106 research outputs found

    The system of educating pre-service teachers to implement civic education in schools

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Russia is undergoing difficult time changes in social development and radical changes that cause ambiguous consequences in social sentiments, behavioral practices and values of younger generation. In this regard, one of the socio-political challenges of Russia at the present moment is formation of civic society. This article concerns the development of the preservice teacher readiness to implement civic education of younger generation. The primary result of the article is the developed by the authors system of future teachers’ training for implementation of civic education among future students. The article submissions may be useful for school teachers, teachers of vocational education institutions, as well as for the preservice teachers


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    Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cancer of the larynx is a complex issue, as the majority of patients (60-70%) are diagnosed at the III and IV stages of the disease. The main type of surgery is a laryngectomy which leads to organ dysfunction and disability. It is known that in cases of locally advanced laryngeal tumors resection may be performed. However, after these operations from 22 to 57% of patients couldn’t be rehabilitated due to the difficulty in creating of sufficient lumen of the larynx, development of chondroperihondritis, growth of granulation tissue, fibrosis formation and stenosis of the larynx (Bukhman L.A., 1982; Bityutskij P.T., 1990; Park H.Y., 2009; SoYeonLimatal, 2012).Лечение и реабилитация больных раком гортани является сложной проблемой, так как большинство больных (60–70%) поступают на лечение в 3 и 4 стадиях заболевания. Основным видом хирургического вмешательства является ларингэктомия которая приводит к нарушению функций органа и инвалидизации. Известно, что при местно – распространенных опухолях гортани возможно выполнение резекций. Однако после этих операций н удается реабилитировать от 22 до 57% больных вследствие трудностей при создании достаточного просвета гортани, развития хондроперихондрита, роста грануляций, образования рубцов и стеноза этого органа. (Л. А. Бухман 1982г, П. Т. Битюцкий 1990, Park H. Y., 2009; SoYeonLimatal., 2012 и др. соавторы)

    Триасовый нефтегазоносный комплекс – потенциальный объект для прироста ресурсной базы Западной Сибири

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    The paper considers the results of analysis of information on the distribution of the Triassic deposits on the Western Siberia territory. It was established that the Triassic deposits are at different stages of catagenesis. Analysis of sediments distribution allowed defining that the highest potential for oil content is at the central and southern parts, and for gas at the northern area. It is assumed that the deep-seated Triassic deposits at the north of Western Siberia may be considered as a new potential gas-bearing object.Приводятся данные о распространении триасовых отложений на территории Западной Сибири. В связи с тем, что триасовые отложения находятся на разных стадиях катагенеза, установлена следующая закономерность: нефтеносны ее центральная и южная части, а газоносна – северная. Сделано предположение о том, что глубокопогруженные триасовые отложения севера Западной Сибири могут быть новым потенциальным газоносным объектом

    Education as the management of research universities students’ socialization

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the demand for professionals who are not only competitive in the labor market, but also ready to construct career in the flow of social transformations. The processes of socialization and vocational education are dialectically interrelated. Education, as a structural component of vocational education is considered as the management process of socialization, providing personal self-realization, its positioning as an active entity of social reality. The purpose of the paper is to identify the characteristics of education as a management process of research universities students’ socialization. The leading method is the method of action research, allowing to obtain new knowledge about education as the management of socialization process and to propose methods of educating of research universities students. The article defines the essence of socialization, as a process of assimilation of social experience by joining the social environment and active reproduction of social relations’ system; functions are clarified (assimilation of social information, the development of diverse forms of activities and communication, the awareness of being the actor of social reality, self-realization, participation in the reproduction of social experience) and types (positive, negative, reformation) of socialization; the features of education as a students’ socialization process management are revealed (subjectivity, adaptability, humanity, dedication, nationality); the methods of education are proposed (psychological-pedagogical, subject-creative, cognitive-oriented) as the management process of research universities students’ socialization. Article Submissions can be useful for teachers of research universities; for centers of personnel advanced training and retraining in the training content selection and structuring of research universities’ scientific and pedagogical staff

    Soil water regime and crop yields in relation to various technologies of cultivation in the Kulunda Steppe (Altai Krai)

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    This article presents the results of crop yield in areas with different technologies of cultivation based on the network of automatic stations that provide data on climatic and soil-hydrological monitoring in the dry steppe during the vegetation period of May–September 2013–2016 . These data  on regional ecological and climatic parameters are of great interest to the ecologists, plant physiologists, and farmers working in the Kulunda Plain (Altai Territory). We compared the following options for cropping technologies: the modern system, which is the "no-till", technology without autumn tillage;the intensive technology of deep autumn tillage by plough PG-3-5 at a depth of 22–24 cm. Cultivation of crops was carried out using the following scheme of crop rotation: the modern system: 1–2–3–4 (wheat – peas – wheat – rape); the intensive system: 5/6 – 7/8 – 9/10 (fallow – wheat – wheat). We believe that the use of modern technology in these conditions is better due to exchange between the different layers of soil. When  the ordinary Soviet system , the so-called "plow sole" , was used , at a depth of 24 cm , we observed that this creates a water conductivity barrier that seems to preclude the possibility of lifting water from the lower horizons. Results of the study of infiltration of soil moisture at the depth of 30 and 60 cm  have shown in some years the advantages of the modern technology over the ordinary Soviet system: in the version with the use of modern technology we can trace better exchange between the various horizons and , probably,  moisture replenishment from the lower horizons. Differences in individual observation periods are comparatively large due to the redistribution of soil moisture, depending on the weather conditions, the crops used in the crop rotations, and cultivation techniques. Moreover, the average moisture reserves within the one meter layer did not show any significant differences during the growing seasons of 2013–2016 . In terms of soil moisture usage and productive grain yield according to the four year experiment, the application of the modern technology with crop rotation "wheat – rape – wheat – peas" was more effective than the ordinary Soviet system with crop rotation "wheat – fallow – wheat – wheat". The four-year observation period is clearly insufficient to identify the advantages of the modern system, as during this time it is impossible to significantly improve soil quality indicators, which will continue to determine its water-retaining properties and moisture accumulation