1 research outputs found

    Contribution оf V. P. Liubchenko to the Improvement оf Reading Methodology for Mentally Retarded Pupils

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    У статті розглянуто теоретико-методичну спадщину В. П. Любченко – відомого українського методиста в галузі навчання розумово відсталих учнів мови й читання. Проведено аналіз її робіт на предмет використання запропонованих автором різноманітних видів завдань учителями на уроках літератури: вправ, методів і прийомів роботи з розумово відсталими учнями різної вікової категорії з метою формування складових навички читання, корекції притаманних розумово відсталим порушень, що впливають на оволодіння ними читацькою діяльністю та виховання їх як активних читачів. Виокремлено види завдань і вправ, виконання яких забезпечить розуміння учнями сутності змісту твору. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання позитивного досвіду В. П. Любченко на уроках літератури в роботі з розумово відсталими школярами.The scientific and methodical heritage of the famous Ukrainian methodologist V.P. Liubchenko in the field of teaching language and reading to mentally retarded pupils is considered in the article. V.P. Liubchenko’s pedagogical heritage is analysed from the point of view of her advices about organization and conducting lessons of class and outside reading with mentally retarded pupils of junior and senior classes. The author of this publication characterises the approaches of V.P. Liubchenko about organization of a teacher’s work, in particular: an observance of the individual approach to pupils, a proper preparation of a conspectus for every lesson with the reflection of compulsory elements: a purpose, tasks for pupils, visual means which will be used on a lesson; an organization of books exhibitions, readers’ conferences, pupils’ dramatization of selected literary fragments of the works they have read. It is marked that the proper organization of corrective-developed educational and training process on the lessons of literature with this category of schoolchildren is possible on condition of taking into account the positions offered by a methodologist in relation to upbringing pupils’ interest in reading of both artistic and scientifically-cognitive literature, use on the lessons of various forms of work that will assist not only mastering content of reading material and realization of its essence by pupils, but also optimize their upbringing as active readers. Various forms, kinds, methods and techniques of work on reading and speech development with the aim of stimulating speech of pupils and their intellectual activity, offered by V.P. Liubchenko, is analysed (such as a talk about reading, a final talk, various types of reading: group, selective, choral, paired; time of stories, reading aloud and silent reading, content rendering, creative narrations), which are necessary to use with mentally retarded pupils of different age category on the lessons of class and outside reading. The author draws a teacher’s attention to the obligatory organization of the excursions with the aim of pupils’ perception correction, verbal coherent speech, enriching of vocabulary and refining knowledge about surrounding reality. The expediency of using on the lessons of literature the author’s methodical ideas aimed at forming and correction of a reader’s activity for mentally retarded schoolchildren and forming them as active readers was proved