45 research outputs found

    [Vzroki za nastanek raka testisov]

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    Causes of fertile disturbances in oncological male patients

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    Prevention of fertility disturbances in oncological male patients

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    Complications at interstitial radiotherapy of gynecological carcinoma

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    Metastases to the breast from melanoma: a rare manifestation of an unpredictable malignant disease

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    Kajenje in pasivno kajenje

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    Pljučni rak je še vedno nacionalni problem

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    Malignant mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer, the incidence of which is still increasing both in our country and also throughout the world. In Slovenia, the production and use of asbestos was prohibited in 1996, but we have not yet managed to reduce the burden of this disease due to the extremely long latency period between exposure to asbestos and incidence of the disease. Different clinical trials confirmed the effectiveness of systemic treatment, such as the combination of cisplatin and gemcitabin and the combination of cisplatin and pemetrexed. So far, only the Netherlands and Slovenia have managed to prove that modern chemotherapy treatment statistically significantly prolonged the median overall survival of the entire population of patients with this disease.Maligni mezoteliom uvrščamo med redke rake, njegova incidenca pa še vedno narašča pri nas in v svetu. V Sloveniji smo zakonsko prepovedali proizvodnjo in uporabo azbesta leta 1996, vendar še nismo zmanjšali bremena te bolezni, ker je latentni čas med izpostavljenostjo azbestu ter obolevnostjo zelo dolg. Različne klinične raziskave so potrdile učinkovitost sistemskega zdravljenja, kot sta kombinaciji cisplatina in gemcitabina ter cisplatina in pemetrekseda. Do sedaj smo samo na Nizozemskem in v Sloveniji dokazali, da je sodobno kemoterapevtsko zdravljenje statistično značilno podaljšalo srednje celokupno preživetje celotne populacije bolnikov s to boleznijo