2 research outputs found

    Attachment and narrative strategies of autobiographical memories in patients with depression

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    Cieľom výskumu bolo overiť súvislosti a predikovať dimenzie partnerskej citovej väzby udepresívnych pacientov pomocou sekvenčných tém vlife-story interview. Metóda pološtrukturovaného interview bola administrovaná hospitalizovaným pacientom sdepresívnou symptomatikou. Účelom výskumu bola aj identifikácia naratívnych tém, objavujúcich sa typicky pre depresívnych pacientov. Bolo zistené, že u pacientov s vyhýbavou citovou väzbou k partnerovi sa častejšie objavovali témy interpersonálneho prijatia a odmietania, ako u pacientov s bezpečnou a úzkostnou citovou väzbou. Interpersonálne účastnícky zamerané spomienky pacientov boli spojené s úzkosťou vo vzťahu k partnerovi, a taktiež s vyšším počtom redempcií. Diskutuje sa prepojenie sekvenčných tém abenefitov využitia life-story interview vterapii depresívneho pacienta.The paper is focused on the verification and on the prediction of partners attachment dimension in depressed patiens by using of narrative themes in life-story interview. The method of semi-structured interview was administered to hospitalized patients with depressive symptomatology. The purpose of the research was also to identify narrative themes emerging typically in depressed patients. It was found more frequent occurance of interpersonal acceptance and rejection topics in patients with avoidant attachment to a partner than in patients with a safe and anxious attachment. Communion memories of patients were associated with attachment anxiety to the partner and also with higher number of redemptions. The connection of sequence themes and benefits of using life-story interview in psychotherapy of depressed patients is discussed. Kristína Kotrčová, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] Lacinová, Institute for Research on Children, Youth and Families, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected]