340 research outputs found

    Neuroinflammation, Microglia and Implications for Anti-Inflammatory Treatment in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Neuroinflammation has been implicated in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) for decades. Still it has not been fully understood when and how inflammation arises in the course of AD. Whether inflammation is an underling cause or a resulting condition in AD remains unresolved. Mounting evidence indicates that microglial activation contributes to neuronal damage in neurodegenerative diseases. However, also beneficial aspects of microglial activation have been identified. The purpose of this review is to highlight new insights into the detrimental and beneficial role of neuroinflammation in AD. It is our intention to focus on newer controversies in the field of microglia activation. Precisely, we want to shed light on whether neuroinflammation is associated to brain tissue damage and functional impairment or is there also a damage limiting activity. In regard to this, we discuss the limitations and the advantages of anti-inflammatory treatment options and identify what future implications might result from this underling neuroinflammation for AD therapy

    Transition metal-free cycloisomerization of propargylic amides to oxazoles in hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP)

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    A transition metal-free method for the cycloisomerization of propargylic amides to oxazoles was developed. The reaction utilizes in situ generated hydrogen chloride in hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). With the aid of Design of Experiments optimization a wide range of substrates was transformed into the desired oxazoles. The method allows product formation without side reactions eliminating the need for extensive work-up and purification

    Gold(I) NHC catalysts immobilized to amphiphilic block copolymers: a versatile approach to micellar gold catalysis in water

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    Fifteen gold(I)-NHC-functionalized amphiphilic block copolymers that differ in the type of linker (ethyl, pentyl, octyl and benzyl) that attaches the gold(I) NHC catalyst to the block copolymer backbone, as well as, the substitution pattern of the NHC ligand (i. e. mesityl, methyl, 2,6-diisopropylphenyl and n-hexyl) were synthesized by a reversible addition and fragmentation transfer (RAFT) polymerization process. Micelle formation of the gold(I) NHC polymers was analyzed by electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering and revealed spherical and rod-like particles from 12 to 96 nm. In the micellar, gold(I) catalyzed cycloisomerization of an allene to the corresponding dihydrofuran, linker flexibility and substitution pattern of the NHC-ligand showed a strong effect on the catalytic activity. Best results were obtained were obtained for gold(I) NHC catalysts bound to the polymer backbone by pentyl linker whereas the rather stiff benzyl linker gave lowest catalyst conversion. Moreover, the polymer catalyst could be recycled in four consecutive runs and gave activities from 35 to 84 % in the fourth run and underscores the importance of fine tuning structural parameters to achieve high conversion under micellar reaction conditions

    Einfluss unterschiedlicher Kleegrasnutzungssysteme auf Ertrag, Sortierung und Qualität ökologisch erzeugter Verarbeitungskartoffeln

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    The most organic produced potatoes are used for direct marketing or home requirements. But due to the growing demand for “Convenience-products” like potato crisps and chips the production of processing potatoes offers farmers an alternative. In contrast to conventional agriculture the nutrient supply in organic potato production must be secured by preceding crops or organic fertilization. Clover grass as preceding crop is common in praxis. But as the case may be how the clover grass is utilized (mulching, cut mowing) a different nitrogen fixation and mineralization is possible. In a period of two years (2003/2004) the effect of different clover grass management systems on yield, grading and quality of processing potatoes was under examination on the experimental farm of the University of Kiel in Northern Germany. The tested management systems showed only a low effect on yield and quality on the following crop potato. In 2003 a small yield increase was achieved by the mulch system

    Auswirkungen der Beregnung von Kartoffeln in Abhängigkeit der Stallmistdüngung auf den Ertrag, die Qualität sowie die Verarbeitungseignung zu Pommes frites und Chips

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    Ökologisch erzeugte Kartoffeln, die zur Verarbeitung zu Pommes frites oder Chips genutzt werden sollen, müssen besondere Qualitätseigenschaften aufweisen. So wird beispielsweise ein mittlerer bis hoher Stärkegehalt bei gleichzeitig niedrigen Gehalten an reduzierenden Zuckern gefordert. Um den von der verarbeitenden Industrie geforderten Qualitätsansprüchen gerecht zu werden, ist neben einer ausgewogenen Düngung gerade auf leichten Böden auch eine ausreichende Wasserversorgung entscheidend, die oft nur über Beregnung sichergestellt werden kann. Unter den Fragestellungen, ob organischer Dünger (Stallmist) durch die Beregnung besser von den Verarbeitungskartoffeln ausgenutzt werden kann und inwiefern Ertragsstruktur und die Qualitätsparameter von Verarbeitungskartoffeln beeinflusst werden, wurde auf einem leichten Standort bei Hamburg im Jahr 2003 ein Feldversuch durchgeführt

