охоплені конференцією. Ці доповіді відображають передові дослідження та інноваційні підходи, представлені на CITEd 2022, що робить їх цінним ресурсом для освітян, дослідників і практиків, зацікавлених у вивченні потенціалу хмарних та імерсивних технологій в освіті

    Approaches on the augmented reality application in Japanese language learning for future language teachers

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    The article is devoted to the problem, approaches, and features of usage of augmented reality applications in Japanese language learning for future language teachers. We analyzed the usage of augmented reality for supporting and organizing Japanese language learning for future Japanese language teachers and identification of the main approaches to the usage of augmented reality in Japanese language learning. It is concluded that augmented reality tools provide a new paradigm of teaching materials, which has a positive impact on the formation of basic and professional competencies of future Japanese language teachers; it can be effective when used in blended learning that combines distance, online, traditional, and self-directed learning of Oriental languages. Prospects for further research is the creation of guidelines for the usage of augmented reality tools for teaching Oriental languages at different levels of the training of future Oriental languages teachers

    The Use of Cloud Services for Learning Foreign Language (English)

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    Gnedkova, O. The Use of Cloud Services for Learning Foreign Language (English) [Електрон.ресурс] / О. Gnedkova, Н. Kravtsov // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on ICT on Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. – Kyiv, Ukraine, June 21- 24, 2016/ Ed. by Ermolayev, V. et al. (eds.). – CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2016. – Vol.1614. – P. 620 – 631.Research goals: determine particularities of using cloud services in English communicative competence forming process and develop the model of distance learning system (DLS) and cloud services interaction that improves the quality of the learning process. Research objectives: to identify, describe and develop methodological features of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction; consider on the examples the methods of use cloud services in DLS in foreign language training, aimed at English communicative competence forming process of students; experimentally investigate the level of using of cloud services in distance learning and identify ways of improving its use. Object of research: methodical system of foreign language students’ training of language faculties in high institutions. Subject of research: methodological model of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction in English communicative competence forming process. Research methods used: review and analysis of scientific publications, psychological, educational and instructional materials, modeling of complex systems, questionnaires, conducting pedagogical experiment. Results of research: The model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction was developed and the methodological particularities of this interaction are defined. Methods of using cloud services on the example of the distance course "Practical English Course Upper Intermediate" describing the methods of doing the tasks in English communicative competence forming process of language faculties were considered. As a result of experiment it was found there is a low level of use of cloud technologies in distance learning is a consequence of a lack of awareness of teachers in the possibilities of its use

    Distance course examination

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    The article deals with the theoretical foundations of carrying out distance course (DC) examination with the aim of creating the program for expert training. An expert is defined as a specialist who has experience in compiling distance courses, organization of distance learning as well as has and uses content tutor skills.The article also describes the basic skills that an expert should have as well as typical mistakes of the developers of distance courses are presented. On the basis of the research a DC ``Expert examination of distance course'' was compiled for experienced developers of distance courses and administrators of distance learning systems at different institutions. During the training, the learners analyzed the purpose of Bloom's taxonomy and its accessibility, the complexity of the text and its design, the tasks and learning activities, the quality of tests and the evaluation system, etc. The result of the course training is learner's report on the distance course examination and analysis of this work. 47 lecturers of Ukrainian educational institutions were trained and only 12 of them successfully completed the training

    Methods of using cloud services in foreign language training

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    Research goals: determine particularities of using cloud services in English communicative competence forming process and develop the model of distance learning system (DLS) and cloud services interaction that improves the quality of the learning process.Research objectives: to identify, describe and develop methodological features of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction; consider on the examples the methods of use cloud services in DLS in foreign language training, aimed at English communicative competence forming process of students; experimentally investigate the level of using of cloud services in distance learning and identify ways of improving its use.Object of research: methodical system of foreign language students’ training of language faculties in high institutions.Subject of research: methodological model of the model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction in English communicative competence forming process.Research methods used: review and analysis of scientific publications, psychological, educational and instructional materials, modeling of complex systems, questionnaires, conducting pedagogical experiment.Results of the research. The model of distance learning system and cloud services interaction was developed and the methodological particularities of this interaction are defined. Methods of using cloud services on the example of the distance course “Practical English Course Upper Intermediate” describing the methods of doing the tasks in English communicative competence forming process of language faculties were considered. As a result of experiment it was found there is a low level of use of cloud technologies in distance learning is a consequence of a lack of awareness of teachers in the possibilities of its use.The main conclusions and recommendations: 1) the use of cloud technologies in distance learning of foreign language will improve the quality of training of students of language faculties of high institutions; 2) it is reasonable to conduct work in familiarization and training university lecturers using cloud services in professional and educational activities