1,584 research outputs found

    Spatial filtering in multichannel magnetoencephalography

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    Partial differential equations in boundary-value problems have been studied in order to estimate the influence of several geometrical and physical parameters involved in the outward transmission of the brain's magnetic field. Explicit Green kernels are used to obtain integral forms of generalized solutions which can be deduced from each other, as expressed over concentric spherical surfaces. That leads to numerical applications dealing with the radial component of the magnetic field. From this study, a new spatial filtering is proposed as a possible improvement in two-dimensional magnetoencephalographic mapping using large multisensors

    The origin of very wide binary systems

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    The majority of stars in the Galactic field and halo are part of binary or multiple systems. A significant fraction of these systems have orbital separations in excess of thousands of astronomical units, and systems wider than a parsec have been identified in the Galactic halo. These binary systems cannot have formed through the 'normal' star-formation process, nor by capture processes in the Galactic field. We propose that these wide systems were formed during the dissolution phase of young star clusters. We test this hypothesis using N-body simulations of evolving star clusters and find wide binary fractions of 1-30%, depending on initial conditions. Moreover, given that most stars form as part of a binary system, our theory predicts that a large fraction of the known wide 'binaries' are, in fact, multiple systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 266, eds. R. de Grijs & J.R.D. Lepin

    Charge noise analysis of an AlGaAs/GaAs quantum dot using transmission-type radio-frequency single-electron transistor technique

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    Radio-frequency (rf)- operated single-electron transistors (SETs) are high-sensitivity, fast-response electrometers, which are valuable for developing new insights into single-charge dynamics. We investigate high-frequency (up to 1 MHz) charge noise in an AlGaAs/GaAs quantum dot using a transmission-type rf-SET technique. The electron capture and emission kinetics on a trap in the vicinity of the quantum dot are dominated by a Poisson process. The maximum bandwidth for measuring single trapping events is about 1 MHz, which is the same as that required for observing single-electron tunneling oscillations in a measurable current (~0.1pA).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Appl. Phys. Let

    Evolution of SU(4) Transport Regimes in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots

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    We study the evolution of conductance regimes in carbon nanotubes with doubly degenerate orbitals (``shells'') by controlling the contact transparency within the same sample. For sufficiently open contacts, Kondo behavior is observed for 1, 2, and 3 electrons in the topmost shell. As the contacts are opened more, the sample enters the ``mixed valence'' regime, where different charge states are strongly hybridized by electron tunneling. Here, the conductance as a function of gate voltage shows pronounced modulations with a period of four electrons, and all single-electron features are washed away at low temperature. We successfully describe this behavior by a simple formula with no fitting parameters. Finally, we find a surprisingly small energy scale that controls the temperature evolution of conductance and the tunneling density of states in the mixed valence regime.Comment: 4 pages + supplementary info. The second part of the original submission is now split off as a separate paper (0709.1288

    Scanning Gate Spectroscopy on Nanoclusters

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    A gated probe for scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) has been developed. The probe extends normal STM operations by means of an additional electrode fabricated next to the tunnelling tip. The extra electrode does not make contact with the sample and can be used as a gate. We report on the recipe used for fabricating the tunnelling tip and the gate electrode on a silicon nitride cantilever. We demonstrate the functioning of the scanning gate probes by performing single-electron tunnelling spectroscopy on 20-nm gold clusters for different gate voltages.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Phase Transition in a Multi-Level Dot

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    We discuss electronic transport through a lateral quantum dot close to the singlet-triplet degeneracy in the case of a single conduction channel per lead. By applying the Numerical Renormalization Group, we obtain rigorous results for the linear conductance and the density of states. A new quantum phase transition of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type is found, with an exponentially small energy scale T∗T^* close to the degeneracy point. Below T∗T^*, the conductance is strongly suppressed, corresponding to a universal dip in the density of states. This explains recent transport measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figures, published versio

    Non Equilibrium Noise as a Probe of the Kondo Effect in Mesoscopic Wires

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    We study the non-equilibrium noise in mesoscopic diffusive wires hosting magnetic impurities. We find that the shot-noise to current ratio develops a peak at intermediate source-drain biases of the order of the Kondo temperature. The enhanced impurity contribution at intermediate biases is also manifested in the effective distribution. The predicted peak represents increased inelastic scattering rate at the non-equilibrium Kondo crossover.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Kondo effect in coupled quantum dots with RKKY interaction: Finite temperature and magnetic field effects

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    We study transport through two quantum dots coupled by an RKKY interaction as a function of temperature and magnetic field. By applying the Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) method we obtain the transmission and the linear conductance. At zero temperature and magnetic field, we observe a quantum phase transition between the Kondo screened state and a local spin singlet as the RKKY interaction is tuned. Above the critical RKKY coupling the Kondo peak is split. However, we find that both finite temperature and magnetic field restore the Kondo resonance. Our results agree well with recent transport experiments on gold grain quantum dots in the presence of magnetic impurities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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