5 research outputs found

    Why Muscle is an Efficient Shock Absorber

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    Copyright: © 2014 Ferenczi et al. Skeletal muscles power body movement by converting free energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical work. During the landing phase of running or jumping some activated skeletal muscles are subjected to stretch. Upon stretch they absorb body energy quickly and effectively thus protecting joints and bones from impact damage. This is achieved because during lengthening, skeletal muscle bears higher force and has higher instantaneous stiffness than during isometric contraction, and yet consumes very little ATP. We wish to understand how the actomyosin molecules change their structure and interaction to implement these physiologically useful mechanical and thermodynamical properties. We monitored changes in the low angle x-ray diffraction pattern of rabbit skeletal muscle fibers during ramp stretch compared to those during isometric contraction at physiological temperature using synchrotron radiation. The intensities of the off-meridional layer lines and fine interference structure of the meridional M3 myosin x-ray reflection were resolved. Mechanical and structural data show that upon stretch the fraction of actin-bound myosin heads is higher than during isometric contraction. On the other hand, the intensities of the actin layer lines are lower than during isometric contraction. Taken together, these results suggest that during stretch, a significant fraction of actin-bound heads is bound non-stereo-specifically, i.e. they are disordered azimuthally although stiff axially. As the strong or stereo-specific myosin binding to actin is necessary for actin activation of the myosin ATPase, this finding explains the low metabolic cost of energy absorption by muscle during the landing phase of locomotion.The work was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grants 11-04-00908 to A.K.T. and 11-04-00750 to S.Y.B., by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences to S.Y.B., by the Medical Research Council (UK) G0501704 to M.A.F, by an EBSA Travel Fellowship to G.V.K., and by a Royal Society Travel award to N.A.K. and A.K.T

    FRET characterisation for cross-bridge dynamics in single-skinned rigor muscle fibres

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    In this work we demonstrate for the first time the use of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) as an assay to monitor the dynamics of cross-bridge conformational changes directly in single muscle fibres. The advantage of FRET imaging is its ability to measure distances in the nanometre range, relevant for structural changes in actomyosin cross-bridges. To reach this goal we have used several FRET couples to investigate different locations in the actomyosin complex. We exchanged the native essential light chain of myosin with a recombinant essential light chain labelled with various thiol-reactive chromophores. The second fluorophore of the FRET couple was introduced by three approaches: labelling actin, labelling SH1 cysteine and binding an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogue. We characterise FRET in rigor cross-bridges: in this condition muscle fibres are well described by a single FRET population model which allows us to evaluate the true FRET efficiency for a single couple and the consequent donor–acceptor distance. The results obtained are in good agreement with the distances expected from crystallographic data. The FRET characterisation presented herein is essential before moving onto dynamic measurements, as the FRET efficiency differences to be detected in an active muscle fibre are on the order of 10–15% of the FRET efficiencies evaluated here. This means that, to obtain reliable results to monitor the dynamics of cross-bridge conformational changes, we had to fully characterise the system in a steady-state condition, demonstrating firstly the possibility to detect FRET and secondly the viability of the present approach to distinguish small FRET variations