34 research outputs found

    転移性十二指腸癌と内視鏡検査 : 15症例の検討

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    転移性十二指腸悪性腫瘍について7年間の自験例に検討を加え,以下の結論を得た.(1)転移性十二指腸悪性腫瘍は15例で,膵癌11例,胆嚢癌4例であった.(2)いずれも粘膜下腫瘍の所見を有しているが,膵癌では,病変は下行部,水平部で内側を中心とし,胆嚢癌では下行部で全周性病変であることが特徴である.(3)紫がかった色調変化は,転移性十二指腸悪性腫瘍の診断根拠のひとつと考えられた.From 1979 to 1985, 15 patients with metastatic cancer of the duodenum were admitted to the division of gastroenterology, Kawasaki Medical School. Various kinds of clinical analyses were performed on these patients, including endoscopy, and the following results were obtained. (1) Fifteen cases of metastatic malignant tumor of the duodenum were collected. Of these, 11 cases involved carcinoma of the pancreas and 4 cases involved carcinoma of the gall-bladder. (2) These metastatic cancers were submucosal tumors. Carcinoma of the pancreas usually invades the inside of the second or third portion of the duodenum and carcinoma of gall-bladder usually invades the second portion of the duodenum all round. (3) Purple mucosa is one sign of a metastatic malignant tumor of the duodenum

    内視鏡的に虫体を摘出しえた胃アニサキス症と回虫症 : 7症例の検討

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    川崎医科大学附属病院開設以来12年間に7例の胃内寄生虫を経験した.6例はアニサキスで,穿刺部位は胃体部大彎でびらんを伴っていた.全員鯖を摂取しており11月に多発していた.内視鏡的に虫体を摘出した.1例は回虫で,胃体部大彎で観察され,内視鏡的に摘出した.胃内で回虫を観察することはまれである.From 1973 to 1985, 7 cases of parasites were experienced in our department. In 6 cases of anisakiasis, the worms caused inflammation and erosion of the greater curvature of body of the stomach. All patients had eaten Mackerel. Gastric anisakiasis were frequently encountered in November. In all cases, the worms were removed by endoscopy. In 1 case of ascariasis, the worm was observed in the greater curvature of body of the stomach and was removed by endoscopy. It is rare that the worm of ascariasis is observed in the stomach


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    症例は,70歳女性で嚥下障害を主訴として当科に入院した.食道造影では,食道入口部に高度の狭窄を認めた.内視鏡検査では,狭窄部の内腔は平滑であったが,肛門側へ挿入できなかった.先天的食道狭窄と診断し,バルーンカテーテルによる拡張術を施行したところ著しい症状の改善を認めた.バルーンカテーテルを用いた拡張療法は,食道狭窄に対し有用であり安全に施行できる.A 70 year-old female was admitted to our division complaining of difficulty in swallowing solid foods. A barium meal examination of the esophagus showed severe stenosis at the entrance of the esophagus. Endoscopical examination showed the mucosa of the stenosis to be smooth but the endoscope was not passed through the stenosis to the anal side. The stenosis was diagnosed to be congenital stenosis. Balloon catheter dilatation was performed and the symptom was remarkably removed. Dilatation therapy by a balloon catheter is effective and safe for a patient with stenosis of the esophagus