    Erzeugung von Verarbeitungskartoffeln im Ökologischen Landbau: Effekt von Standort und Sorte auf Ertragsstruktur und die Qualität von Pommes frites

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    First experiments in the years 2000 and 2001 have shown a high effect of the factor “site” on the suitability for processing of different potato varieties in organic farming. Constitutive on these preview tests an assortment of 8 different potato varieties for processing to Potato chips were set up on three locations with different soil qualities in the years 2003 and 2004. First results of the year 2003 confirm the influence of the site on the quality of potatoes for processing. Interesting for organic farmers are the varieties Agria and Marena with high yield on all three sites and good quality of the product after harvesting and storage

    Einfluss von Standort und Sorte auf Ertrag, Sortierung und Qualität von ökologisch erzeugten Kartoffeln für die Verarbeitung zu Pommes frites

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    Im Zuge der Ausweitung des ökologischen Landbaus müssen den ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben neue Vermarktungswege geboten werden. Da die Nachfrage nach Convenience-Produkten stetig steigt, könnte die Erzeugung von Verarbeitungskartoffeln den Landwirten neue Einkommensquellen eröffnen. Sowohl das Sortenspektrum wie auch die Qualitätseigenschaften der Kartoffeln, die zur Weiterverarbeitung zu Pommes frites genutzt werden, unterscheiden sich erheblich von denen der Speisekartoffeln. Im Jahr 2003 wurden Sortenversuche an 3 Standorten mit unterschiedlicher Bodengüte (Wulksfelde, Lindhof, Frankenhausen)angelegt, die in 2004 fortgeführt werden, um eine fundierte Sortenbewertung in Abhängigkeit der Standorte hinsichtlich Ertrag und Qualitätsausprägung vornehmen zu können. Die Sorten Agria und Marena erreichten mit 42,3 bzw. 41,5 t*ha-1 die höchsten Gesamterträge. Die statistische Verrechnung wies signifikante Wechselwirkungen zwischen den beiden Faktoren "Standort" und "Sorte" aus. So erreichte z. B. die Sorte Premiere auf dem Standort Frankenhausen mit 48,3 t*ha-1den höchsten Gesamtertrag, auf den norddeutschen Standorten dagegen fiel das Ertragsniveau mit 35-38 t*ha-1 deutlich geringer aus. Auch bei der Sortierung >40 mm betrug der Anteil der Knollen am Gesamtgewicht in Frankenhausen 71 %, auf den norddeutschen Standorten dagegen lediglich ca. 60%. Die Stärkegehalte der Sorten lagen im Mittel der Standorte in einem Bereich von 18-20 %, nur die Sorte Freya wies mit 21 % einen deutlich höheren Wert a

    Lack of evidence for xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus(XMRV) in German prostate cancer patients

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    Background: A novel gammaretrovirus named xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) has been recently identified and found to have a prevalence of 40% in prostate tumor samples from American patients carrying a homozygous R462Q mutation in the RNaseL gene. This mutation impairs the function of the innate antiviral type I interferon pathway and is a known susceptibility factor for prostate cancer. Here, we attempt to measure the prevalence of XMRV in prostate cancer cases in Germany and determine whether an analogous association with the R462Q polymorphism exists. Results: 589 prostate tumor samples were genotyped by real-time PCR with regard to the RNaseL mutation. DNA and RNA samples from these patients were screened for the presence of XMRV-specific gag sequences using a highly sensitive nested PCR and RT-PCR approach. Furthermore, 146 sera samples from prostate tumor patients were tested for XMRV Gag and Env antibodies using a newly developed ELISA assay. In agreement with earlier data, 12.9% (76 samples) were shown to be of the QQ genotype. However, XMRV specific sequences were detected at neither the DNA nor the RNA level. Consistent with this result, none of the sera analyzed from prostate cancer patients contained XMRV-specific antibodies. Conclusion: Our results indicate a much lower prevalence (or even complete absence) of XMRV in prostate tumor patients in Germany. One possible reason for this could be a geographically restricted incidence of XMRV infections

    Zum Einfluss von Standort und Sorte auf Ertrag, Sortierung und Qualität von ökologisch erzeugten Kartoffeln für die Verarbeitung zu Chips

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    Previous experiments (2000-2001) suggested a strong impact of the site on which organic potatoes are cultivated on the quality of tubers for processing to crisps. In 2003 and 2004, six varieties were selected to be examined consequently on three different sites. Total and graded yield was affected by variety and site. Dry matter content of all varieties was on each site above the required level of 235 %. Reducing sugar content of tubers after harvest was very low and crisps quality very high, only after a storage period varieties could be differentiated. Cautious recommendations of varieties for organic crisp production are given in the paper